
What do you think of “[name]Xanthe[/name]” as a first name? Is it too strange? Many have said it sounds like a sci-fi name or something, but I find it quite beautiful, both in written form and sound. maybe it’s just because I grew up with such a common name, I don’t see the problem with having a name that’s less known and unexpected…

What are your thoughts on [name]Xanthe[/name] and can you think of any nice middle names?

Second question, do you think it would work with a brother named [name]Silas[/name], and if not, what types of names would you picture in a set with this name?

[name]Silas[/name] [name]Martin[/name] [name]Woolf[/name]
and I was thinking maybe [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Marlowe[/name] [name]Woolf[/name] / [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Leona[/name] [name]Woolf[/name]?


I really like [name]Xanthe[/name] and think it would be fine with [name]Silas[/name]. As for a middle name, I’d go classic conservative to balance out the exotic [name]Xanthe[/name].

[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Jane[/name]
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Claire[/name]
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Margaret[/name]
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Victoria[/name]
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Louise[/name]
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Caroline[/name]
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name]

I grew up in a small (under 10k ppl), isolated community in north eastern [name]Canada[/name]. There was a [name]Xanthe[/name] in my town, and it was just her name. I don’t think anyone thought it was strange. Uncommon? Sure. Usable? Definitely!

I love [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Marlowe[/name]!!! It sounds great with [name]Silas[/name], as well. I liked poptart’s [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Caroline[/name], and [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Victoria[/name], and would add [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Beatrice[/name] to that. Although, I think [name]Marlowe[/name] would be my favourite.

[name]How[/name] do you pronounce it, btw? The girl I knew was pn Zanth-ee.

As the previous posters have pointed out, I too believe [name]Xanthe[/name] is usable and beautiful. It does have a bit of a sci-fi vibe, but I don’t think it’s overwhelming. [name]Xanthe[/name] is one of my favorites, too.

As another poster pointed out, I too would go with a more vanilla middle name…

[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Caroline[/name]
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Claire[/name]
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Eve[/name]
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Rose[/name]
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Marie[/name]
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Ann/name

– [name]Rebecca[/name]

Thanks, I was just wondering if I was “weird” for choosing this name or if there were others out there that could see potential with it. :slight_smile:

Now, as for the suggestions I really like [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Claire[/name] and [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Caroline[/name] (although [name]Caroline[/name] is the first name of a friend’s daughter, so I probably wouldn’t use that one.)

One other question, my sister’s middle name happens to be “[name]Marla[/name]” so I have shied away from using the “[name]Marla[/name] / [name]Marlo[/name]” names, but I just really love [name]Marlowe[/name] with it. [name]Do[/name] you think it would be odd to use a middle name so similar to my sister’s? -The name isn’t honoring anyone in our family, they would just happen to have two randomly chosen similar middle names, -or do you think a middle is not a biggie?
[name]Claire[/name] also happens to be my sister’s favorite name for a girl, ironically, so I couldn’t help but to think of her when I read these posts, and I also have reservations about taking that one.

Can you think of any others? Middles or sibling names suggestions?.. Thanks!!

I don’t think it would be too strange to have [name]Marlowe[/name] in the middle and have your sister named [name]Marla[/name]. [name]Even[/name] though it’s not in honour of her, she might think it is, since the names are pretty close. I’m [name]Allison[/name], and I think if one of my brother’s used [name]Alice[/name] or [name]Allie[/name], I might think it had something to do with me. Does that mean I’m full of my myself? Haha, I certainly hope not!! I just wouldn’t be surprised if your sister wondered the same thing. I don’t really think it’s a big deal, though. And unlike the other posters, I think of [name]Marlowe[/name] as a pretty regular name because I went to school with a [name]Marlowe[/name]. To me [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Marlowe[/name] is beautiful! As for other suggestions, maybe [name]Willow[/name]. So close to [name]Marlowe[/name], but farther from [name]Marla[/name], if that does concern you. Or [name]Margot[/name]! That’s my preferred spelling, but there is also [name]Margaux[/name], which a lot of people like.

For sibling suggestions? I have no idea, sorry! But if I think of something I’ll be back!

I like it. Nobody has mentioned yet that there’s a popular, pun-intensive fantasy series about a magical land called “Xanth.” Its name is based on the author’s own name, [name]Piers[/name] [name]Anthony[/name]. I wouldn’t consider this to be a drawback, but it’s worth knowing about.

You absolutely have to use [name]Xanthe[/name]! It is my beautiful granddaughter’s name and she is 15 months old. [name]Xanthe[/name] is such a sweet name with lots of history.

Because my name is [name]Caroline[/name] I would be absolutely thrilled if you called your daughter [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Caroline[/name] I think it sounds great!

Our little [name]Xanthe[/name] is [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Paige[/name] and her sister is [name]Chloe[/name]. So, I have two little granddaughters with Greek names.

