I really like the sound of the name Pharaby. I’ve mentioned before on this board that it’s on both sides of family too (Pharaby/Pharaba). Anyways, I would consider using it in the future but worry about the issue of the spelling vs the sound.
It is pronounced “fair-ah-bee”.
It is like [name]Phoebe[/name] in the first sound of the “Ph” sounding like an “f” but with [name]Farrah[/name] being more common (and it sounding so similar) I wonder if anyone will ever get it right!
If it was a name for your daughter, how would you spell it?
Not being familiar with the name, that’s the pronunciation I came up with before I got to where you spelled it out. I feel like since it’s a family name, it would take something away from it to tinker with the spelling. I’d be interested to see if other people have trouble pronouncing it, though.
I think just changing the y to an e would would help: Pharabe, but then again Pharaby is fine… I might have over thought it and ended up getting a “bye” sound at the end.
In the end I think I would just stick with the traditional spelling and suck it up when someone says it wrong… overall this would be a name I probably would just skip for that reason, but that’s just me.
I got the pronunciation right in my head when I first read it before you explained it, but I do like the suggestion of Pharabe. Since it would be for your girl I think it makes it more feminine as well.
Pharabe is by far the best spelling, but will probably cause the most mispronunciations. [name]Don[/name]'t let that stop you though! Spelling it with an “F” rather than “Ph” immediately reminds me of Furby…haha. But maybe that’s just me Other suggestions: Feraby, Farabie, Pharabie, Faribee, Faribie, Fairaby, Fairabie,
I would spell it the original way, Pharaby. I had no problem with the pronuciaction. However if you want to change it you could do Pharabe I guess. I wouldn’t change the “Ph” to an “F” because that takes something away from the name imo
“[name]Sabrina[/name]” is one of my favourite movies, so I was reminded of the Larrabees, and I thought maybe Farrabee could work? It looks less appealing in practice, but I thought it may have a chance, haha.
Faireby? It kind of takes a syllable out, though.
I think the suggestion of Faraby works, too. Actually, this may be the best & least complicated option.