Why is it....

That when you choose a name for your baby, you start hearing/seeing it EVERYWHERE??? Soooo frustrating!! Maybe it’s just because I’m more alert of it. But [name]Francesca[/name] seems to be everywhere. Not cool!

I only know one [name]Francesca[/name] and she’s goes to my high school.

maybe you’re just noticing it more :slight_smile:

I only know one … maybe you are just noticing it more?
My family loves to tell me when they hear either of my daughters’ names knowing full well that I am a crazy Mama who did not want any other children named the same names!

[name]Law[/name] of attraction? :slight_smile:

[name]Don[/name]'t worry, [name]Francesca[/name] isn’t too popular! It’s a lovely choice. I think you always notice your absolute favourite names more - they seem to jump out at you. You like the name, say, [name]Flora[/name], and you always notice when the journalist named [name]Flora[/name] writes for your daily paper, and your brain snaps to attention when you vaguely hear ‘[name]Flora[/name]’ amongst all the other names in the park.
