~ why did you choose your username?

i’m sure this has come up before, but i think it’s a fun question :blush:

why did you choose the username that you did?

for me, i just took two of my favorite names at the time and made a combo, and then the 99 is my favorite number!


I’m terrible at coming up with usernames so I just chose two things I liked/that people associated with me and went with that.
It was a username I used for a couple of websites at the time as well.
Not very namenerdy of me :joy:
I’d change it but I don’t know what to and I don’t want to be confusing.


[name_f]My[/name_f] username is the french word for cashew, and comes from an inside joke with my brother!


@LeafTree haha, that’s certainly one way to do it! love it :grin:

@acajou cool! that’s so fun!


that’s how i made my old username! eventually i stopped liking those two names, so i had to change it :sweat_smile:

my username is after one of my favourite folklore creatures!! it’s the huldra from norse mythology, which is a sort of nymph with a cow/fox tail and a back like a hollowed out tree. tallemaja is one of the names for a huldra, used less commonly in some parts of sweden! i chose it over huldra because i liked the sound, the nature connection (tall = pine in swedish) and that it has maja in it which sounds like maya, one of my online names!


I honestly don’t feel any connection to my username- lol. I came up with my username super quickly because I didn’t expect to be as active on nameberry as I ended up being :wink:

I live in the Northwest US so evergreens + rain just made sense. If I could go back I definitely wouldn’t taken more time to think about it :sweat_smile: I’ve wanted to change it to @/summersend for months, as an honor to my favorite song but I worry it would be too confusing. Plus I love my nameberry name (Evy) which is a short form of my user


I’ve always loved your username- it looks so pretty! how cool :smiling_face:

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@tallemaja that is actually so cool!!!

ngl, i’m kinda scared this is going to happen to me… we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it :grin:


same :joy: i love how your nameberry name is a kind of nickname for your username!! and @/summersend is really awesome!


thank you!! :yellow_heart: i wasn’t sure about it at first, because i was worried no one would know how to say it, but i figured as long as it was easy to spell i didn’t mind the mispronunciations too much! :,)

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I used my daughter’s name :heart: I have never been a part of a forum before so I didn’t realize that everyone would be able to see my username lol. I’d change it for privacy if I could… oh well :slight_smile:


@love.endures you can make a new account under a different email address, then PM @Kipperbo1 to have her switch everything over to the new account. You won’t lose anything during the switch!


@may.rose Thank you!! I’m gonna try that now :smiling_face:

Mine comes from [name_m]Little[/name_m] Women (my favorite book). It’s in the first few pages, when the four girls’ looks are first described. [name_f]Amy[/name_f] (the [name_u]March[/name_u] sister my mom thinks I am most like) is described as “a regular snow maiden.” And so. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I wasn’t quite sure what type of username people on here used. [name_u]Or[/name_u] that there was a character limit. So I tried to make mine “Foul bauble of man’s vanity” all run together, and Nameberry cut it off. In the novel, [name_m]Dracula[/name_m] “Foul bauble of man’s vanity” to describe a mirror. Looking back it would have been easier to just call myself Mirror, but then I would lose the [name_m]Dracula[/name_m] allusion.


-blue has been the end of various online names I’ve used over the years. It’s also my favourite colour and I like the sound.

[name_u]Grey[/name_u] sounds like the beginning of my name, so I just put them together


daisies are my favourite flowers, and on my best friends’ farm there’s a meadow where they grow! it’s a sort of fun honour for my two best friends as we used to spend a lot of time in this particular meadow as kids. i also like how daisy is simultaneously a name, which i liked for a nameberry username!


I find white gardenias so elegant and beautiful, and are my favourite flower. Many years ago when my husband and I were dating and going to a dressy event he would buy me a gardenia to wear. They also have a pretty scent.


oh my gosh for years now i just thought you really liked… grey blue!! like, this kind of blue specifically, cloudy day at the ocean vibes!


[name_f]My[/name_f] username is actually one of the many things that my brother calls me to make me stupid lol. I’ve come to embrace this one (not the fat or rat ones) and I think it makes an amusing and unusual nickname. The numbers at the end are just randomly typed numbers lol.


[name_f]My[/name_f] username is the name of a kind of food in Pokémon. I always thought it sounded cute, there’s no deeper meaning behind it. Sometimes I wonder if I should have a more aesthetic username like ~lavenderhoney but I think Poffin suits me :smiling_face: