Your Characters and Their Favorite Foods

The title is pretty self-explanatory! Who are your characters and what is their favorite food? I’ll go first:

Kaminari Tsuchiya: a 21-year-old musician and dancer of Japanese and Irish descent living in Hollywood, California. Her favorite food is cheesy chili dogs because they’re the pinnacle of tasty food hedonism and are packed with enough calories to get her through the average workday. Chili dogs got that 2-for-1 combo for her.

Giuseppe Tamborello: a 45-year-old music manager and former convict of Italian and Jewish descent who originates from Brooklyn, New York and who currently lives in Hollywood, California as Kaminari’s manager/pseudo-father figure. His favorite food is Polenta, as it reminds of him of the rare moments in his childhood when his mom or grandmother would make him and his siblings a meal from scratch; it’s a bittersweet memory for him.

Zlatozara Dimitrova: a 23-year-old online model originating for Sofia City Province, Bulgaria and currently residing in Hollywood, California as Tamborello’s live-in girlfriend. Her favorite food is yogurt parfait because it reminds her of her homeland, of which she occasionally feels homesick about even if she was ultimately happy to get out of there.

Alright, there’s three examples now listed. Have fun with yours!

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[name_f]May[/name_f] I ask why? [name_m]Just[/name_m] curious since I really liked [name_f]Sofia[/name_f] (and Bulgaria in general) when I visited! :grin: Is it related to the plot or did she just not like the atmosphere or something?

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Her already hardened father, Marin, became more abusive after her mother, Stoyanka, died. She met Giuseppe online and after a year-long whirlwind romance, he promised her a better life and good career opportunities if she moved to America with him. At that time, 19-year-old Zlatozara didn’t have much going for her, so she took the opportunity while presented. Although she (mostly) enjoys living it up in America, she still feels guilt for leaving her dad, even if he wasn’t the best person in the world. Very sad. :cry:

Ash’s least favorite food is mac and cheese because it was poisoned once.

Selenite’s favorite food is chocolate.

Rhys/Mir’s favorite food is cornbread. All the time. It’s one of the few things they actually feel confident about.

Ix hates cornbread, but we hate Ix, so no one cares.

Pax’s favorite food is green apples. He loves them, he would eat literally any amount of them.

Ciro’s favorite food is caramel, all different kinds.