See the results of this poll: Which of these names are absolutely unusable with the surname Gysler?
Respondents: 68 (This poll is closed)
- Skylar : 48 (56%)
- Walker : 16 (19%)
- River : 13 (15%)
- None. All are doable.: 9 (10%)
Respondents: 68 (This poll is closed)
I think skylar would be unusable because the y + ler sound is too rhymey but [name_u]River[/name_u] could work, even with the repeating er of your last name the v is strong enough to help it from being too matchy. [name_u]Walker[/name_u] might be okay too. I’d still consider other options though, but if walker or river feel like THE name you could probably get away with it.
I agree with all of this.
If the first names were 3 or more syllables it would sound better. We have a two syllable surname that ends with [name_m]SON[/name_m]. Two syllable [name_m]SON[/name_m] names can be okay but names like [name_m]Harrison[/name_m] and [name_u]Emerson[/name_u] (favorites) are much better.
But you need to go with the names that feel like The One. Lots of people have names that do not flow well with middle names or surnames. Most people wouldn’t even notice.
I agree with everyone else-- [name_u]River[/name_u] and [name_u]Walker[/name_u] can work. They aren’t the best flow, but they’re still good names. I think [name_u]River[/name_u] works best. The ‘k’ sound in [name_u]Walker[/name_u] doesn’t work so fantastically with the ‘g’ sound in Gysler. The two sounds can sound very similar sometimes. I think [name_u]Skylar[/name_u] shares too many similar sounds with Gysler. BUT, if you really love it and think it’s THE name, then use it. The flow of a name isn’t the be all, end all. If you’d be happy with the name regardless, then it’s the right name for you. =]
Good luck on finding your perfect name and, ultimately, if you love it, it doesn’t matter what any of us say! Personally, I am not a big fan of the “r” ending of the first name when you have an “r” ending of your last name (I also have an “r” ending surname) - it sounds difficult to differentiate the first and last. For me, [name_u]River[/name_u] is my least favorite of these names because your last name sounds too much like Geyser. So, [name_u]River[/name_u] Geyser is a little too much water play for my taste. Best of luck!
[name_u]River[/name_u] sounds just fine with it, [name_u]Walker[/name_u] is not too bad, but [name_u]Skylar[/name_u] is a little matchy. Ultimately though, flow isn’t a deal breaker. My first/last name have a lot of ssss sounds and it’s a bit odd to say but it hasn’t hindered me at all.
I think [name_u]Skylar[/name_u] sounds pretty close to your last name, but if you really like it then I think you should use it.
Hmm, I disagree with pps—[name_u]River[/name_u] works fine, but I actually think [name_u]Skylar[/name_u] is OK too. [name_m]Don[/name_m]'t care for [name_u]Walker[/name_u] with your surname because there are a lot of “labor-intensive” sounds close together (especially the lk and g so close), plus the repetitive ending. It’s just a bit tougher to say.
To me, [name_u]Skylar[/name_u] Gysler sounds cool because the two names are so similar. The only similar example I can come up with quickly is [name_f]Rita[/name_f] Skeeter ([name_m]Harry[/name_m] [name_m]Potter[/name_m] character), whose name is so breezy and cool with the matching cadence and repeated “eet” sound in the middle.
I agree with what’s been said too but it’s all subjective anyways. I think [name_u]Skylar[/name_u] is where your heart really lies and if it sounds great to you, use it! Everyone on here has their own style of naming and opinions will be filtered through that.
I agree with ceryle–I love the sound of [name_u]Skylar[/name_u] Gysler! I think it is easier to say with your last name than [name_u]Walker[/name_u] or [name_u]River[/name_u]. I think [name_u]Skylar[/name_u] sounds poetic and flowy with Gysler rather than matchy or rhymey.
Maybe I’m nuts, but [name_u]Skylar[/name_u] Gysler works 100% fine — especially since Gysler rhymes with “ice” and not “guy.” They do not rhyme and the “s” in the middle of Gysler breaks up the matchiness. I think you could absolutely use it and I’d even go out on a limb and say that some people are voting against it because they don’t like the name.
There are so many babies born with names like [name_u]Madison[/name_u] [name_m]Johnson[/name_m], [name_f]Ava[/name_f] [name_m]Davis[/name_m], [name_u]Parker[/name_u] [name_u]Walker[/name_u], [name_f]Emily[/name_f] [name_u]Bailey[/name_u], etc. [name_u]Skyler[/name_u] Gysler works fine. Good luck!
My tongue gets tied up trying to say [name_u]Skylar[/name_u] Gysler. Have you considered just [name_u]Sky[/name_u]? [name_u]River[/name_u] and [name_u]Walker[/name_u] both sound okay with Gysler. Sometimes, the names we love don’t fit perfectly with surnames, but you have to make the call whether it’s a deal breaker. For instance, I like [name_u]Reese[/name_u]. It’s a family name, and it holds a lot of meaning for me, but I could never use it with our surname, Pease. [name_u]Skylar[/name_u] might be that name for you, but you have to make the call.
I voted against [name_u]Skylar[/name_u] in the poll because there are so many shared sounds purely on flow and sound considerations it doesn’t work great. However after thinking about it a little more, I don’t think it’s actually unusable. [name_u]Skylar[/name_u] Gyler would be unusable, but [name_u]Skylar[/name_u] Gysler is just different enough to get by. Like other people have said, flow isn’t the most important consideration unless the sound bothers you personally.
I think you should go with [name_u]Skylar[/name_u]. It’s where your heart lies, and I think it sounds cool with your last name.
It’s so funny that all three names have three different kinds of arguments against them (some of which I hadn’t thought of) that seem to bother people to totally different degrees: [name_u]Skylar[/name_u] because of sound, [name_u]Walker[/name_u] because, as ceryle points out, it’s two occupation surnames in a row, and and [name_u]River[/name_u] because, as sarahcschro points out, [name_u]River[/name_u] Gysler sounds like [name_u]River[/name_u] Geyser and that’s two water names - a different kind of “flow” problem, ha!
But I [name_u]LOVE[/name_u] hearing this:
It’s so great that some people not only think the sound is not a dealbreaker, but that it sounds nice - poetic, even!
I also appreciated the responses from people who didn’t really like the sound but thought it wasn’t a dealbreaker if we love it. “Flow” has never been a big thing for me in naming, so I really just wanted a barometer on how bad it would be. After talking it over with my fiancé, [name_u]Skylar[/name_u] is the boy name we’re planning on! We just really love it so much that if we can get away with it without it seeming absolutely ridiculous to everyone else, we will. [name_u]River[/name_u] is still on the list, too. [name_u]Walker[/name_u] for a possible middle (though obviously not with an -er/-ar first)! Thanks for the help!
I think [name_u]River[/name_u] sounds fine but the other two may be a stretch
Since you both have Dutch heritage, maybe you would like [name_m]Rhett[/name_m] Gysler? I think [name_m]Rhett[/name_m] sounds very nice with your last name! I don’t think any of the names you like are useable as they sound too matchy with your last name.