Zander or Xander?

Which spelling do you prefer?
[name]Zander[/name] or [name]Xander[/name].

also… [name]Xavier[/name] or [name]Zavier[/name]?
I feel like [name]Xavier[/name] will be pronounced EX-avier (which I love)
but I also love the phonetic pronunciation of [name]Zavier[/name]…

[name]Xander[/name] and [name]Xavier[/name].

[name]Xander[/name] because it feels as though it’s the correct spelling in my opinion and because visually, it’s most appealing in my eyes.

[name]Xavier[/name] because it’s the traditional spelling and it’s very rare for me to prefer a different spelling to the original, and also because [name]Zavier[/name] looks and sounds like a whole different name to me.

[name]Xander[/name] and [name]Xavier[/name] :slight_smile:

[name]Xander[/name] and [name]Xavier[/name]!

Yep… [name]Both[/name] x’s.

Ditto… x’s

No doubt both X’s. Also, geeks (me) appreciate keeping the name [name]Xander[/name] with an X because that is how the glorious [name]Buffy[/name] character was spelled. No, that is not a bad association.

Another vote for X&X.

[name]Xander[/name] and [name]Xavier[/name] (zay-vee-er).

[name]Both[/name] X’s… The letter Z is just not very appealing.

I have to go with the crowd. X all the way.