Worst real shortlist I have ever seen

Hey berries, go to Abbagaiyle Dainna vs. Raegaen Jorrjah vs. Rhilee Mahree : Baby Name Poll Results and help this poor lady out.

That’d be a fake post by some teenager with nothing better to do… That website is terrible for fake posters!

Are you sure?? Everybody on the site seems to think it is real.

It this isn’t a troll, some child-to-be somewhere is in deep trouble, and we need to report that to Child Services.

No kidding!

Yes I’m sure, you don’t have to sign up to that website to post polls. I gave up on it because during the school holidays the whole website is flooded with posts just like that one and any real ones just get swallowed into them… That’s when I found this website - thanks heavens!

The so-called genie gives some cracked out advice, too!

“My wife is Japanese and I’m American. I would like our daughter to have an American first name and a Japanese middle name. What do you think? Is the [name]Genie[/name] familiar with Japanese names?
[name]Baby[/name] Name [name]Genie[/name]:The lamp does make it difficult for me to get through airport security, but [name]Abbygail[/name] Kioko is the way to go.”