Which is your preference?

Thanks for the votes!

I’m glad people are liking [name]Guinevere[/name]. I was afraid I’d get a ton of the “this is too much name/this is to over the top” kind of comments and would be forced to ask over and over why my other names weren’t but [name]Guinevere[/name] was. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone else?

I like [name]Genevieve[/name] as it has the ‘e’ sound and so does [name]Sophia[/name] so it has a subtle rhyme. It is a sweet sounding. [name]Guinevere[/name] is more difficult to say and not as soft sounding- especially the Guin part. Historic reference wouldn’t bother me in this case.

What about these nn suggestions to help sell [name]Genevieve[/name] to DH:
[name]Neve[/name] (nee-v)
Nevie (nee-vee)
Vieve (vee-v)
Vievie/ [name]Vivi[/name]/ [name]Vivie[/name]/Vevie (Vee-vee)
[name]Gena[/name] (gee-nah) (has a great retro Hollywood vibe)
[name]Genie[/name] (gee-nee)
[name]Gigi[/name] (gee-gee)

These suggestion are linked yet different from the more standard nn choices.

PS love [name]Genevieve[/name] with [name]Sophia[/name]… so pretty.

I like [name]Gigi[/name], [name]Vivi[/name], [name]Neve[/name] sort of. [name]Gena[/name] would be nice but my awful boss is named [name]Gena[/name] spelled differently.

Thanks for putting in some extra work though, I really appreciate it!

[name]Cody[/name] says he still like [name]Guinevere[/name] better and it’s the only way he won’t call her [name]Sophie[/name]. He liked [name]Gwen[/name] better than [name]Sophie[/name]. He is willing to think on these other nicknames though :slight_smile: We’ll see!