Which name to choose?! Help please:)

I’m 6months pregnant with first baby and still have no idea!
On the list we’ve got:

[name]Apollo[/name] (nickname [name]Olly[/name])
[name]Tobias[/name] (nickname [name]Toby[/name])

Any favorites or similar suggestions? I don’t want it to common but I don’t want it super weird either.

OH but we do have middle names pretty sorted [name]Alexander[/name] Ngakau. My husband isn’t keen on [name]Alexander[/name] for a first name, it’s a family name. Ngakau is a Maori name meaning heart.


My absolute favorite of your choices is [name]Oscar[/name]. I think it is a great name that is underused (and I only say that because I haven’t met too many Oscars of any age, not because I’ve actually looked up the statistics.) My only concern with it in your case would be the repeating r sound at the end of [name]Oscar[/name] and [name]Alexander[/name]. [name]Just[/name] something to consider if flow is important for you.
Your other choices are nms, but I think [name]Lennan[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] works well. My least favorite would probably be [name]Apollo[/name] (which is the name my cousin recently named her son). I just feel like it is a lot to live up to. Good luck!

I love [name]Tobias[/name]! I think it’s a name that’s fairly unheard of but not weird either. Plus the nn [name]Toby[/name] is great, especially while he’s a kid. Second would probably be [name]Samson[/name]. I like that it’s different from the usual [name]Samuel[/name] but still not odd.

I love [name]Tobias[/name]!

I adore [name]Tobias[/name], nn [name]Toby[/name]. [name]Samson[/name] would be my second pick. Although [name]Samson[/name] [name]Tobias[/name] is rather handsome :slight_smile:

[name]Samson[/name] is so cute!

I like [name]Samson[/name] and [name]Tobias[/name] best. [name]Oscar[/name] is okay but I can never get over the grouch reference. Good [name]Luck[/name]!

I love [name]Tobias[/name]! [name]Lennan[/name] would get misspelled as [name]Lennon[/name] a lot. [name]Samson[/name] is cool, but, the Biblical character is too sad. [name]Oscar[/name] is nice. I like [name]Apollo[/name]! But I’m not sure it fits your goal of “not too out there.”


I think [name]Apollo[/name] wouldn’t fit since it is still classified as “weird” at least if I heard it I would think it was unique.

[name]Love[/name] [name]Oscar[/name]! [name]Oscar[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] Ngakau is really handsome. I love [name]Toby[/name], too, but not [name]Tobias[/name], and [name]Tobias[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] Ngakau is a bit of a mouthful–have you considered [name]Tobin[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] Ngakau?

Good luck!

[name]Tobias[/name]!!! It’s such a great name, and needs to get some more love [name]IMO[/name]. I think it’s the most solid and timeless as well as interesting of your choices. [name]Tobias[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] Ngakau is very handsome!

I love the flow of [name]Samson[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] Ngakau! I also like [name]Lennan[/name], but agree that it would be misinterpreted as [name]Lennon[/name].

I like [name]Oscar[/name] by itself, but I think that [name]Oscar[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] isn’t the best flow, the ending of [name]Oscar[/name] is almost lost in the beginning of [name]Alexander[/name] and they both end in the same sort of sound.

[name]Tobias[/name] is Definitely my favorite! Of course thats my pic for our baby if its a boy. I also Like [name]Oscar[/name] a lot and they both go well with [name]Alexander[/name]. I confess I’m not sure how to pronounce your other MN.