Ads Interfering With Use

I’ve been having a problem for months with ads interfering with my use of the mobile app and was wondering if anyone else is having the same problem. Most of the time when ads pop up and cover the reply button I can just X them away. But over the last few months I keep having this problem where ads at the bottom of the page sometimes get “stuck”. I am unable to click the X to make them go away, meaning I can’t click the reply button because it’s permanently covered by the ad. The only way to solve this is to leave the app, close all my tabs and re-open the app, which is obviously very inconvenient, especially because the same thing often happens again right away with the ad getting stuck again. However it eventually tends to work, so I haven’t said anything about it - every app has issues after all.

However, today the problem has escalated. I’m now seeing this add which doesn’t even have an X button. So I can’t reply at all because the ad covers the reply button and there’s no way to minimise it. When I try my strategy of closing all my tabs, the same app pops up again. And again. I managed to post this through someone else’s phone. I don’t want to use an AdBlocker because I want to support NB, and plus I don’t actually mind having ads when I can X them away. It’s just these glitches that are making it really hard to use, and I’m wondering if this is a problem that any other users are having.

Pic for clarity:




I have this problem all the time! It drives me crazy


I had this issue from around the time of the switch till a few months ago when I finally was able to download an adblocker. I have no issues with ads now! Before that I was constantly sending ad links to @katinka to have them removed (probably very annoyingly :sweat_smile:), but whenever one ad disappeared, a new one with the same problem surfaced. [name_f]My[/name_f] only option was downloading the adblocker! It seems like this may be a discourse issue, rather than a nameberry one, though I’m not 100% sure about that!
@katinka has recommended adblockers before, so I don’t think anyone minds the users using them! :slightly_smiling_face:


I have the same problem. You can always click on the settings and go into “desktop mode” which fixes the ad issue but is also very cumbersome in other ways, so I’m constantly switching back and forth.

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I have had this problem. Have you tried zooming in to click the X?

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[name_f]My[/name_f] suggestion is get an ad blocker for your phone. They exist!


I used to have this issue, but an adblocker seemed to solve it!


Thanks guys! If it keeps going I’ll definitely try an AdBlocker. [name_f]Glad[/name_f] it’s not just me lol!

I’m having the same problem as well!

Does anyone know of an adblocker for mobile?

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I have AdGuard, and use IOS



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Mine is just called [name_m]Ad[/name_m] Blocker, but I’m sure any of the ones work fine


I’m having that problem too, in more ways then one.

Some screenshots, all from this morning

Sorry to hear this @EllArePea. In order to block specific ads, we need the URL of the ad (where you get taken if you click it). But many users have had success using an adblocker.


Thank you. I’m probably going to get an adblocker but I’ll tell you if that doesn’t work. Thanks again!

1 Like seems to be the main offender for page-hogging ads.

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Having a lot of issues with the Visit USA ads and this empty black scrolling Ad bar appearing whenever I try to post… I can’t actually see what I’m typing right now because of it. If I click, it doesn’t take me to anything either.

edit: sometimes the empty space has this ad in it

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Thanks, [name_u]Haley[/name_u]. I’m seeing similar with a range of different ads, I have made the tech team aware.


Thank you!