[name_f]My[/name_f] name is [name_f]Roksana[/name_f]. I am 40 and an Engineer. I am an American citizen, but [name_f]English[/name_f] is my second language. So, I need your help as a native speaker please. I am considering to change my legal name to [name_f]Roxy[/name_f] for multiple reasons:
Adopt American name spelling & simplify it
Easier at work for others & to remember my email hence better career success
Don’t have to answer to every 50+ yo male native speaker that yes, I have heard the song “Roxanne” or listen to them singing it to me. It just show what they think of it when they call my name [Not helpful at work]
Now, the question is what “Roxy” makes you feel/remind you of? Is it any better?
First of all, I absolutely love your name and especially in its current spelling. It’s also very intuitive to pronounce in English, and in my mind is a completely different name (in sound and general feel) than Roxanne.
The situation you describe sounds incredibly annoying! It seems highly unfair that you should be the one to change your name when it’s their behaviour that’s inappropriate here.
Roxy is a familiar nickname for Roxanne or Roxana in the UK and US, but it can also be spelled Roxie or sometimes Roxi, so I’m not sure that the change would have the desired effect of everyone immediately knowing how to spell it.
There’s also a Roxie song as well! Maybe slightly less well known, especially among 50+ year old men, but still fairly familiar.
Honestly, unless you personally dislike your name and actually want to change it, I would stick with Roksana! It’s beautiful, strong, distinctive and very intuitive to pronounce in English. I would practise your withering look to give the men who are rude enough to sing a song about a completely different name to you while you’re at work
I love your name and the spelling. I think it’s intuitive but I’m sure people misspell it as [name_f]Roxanne[/name_f].
I think [name_f]Roxy[/name_f] works. Someone I work with had a grandmother named [name_f]Roxy[/name_f] and I always thought how different for someone that she?!
Would going by [name_f]Roxy[/name_f] and leaving your legal name as is be of any relief? I just hate to see you give up your original name/heritage because of some people. If not, I do think [name_f]Roxy[/name_f] works.
i think if you like it go for it ! i personally don’t but that’s just my opinion. if you want a name really similar to roksana that is a little softer i’d recommend roseanne. it’s phonetic and wouldn’t have the roxanne connection. plus it has the adorable nickname rose/rosie ! roxy and roxanne just both remind me of the roxanne songs.
I live in the US and I like the name [name_f]Roxy[/name_f]! I don’t really think of the [name_f]Roxanne[/name_f] song with [name_f]Roxy[/name_f] very much. Actually I think of the junior surf brand, but anyway it’s a really cute name! The only potential issue I see with [name_f]Roxy[/name_f] compared to [name_f]Roksana[/name_f] or [name_f]Roxana[/name_f] is that it rhymes with foxy. However, hopefully no adults would be bringing this up! I agree with other posters that you shouldn’t have to put up with annoying coworkers teasing you about your name but it can be hard to get them to stop.
If the spelling is bothering you I think I would just change it to [name_f]Roxana[/name_f]. I think it’s easy enough to spell and sounds just like your name. If you really like the idea of being [name_f]Roxy[/name_f] it’s a great name too! It does sound a bit young or maybe like a nickname but it’s very memorable and spelling isn’t a problem.
You don’t really need to change your name legally since you could just go by [name_f]Roxy[/name_f]. [name_f]My[/name_f] name is [name_f]Katherine[/name_f] and I go exclusively by [name_f]Katie[/name_f]. All of my work related emails have only ever included my first initial so I’m not sure how much changing your name would help your email situation?
Thank you all for your feedbacks and recommendations. I am flattered that you all like my current spelling: ) And thank you [name_f]Katinka[/name_f] for attaching the [name_f]Roxie[/name_f] video clip! Your time and kindness to share your opinion is appreciated!