Worldly, universal names

I’ve been thinking about traits that I want our daughter to have- adventurous, worldly, cultured, curious, wise, strong, free… It’s proven quite difficult to find a name that embodies all of these qualities. Some names we have so far are [name]Mina[/name], [name]Lydia[/name], [name]Saoirse[/name], [name]Freya[/name], and [name]Veda[/name] but we want more. I feel like these aren’t cutting it. Can you think of any names that embody these traits? A name that just feels free and adventurous, but grounded and wise. Maybe not everybody gets these “feelings” from a name, but if you do… Please help!

[name]Karey[/name] & [name]Chuck[/name]



[name]Esperanza[/name], [name]Noemi[/name], [name]Linnea[/name], [name]Malena[/name], [name]Aviva[/name], [name]Talia[/name]



To be honest? I immediately thought of [name]Emma[/name]. It literally means “universal” and its a very carefree, light name for a girl that ages well into a wise older woman.

I’ve been suggesting [name]Emma[/name] a lot today, I’ve noticed. Its a coincidence, I assure you.

Another carefree name that comes to mind is [name]Jubilee[/name]. It has a lot of history, but is associated with celebrations, and it has a very musical sound to it. If that’st too much, I’d suggest [name]Julia[/name], which literally means youthful. There was a 2 year old girl with blonde hair and big blue eyes named [name]Julia[/name] at the daycare I worked at. She was notorious for running around on her little stubby legs without her pants on after she went potty. The teachers would run after her yelling “[name]JULIE[/name]!” while her bare feet slapped loudly on the floor. If that’s not carefree, I don’t know what is.

Another name that came to mind is [name]Persephone[/name] (per-seph-oh-NEE). Its tied to Greek mythology and sounds great.

And as the names you suggested:



Hmm, free and grounded, wise and adventurous…


I think [name]Zoe[/name] or [name]Eva[/name] would fit your description.

[name]Minerva[/name] nn “[name]Minnie[/name]” (quite a contradiction, but that’s what you’re looking for)

[name]Nina[/name] and [name]Alba[/name] have these qualities to me.

I thought of the adventurer [name]Isabelle[/name] [name]Eberhardt[/name], who is best known for her quote, “Now more than ever do I realize that I will never be content with a sedentary life, that I will always be haunted by thoughts of a sun-drenched elsewhere.”
She lived in a time that was very restrictive for women, so she dressed as man in order to live her dream of seeing the world. [name]Isabelle[/name] also just happens to be a name that works in a lot of languages, is known worldwide and has a great history. I know it’s not as “out there” as some of your other picks, but I love the adventurous quality of this story.


[name]Sofia[/name] (means wisdom)
[name]Delphine[/name] (pretty French name)


Also, I recently read an article you may be interested in regarding naming based on conservatives vs liberals in [name]America[/name]: Baby Names Reveal Parents' Political Ideology | Live Science

My fist thought was [name]Saskia[/name].


[name]Nina[/name], [name]Zara[/name], and [name]Naomi[/name] come to mind

Names that I think fit your description:


For some reason the name [name]Iseult[/name] (also spelled [name]Isolde[/name]) jumped out at me as a good fit.

[name]Emilia[/name] is the name I thought of first. [name]Emilia[/name], not [name]Amelia[/name], which is too grounded and practical. When I think of a worldly name, the first thing I think is a name that has been used across the globe and has also existed for seemingly forever. According to, [name]Emilia[/name] is Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Finnish, Polish, Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish. Because it is used in so many different cultures, it does not belong to any people and so has a certain freedom in this fact alone. It is also [name]Roman[/name] and therefore truly ancient. It has existed almost sense the beginning of civilization, a fact which seems to lend it a great degree of wisdom and strength.

But [name]Emilia[/name] is not too attached to history. The name is so beautiful that it can continue to fit a girl of any time period. The sound of the name alone makes it whimsical and free.

Other names, including the ones that you and others suggested are also quite worldly, but in my opinion, [name]Emilia[/name] is one of the most universal names out there.