Part One: Write you own Life Story Game: Part One: Childhood and College years
What is your husband’s name? (your choice)
When was he born? (your choice)
Where did he grow up? (your choice)
Who raised him? (Your choice)
Does he have any siblings? If so, how many? (Your choice)
What is the birth order? (your choice)
What does his childhood home look like? (Your choice)
How did you meet him? (Your choice)
If you did not meet DH while in college, what school did he go to? (Your choice)
If you did not meet DH while in college, where did you move to after you graduated? (Your choice)
What did he major in? (your choice)
What does he want to do for work? (your choice)
What was the first date like? What did you do? (your choice)