Your past favorites?

What are your past favorites that you don’t like anymore?
Is there a reason?

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I used to adore her so much. She felt so sweet and strong and classic. I still do love her, but the stereotype and association are unfortunately too strong now.


I used to LOVE [name_f]Abigail[/name_f]. I still like her a lot but [name_f]Abby[/name_f] doesn’t do much as a nn for me and I think I over liked her. Sometimes I get obsessive about things and it takes the joy out of them… and I think [name_f]Abigail[/name_f] is one of those things. I think I generally still like to some degree the names I used to love… although I’m not sure what prompted me to find [name_m]Travis[/name_m] [name_m]Leland[/name_m] appealing… there is not a thing about that name I find appealing anymore :rofl:

Only other thing might be unisex/masculine names for girls like Emmerson/Emerson and [name_f]Bailey[/name_f]. Used to like them for girls but now I would only consider them for a boy.

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elizabeth :tulip:

i still perfectly adore elizabeth, but other names have blown past her!
she’s so gorgeous, but i prefer bess and betty, and elizabeth doesn’t have as much appeal anymore!


Georgie… my heart :sob::sob::sob:

whatever, you like what you like…

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Lionel, Ozzy, Harvey, Clementine and Leni were all favourites of mine once upon a time!

I think it’s just that my style has changed - I still like these names for others, but I’m more into timeless names than very vintage-y names nowadays. And as I’ve grown older I’ve started to prefer names that would be more “realistic” for me to use – which basically means no English names, since I’ve realized I wouldn’t want to live in the UK or Ireland. Leni is the only exception to this! She’s still on my list, I just fell out of love with her a little bit. And, I can’t think of a way to word this that doesn’t sound obnoxiously pretentious, but linguistics has become one of my bigger interests recently, and since then I find it more intellectually stimulating to explore names from languages I’m not fluent in? :sweat_smile: Which didn’t use to be the case, hence another reason why these English names just don’t appeal to me as much as they used to!

lollll sorry cat! :laughing:

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I don’t dislike it, but it has gone from being my ultimate favorite to just being a name that I like.

[name_f]Ciera[/name_f] - Still love the sound but don’t love the spelling anymore and feels too modern for my style right now.

[name_f]Gianna[/name_f] - Feels too “heavy” for my current style and fell out of love with it a long time ago but I used to adore this name. Still like it but on others;)

Mickaëlla - This used to be in my top 2 but fell out of love with this name as well

[name_m]Eliam[/name_m] - This was my favorite name for a boy for so long but not anymore, it wouldn’t be on my list either. Don’t hate it, just not a favorite anymore.

[name_f]Cordelia[/name_f] is one that springs to mind immediately! I do love her she’s romantic, whimsical and has a wonderful meaning ‘daughter of the sea’ which I love as I absolutely love the sea :ocean:
However she’s just not pulling at my heartstrings as much. [name_f]Carmen[/name_f] has overtaken her! I also think [name_f]Cordelia[/name_f] with that ‘lia’ ending is too similar to [name_f]Lilia[/name_f] so this also puts me off. Whereas I think [name_f]Lilia[/name_f] + [name_f]Carmen[/name_f] would be such a distinctive unexpected sibling set. So [name_f]Carmen[/name_f] has over taken [name_f]Cordelia[/name_f].

[name_m]Malachi[/name_m] oh gosh this feels weird to say but he was my no.1 boys name honestly I thought [name_m]Malachi[/name_m] was just lovely. [name_m]Strong[/name_m], handsome, biblical, fashionable sound and a lovely meaning ‘messenger’ I also like both [name_f]Malky[/name_f] + [name_m]Kai[/name_m] as nicknames. But he just doesn’t sing to me as much as [name_m]Solomon[/name_m] my new no.1. Now I do still have [name_m]Malachi[/name_m] on my list but [name_m]Solomon[/name_m] has definitely overtaken him and if I was ever blessed with a son that would be his name.


As a kid, I loved [name_m]Alfie[/name_m] - now I’ve met so, so many that it doesn’t feel appealing anymore.

For the longest time (I’m talking back to my early teens, many years ago :see_no_evil:) my favourite boys name had always been [name_m]Ryder[/name_m]. Sadly the middle name Id have to put with it turns it a rude phrase, to put it nicely, so it’s become totally usable to me :sob: The sudden trend of it a few years back didn’t help either.

Thankfully I’ve found plenty of other boy names that I love than [name_m]Ryder[/name_m] so it would have eventually of gotten knocked out of the top spot anyways.

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[name_f]Ayanna[/name_f] was one I was head over heels for for a short time, and now I’ve gone off her a bit! I wish I could get that spark back :cry:


I still like and/or love all these names, but now I can’t imagine naming a child any of these!


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[name_f]Mabel[/name_f] was high on my list for a while, but I’ve met quite a few tiny ones now and I honestly didn’t vibe at all with the parents, which put me off! It feels like a name you’d chose if you were trying to be quirky but weren’t over familiar with the actual top 100 (Mabel is pretty popular in England), if that makes any sense. Still a gorgeous name with a sweet meaning, though - I could see myself coming back around.
[name_f]Matilda[/name_f] has a similar problem and I’ve realised I can’t stand Tilly; someone pointed out a bad assosciation with [name_f]Charlotte[/name_f] and I can’t unsee it (still obsessed w Lottie).
I still love [name_m]James[/name_m] for a boy but I’m not as obsessed as I used to be!

[name_f]Sarah[/name_f]- It’s a lovely name, but I have lots of negative connotations now. Sadly :pensive:
[name_f]Clara[/name_f]- It’s a beautiful name and very popular here but I just can’t pinpoint why but it just doesn’t feel right with me. I can’t explain it at all. I really want to like it though :face_holding_back_tears:
Sofia/Sophia- once again, something isn’t right about the name at the moment for me, for both spelling variations.
[name_f]Sophie[/name_f]- Similar with the name [name_f]Sarah[/name_f], I have bad associations with [name_f]Sophie[/name_f]. I had such a name crush :smiling_face_with_tear:

(There’s more but I just can’t think at the moment

I used to love Isabella/Isabelle but I think it was too obsessive like @ashthedreamer said. Now I just don’t really like it. But, maybe good news, I’m starting to like the spelling [name_f]Isabel[/name_f] more, so…yay? :joy: A lot of names are like this for me, I only have a short list of names that I will probably love for life lol.


I went through an [name_m]Otis[/name_m] phase… which is just bizarre to me now. Others that come to mind:


There aren’t really particular reasons. I just don’t like them that much anymore.

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it’s not so much that I don’t like them, but have just grown to like others a lot more


I like these names for other people, but they don’t spark my interest anymore. I think some of it is because of overexposure, they didn’t sound fresh and interesting the more I heard them.
