Your "sometimes" names?

Does anyone else have names that they like on some days and aren’t a fan of on others? [name_u]Or[/name_u] just names you can’t decide how to feel about? The biggest one on my mind lately has been [name_f]Charlotte[/name_f] - there are times when I’ll vote for [name_f]Charlotte[/name_f] in polls, etc. and others where I’m like [name_f]Charlotte[/name_f]? I don’t know her…

Any names like this you want to share?


Definitely! That’s how I feel about Catherine… some days it’s a realistic choice for a future child and other days I won’t even vote for it in polls. Same with [name_f]Daisy[/name_f], I used to love it and now I go back and forth by the day :sweat_smile:


I feel that way about [name_f]Clover[/name_f]. It was our top choice for awhile but I waver all the time. I have been liking it a lot again recently but…


Sooo much. [name_m]Hugo[/name_m] fits this for me, the whole reason I started using Nameberry was to sound out my love for [name_m]Hugo[/name_m] but now I’m like :woman_shrugging:t2: about it - some days the thought of my husband saying it aloud makes me super broody and some days I think it’s boring af (and I was surprised to hear it coming out of my mouth when a friend was asking for baby name ideas - obviously I can’t be that keen if I would willingly give it away :joy:)

[name_f]Arabella[/name_f] as well. Sometimes it sounds perfect, sometimes too prissy. Also [name_m]Bertram[/name_m], [name_f]Selena[/name_f], [name_m]Ambrose[/name_m].


Mine is [name_f]Antonia[/name_f]- sometimes I love it, other days it just sounds so boring!


YES! i feel this way about a lot of masc names. (felix, theo, gabriel, james, and moses are ones that come to mind for me)

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[name_f]Eleanor[/name_f] for me. I love the look and many of the associations, but I have been so oversaturated with Ellies over the years. Sometimes I vote for it, and sometimes I don’t.


[name_f]Alice[/name_f], [name_f]Georgia[/name_f], magnolia as fn
[name_u]Henry[/name_u], [name_m]Oliver[/name_m], [name_u]Arlo[/name_u], atlas

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Oh absolutely!!

Some of mine:

  • [name_u]Julian[/name_u] - I like it, then I’m like, is it a bit stuffy, a bit boring? [name_u]Will[/name_u] I only ever think of BBC Ghosts?
  • [name_m]Azarius[/name_m] - yeah, it’s so cool, but is it too much?
  • [name_m]Bram[/name_m] - sometimes, I’m like yeah, cool, distinctive, sparky. Other times, I’m like, awkward, ham, spam, jam, bam
  • [name_u]Killian[/name_u] - edgy, sharp, rugged - but, also, Kill?
  • [name_m]Conrad[/name_m] - great sound, but, [name_u]Joseph[/name_u] [name_m]Conrad[/name_m], [name_f]Heart[/name_f] of Darkness :grimacing:

Nope not me

yes! names that are this way for me are charlotte, lois, and foster. some days the feel perfect and other days they just don’t feel right! :smiling_face_with_tear:
charlotte reminds me of a bad teacher, lois can feel way too old lady/superman one day but seems ready to be revived the next day, and i adore the name foster but the connection to foster care makes me unsure how usable it is



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[name_f]Verity[/name_f] and [name_m]Ambrose[/name_m]

Some days I like [name_f]Verity[/name_f] and want to put it on my list. Other days I can’t stand the sight of it. I think it’s because I can’t find a nickname I like.

Some days I think [name_m]Ambrose[/name_m] is right up my alley. Other days I can’t separate it from my association with the show Monk. Maybe another association will take its place someday.


I go back and forth about liking and disliking [name_f]Eva[/name_f] and [name_f]Alice[/name_f]!


this is me with henry!! i used to completely just hate it, but i’ve recently warmed up to it and on some days i like it, on others i don’t


Definitely, I have so many like this. The first couple that come to mind are:



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My main one is Alice! Some days it’s lovely, others it’s just a bit lacking. Some days the spelling is perfect and balanced, others all I can see is “a lice.”

There’s a lot of names I’ve convinced myself I love (but don’t actually), like August and Hugo. I’m warming up to them now but for a while it was obsession one day and dislike the next! :slight_smile:


Yes! I have lists of them that some days I feel like the names are perfect and other days I wonder why do I even like that name. It happens more for girls names for me I feel, a lot of them have days where they seem fresh and new and cute while other days they’re frumpy or I think of a bad association and I fall out on them



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Here’s a few of mine:

[name_m]Linus[/name_m] - sometimes it’s the cutest and sometimes I don’t like how it sounds very much.

[name_f]Felicity[/name_f] - sometimes I find it pretty and I love the meaning, sometimes I have an inexplicable aversion to it!

[name_f]Mable[/name_f] - one I came to love because I looked after a lovely child with this name. But sometimes I revert to my previous feelings (that it doesn’t sound very much like a name).

[name_m]Caspian[/name_m] - I’ll adore this one minute and find it too ‘lispy’ the next.


Some days I’m like “eww Olivia” and other days I’m like “Olivia!!! I love Olivia!!!”

I’m in an “I love Olivia” phase right now :blush: