Wicked Names

Not the adjective, the noun. Last year I read Wicked (an semi-alternate [name]Wizard[/name] of [name]Oz[/name] backstory that follows the Wicked Witch of the [name]West[/name]) and saw the musical (I’d HIGHLY recommend both to anyone), and I’m curious about your opinions on the names used.

Elphaba (The Wicked Witch, who is portrayed as the heroine, and I particularly loved)
Galinda/[name]Glinda[/name] (The good witch; she changes her name in college to not have the ‘a’)

Other characters:



i [name]LOVE[/name] Wicked! i love the old timey and magical aspect of the names as well, they contrast nicely with the high profile run of the mill personalities of the students in the play, yet work very well… my favorite is Nessarose, though i wouldnt want to name a daughter after her]

I haven’t read the book, but I loved the play! Nessarose is also my favorite as a name. However, Elphaba was my favorite character. I would never name an actual child Elphaba, but I think [name]Elsie[/name] would be a cute derivation from it, since she goes by Elphie a lot. I think all of the names fit the characters very well, but I’m not really a fan of them in general, like to name an actual child.

Loved the musical! Very inspirational music and a great message for kids! If I recall correctly, Elphaba was derived from the author’s initials LFB (L [name]Frank[/name] Baum). I love [name]Glinda[/name], and a good variation would be Glynna. [name]Dorothy[/name] seems a bit plain, but the nn [name]Dory[/name] is cute.

I loved the musical too, and I never knew that about where Elphaba came from, but it makes total sense now you say it. I think Sarima could easily be used on a real person, it’s not too far off [name]Samara[/name].

Yeah, the LFB thing was really cool!

Any of you who have seen and loved the musical should definitely read the book. I read the book before getting into the musical, and they are SO different. The book is much darker, much more political and strange. But still FANTASTIC; I prefer book Elphaba to musical Elphaba, I related quite a bit to the book character.

It makes me so jealous; I wish I could come up with names like these. They’re so unique.

Liir. I love Liir :smiley: And Fiyero, such an awesome sound when you say it.

I loved the book Wicked ([name]Son[/name] of Witch not so much though). The musical was amazing but I was pretty annoyed when they:

Changed the ending x_x

Sort of ruined it for me :frowning: