Worst spellings you've ever seen?

I know this doesn’t exactly go with the topic of the board, but what are some of the worst spellings you’ve ever seen? There’s some great names out there, but when they become yooneek…I want to vomit. The worst spelling I’ve ever seen:

Kloee. That’s supposed to be [name]Chloe[/name], in case you can’t tell. :slight_smile:

The only one I can think of right now is Maddicine ([name]Madison[/name]). Looks like medicine!

There are twins at my daughters school with the names

Kaelea and Aireeonna

I have a friend who knows someone that named their child [name]Zoey[/name], only they spelled it Xho’oui. Ridiculous!

Lcje- pronounced LaShay… this is a real person in my class, she’s about 18, it took the professor weeks to figure out how to say it.

Qristina - for [name]Christina[/name]

[name]Danyel[/name] - for [name]Daniel[/name]

TJ - representing absolutely nothing!


[name]Justyce[/name] (girl)

The worst I’ve seen on a girl: Jymeni (pronounced [name]Gemini[/name])
And on a boy: Eyzaiah ([name]Isaiah[/name])


My cousin spelt her daughter’s name [name]Em[/name]-jai (MJ).

These were name of kids at a dance camp that I worked at this summer

Airrickah - [name]Erica[/name]
Ahliejah - [name]Elijah[/name]
Shaene - [name]Shane[/name]
Mahreeah -[name]Maria[/name]

There were twins there named Abbiggaill and [name]Bethannie[/name]

Those are horrible! Ugh. I literally had to sound them out in my head.

I think this is one of THE WORST


Pronounced “[name]Honesty[/name]”

A little girl in my Pre-K class (I help out with reading). She is going to have so many problems learning how to spell!

[name]Aydin[/name]–I found it on the national list and even though it’s not as bad as some of the spellings here, it really bothers me.
Gabreighelle–taking the -eigh trend too far!!
[name]Lylah[/name]: I see no reason to add H onto names that shouldn’t have the letter! Also, adding Y to pretty [name]Lila[/name] makes it look like [name]Lyle[/name], a name I hate.
Also someone on another forum, I can’t remember who, mentioned LA-A, pronounced [name]Ladasha[/name]!

Ugh, I just don’t know why people would want to ruin [name]Isaiah[/name] that way! I’ve also seen the spelling [name]Izayah[/name].

Um, how did you remember all of those exact spellings from this summer?

I found a site that actually give ‘creative’ spellings! Here is their list of some of them. Now I kind of like SOME of the alternative spellings out there, but these are just… well - WOW!

[name]Allison[/name]-- Allisenne
[name]Ava[/name]–[name]Aeva[/name], [name]Avah[/name], Aevaeh, Ayva, [name]Aiva[/name]
[name]Avery[/name]-- Avaree, Avareigh
[name]Brianna[/name]-- Breighanna, [name]Bree[/name]-[name]Anna[/name]
[name]Destiny[/name]-- D’estiny, [name]Destanee[/name], Destyneigh
[name]Jennifer[/name]-- Jennyfer, [name]Jennipher[/name], Jennafer
[name]Jessica[/name]-- Jessicah, Jessycka
[name]Madison[/name]-- Madisenne
[name]Megan[/name]-- Maygun, [name]Maygen[/name]
[name]Michelle[/name]-- Mashell, M’shell
[name]Mia[/name]-- [name]Meah[/name], Meigha, Meayah
[name]Sophia[/name]-- Sofea, Soffia (reminds me of soffit), Sophya
[name]Taylor[/name]-- [name]Taelor[/name]

[name]Ethan[/name]-- [name]Eathan[/name]
[name]Isaac[/name]-- [name]Izak[/name], [name]Izaak[/name], [name]Isaak[/name], Izach
[name]Logan[/name]-- Loegan
[name]Michael[/name]-- Mykal, [name]Mychal[/name]
[name]Nicholas[/name]- [name]Nikkolas[/name]
[name]Tyler[/name]-- [name]Tylar[/name], [name]Tieler[/name]

[name]Read[/name] more: Suite 101 - How-tos, Inspiration and Other Ideas to Try

AAAAHHHH! My eyes! My eyes! I think I just seared my retinas reading these names! I pheel queezee now, and must go fynd my happee playce.


Bwahahahahaha! OMG that’s how I feel too. The idea that a website actually encourages this gives me the willies. Maygun? No, no, no!

The only one I can think of is one of my customers at the library and I only just put together what her name is “yooneek” for:

Safiya ([name]Sapphire[/name])


On the [name]Utah[/name] baby naming site, these are the words they say:

“Of course, keep in mind that you can always take the common name and give it its own unique spelling to make the name truly individual.”

An EXACT QUOTE!!! Here are some examples of the names they suggest:

And those are just the As! Here is the link: The Utah Baby Namer