Which Pr. of Isolde?

See the results of this poll: Which Pr. of Isolde?

Respondents: 58 (This poll is closed)

  • EE-SAUL-DUH : 10 (17%)
  • EE-SOLD : 39 (67%)
  • Other: 9 (16%)

I pronounce it more like ISS-OLD… but I might be wrong ^^.

Since I think it comes from the original spelling of [name_f]Yseult[/name_f], I try to say it as close to that as possible, which on your list is ee-sold. Other ways I might think to pronounce it are iss-old and ice-old, but ee-sold definitely sounds better :slight_smile:
BTW, I think ee-saul-duh just sounds like ee-sold with an accent.

I don’t know about correct but I say it most like EE-ZOLD

I say ee-sol-duh (sort of a mesh between the two you offered).

I pronounce it as bibliophile does.

I say iss-old-uh.

It’s three syllables. I say ee-ZOL-deh.

Yeah, I say it most like this I think.

I say ih-zold, but voted EE-sold because they’re close enough.

I’m pretty sure the correct pronounciation is with three syllables, but I prefer it with two :stuck_out_tongue:

Ditto, but sometimes I give it a little “eh” sound at the end.

I say it ee-zold-eh because that’s the way my professors say it and it’s the only way I’ve ever heard it.