Would you help with spelling this name?

I really like the sound of the name Pharaby. I’ve mentioned before on this board that it’s on both sides of family too (Pharaby/Pharaba). Anyways, I would consider using it in the future but worry about the issue of the spelling vs the sound.

It is pronounced “fair-ah-bee”.

It is like [name]Phoebe[/name] in the first sound of the “Ph” sounding like an “f” but with [name]Farrah[/name] being more common (and it sounding so similar) I wonder if anyone will ever get it right!

If it was a name for your daughter, how would you spell it?

Not being familiar with the name, that’s the pronunciation I came up with before I got to where you spelled it out. I feel like since it’s a family name, it would take something away from it to tinker with the spelling. I’d be interested to see if other people have trouble pronouncing it, though.

Never heard this one… I would spell it Pharabe…

I think just changing the y to an e would would help: Pharabe, but then again Pharaby is fine… I might have over thought it and ended up getting a “bye” sound at the end.

In the end I think I would just stick with the traditional spelling and suck it up when someone says it wrong… overall this would be a name I probably would just skip for that reason, but that’s just me.

I got the pronunciation right in my head when I first read it before you explained it, but I do like the suggestion of Pharabe. Since it would be for your girl I think it makes it more feminine as well.

I think it looks more ‘name-like’ spelled with an F. There is a surname Larrabee. Farraby? Farrabee?

Faraby would be my spelling suggestion. It’s a Persian surname.

Pharabe reads as fair-abe to me. Farraby/Faraby get to fair-ah-bee easier.

Pharabe is by far the best spelling, but will probably cause the most mispronunciations. [name]Don[/name]'t let that stop you though! Spelling it with an “F” rather than “Ph” immediately reminds me of Furby…haha. But maybe that’s just me :slight_smile: Other suggestions: Feraby, Farabie, Pharabie, Faribee, Faribie, Fairaby, Fairabie,

I would spell it the original way, Pharaby. I had no problem with the pronuciaction. However if you want to change it you could do Pharabe I guess. I wouldn’t change the “Ph” to an “F” because that takes something away from the name imo

“[name]Sabrina[/name]” is one of my favourite movies, so I was reminded of the Larrabees, and I thought maybe Farrabee could work? It looks less appealing in practice, but I thought it may have a chance, haha.
Faireby? It kind of takes a syllable out, though.
I think the suggestion of Faraby works, too. Actually, this may be the best & least complicated option.