Which One Os Your Favorite????

See the results of this poll: What Name?

Respondents: 14 (This poll is closed)

  • Mateo (b) : 2 (14%)
  • Luca (b) : 8 (57%)
  • Bellamy (g) : 2 (14%)
  • Rylie (g) : 0 (0%)
  • Rowan (g): 2 (14%)

I really like [name]Luca[/name] on a boy. It seems to fit right in with the other A ending boy names ([name]Ezra[/name], [name]Elijah[/name], [name]Joshua[/name]…).

I’ve always liked [name]Luca[/name]. Makes me think of the handsome Italian soccer player [name]Luca[/name] [name]Toni[/name]!