I am sure you will be happy if you name your baby [name]Xanthe[/name].

She was almost named [name]Imogen[/name] till father saw how popular it was becoming but if you like [name]Imogen[/name] it makes a great combo with [name]Xanthe[/name], ie [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Imogen[/name].

PS I just noticed that you are considering [name]Marlowe[/name], well guess what my full name is [name]Caroline[/name] [name]Margot[/name], so you have superb taste in names as [name]Marlowe[/name] is a close as one could get to [name]Margot[/name]

rollo :slight_smile:

I really like a pp’s idea of [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Margaux[/name]! [name]Margaux[/name] (love that spelling with [name]Xanthe[/name]) is similar to [name]Marlowe[/name], but much further from [name]Marla[/name]. It’s quirky and beautiful!

Wow, I’ve never heard of the “magical land” Xanth, but that is interesting… maybe that’s where people get the sci-fi reference here, perhaps?

Labmama, thanks for the suggestion of [name]Willow[/name]. That’s a great choice, and I see your daughter is named that, very lovely, however it would be a bit “w” heavy with my last name “[name]Woolf[/name]” - great idea, though let me know of you think of any more! [name]Xanthe[/name] (pronounced [name]ZAN[/name]-the) __________ [name]Woolf[/name]. I also like [name]Margot[/name] / [name]Margaux[/name].

[name]Rollo[/name], that’s such a funny coincidence!!! I guess great minds think alike :wink: By the way, [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Paige[/name] is very adorable, and I really like your suggestion of [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Imogen[/name]. [name]Margot[/name] / [name]Marlo[/name] has literally been some of my [name]FAVORITE[/name] names since i was a child! I also think [name]Caroline[/name] is a very classy, adorable, first-rate name for a little girl, however, a close friend has taken this one already… oh well. It’s the exact kind I’m looking for though (longer, classy, and grounding with [name]Xanthe[/name])… so let me know if you have any other suggestions…

So, some I have thought about:
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Margaux[/name] - (too many x’s?)
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Claire[/name]
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Marlowe[/name]
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Victoria[/name]
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Beatrice[/name]
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Catherine[/name]
[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Iris[/name]
[name]Xanthe[/name] Charys

Any other ideas? Thanks everyone!

I love [name]Xanthe[/name], also like the other -the names [name]Ianthe[/name], [name]Evanthe[/name] and [name]Iolanthe[/name].

[name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Marlowe[/name] is knock-out. I think [name]Margaux[/name] is too many Xs, but [name]Marlowe[/name] is quirky, but not weird sounding, and has a bit of history behind it.

I love [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Leona[/name].

[name]Hi[/name] again I noticed that you said that you pronounced [name]Xanthe[/name] as [name]Zan[/name] the, did you mean [name]Zan[/name] thee? It has the long ‘e’ sound like [name]Chloe[/name].

rollo :slight_smile:

All your ideas are lovely, and will work very well for a new daughter.

The only thing I would say is that if you are seriously considering using [name]Claire[/name] as a middle name, talk to your sis first if it is her favourite name. She may or may not care, but it would be much better to make an informed decision about using the name. I personally would be gutted if my sister used my favourite girl name as a middle name, as it would rule it out for me, but I would feel the name was “wasted” in the middle spot.

I don’t think, however, the fact that your friend’s daughter is [name]Caroline[/name], prevents you using it as a middle name. I think [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Caroline[/name] is a lovely name.

[name]Rollo[/name], yes, I meant [name]ZAN[/name]-Thee, as in [name]Chloe[/name].

[name]March[/name], very good points thanks. I don’t think I would actually use the name [name]Claire[/name] at all. I wouldn’t feel right as my sister has mentioned liking this name in the past, however there are a LOT of names she has liked, so I’m not even sure she would use it… :wink: I’m also just not a fan of being a “copycat” in general, especially to a child that already has the name, which is why caroline feels out of consideration as well…even as a middle.

Another I’ve thought about is :

[name]Sylvie[/name] [name]Beatrix[/name] [name]Woolf[/name]

I know, this post is about [name]Xanthe[/name], but just getting some ideas… :mrgreen:

I lovelovelove [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Iris[/name]

[name]Xanthe[/name] is lovely. (I prn it [name]Zan[/name]-Thee)
I really like [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Marlowe[/name] or [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Margaux[/name]. I love the double x usage with [name]Margaux[/name].
But I think [name]Xanthe[/name] [name]Marlowe[/name] sounds very cool.

This is a very good mix as it is a combo of two names with strong roots in Greek mythology.

rollo :slight_smile:

This is a very good mix as it is a combo of two names with strong roots in Greek mythology.

rollo :slight_smile:

I have known two Xanthes, unfortunately both were dogs! But it’s a great name and underused [name]IMO[/name]. I don’t think sci-fi, I actually think classical myth… not sure why?