Answer Some Random Questions

[name_m]Amen[/name_m] to that.

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Letā€™s see if I can do four! This will not end well. Itā€™s 11PM and I have to wake up early, but I learned today that I react very strongly to caffeine. By. . . having a cup of fully caffeinated chai. Iā€™m really not convinced that sleep is even a thing that exists. Warning: This is unlikely to be fully comprehensible.


1: [name_m]Pax[/name_m] was arrested for beating up a guy in a tavern fight, and he thought that he might have killed him, although he didnā€™t. He also beat up a few other street kids when he was younger, in order to protect his stuff.

2: His found-family brother completely disappeared when he was 12, which was a huge blow both because of the emotional impact and because [name_m]Rhys[/name_m] 4was protecting him.

3: I only have about five major characters for this story. . . I think the ranking probably goes Rhys/Mir, [name_m]Pax[/name_m], [name_m]Ciro[/name_m], [name_m]Taz[/name_m], Ix, but that might change like next week.

4: [name_m]Pax[/name_m] got slightly drunk (he was only a year too young to do it legally. . .) and punched this guy in the face and blasted him with magic. He totally deserved it, but still, it was pretty dang random.

5: Hmm, thatā€™s hard to narrow down. Actually trying to date [name_m]Ciro[/name_m], the literal daughter of the literal citylord, is probably in the top three.

6: Depends on the point in time. As a kid, it was definitely [name_m]Rhys[/name_m], and recently itā€™s been [name_m]Ciro[/name_m], but he has enough room in his heart to hold them both simultaneously I think.

7: For a while, his greatest fear was that something would happen to [name_m]Rhys[/name_m], and then when it actually did, he feared that [name_m]Rhys[/name_m] was dead (and was pretty sure it was true).

8: He really likes doing magic, and the cold, and while he doesnā€™t enjoy fighting, he gets a certain satisfaction from it.

9: Not being taken seriously, being rejected, being kicked out of taverns

10: He regrets the violence he was a part of as a teenager (throwing rocks, mugging people, getting in fights, etc.), and he came this close to never confessing to [name_m]Ciro[/name_m], which he would have regretted a lot.


1: [name_m]Ciro[/name_m] grew up pretty sheltered, so while sheā€™s trained with the sword, sheā€™s never really actually done anything violent.

2: Honestly, sheā€™s had a decent life, for a change. Probably the overprotectiveness of her father (which led to her general naĆÆvetĆ©, as well as some fundamental feelings of fear and distrust).

3: See above

4: She and her best friend [name_f]Essie[/name_f] snuck out of their houses to go party on Essieā€™s 18th birthday (sheā€™s younger than [name_m]Ciro[/name_m] by four months), which was very out of character for both of them, usually fastidious rule-followers, but they had a fantastic time.

5: There are a lot of little instances of [name_m]Ciro[/name_m] just not really knowing how things are (due to growing up sheltered as future citylady in a manor).

6: [name_f]Essie[/name_f] or [name_m]Pax[/name_m]. She loves her father, but not in a ā€œfavorite personā€ kind of way, more like a ā€œIā€™m your daughter so I have toā€ kind of way.

7: She doesnā€™t like spiders at all, and she also has a lot of general feelings of fear (and occasional borderline paranoia) arising from her upbringing. The idea that anyone might betray her, even though they probably wonā€™t, is deeply upsetting.

8: Sword training, horses, hanging out with [name_f]Essie[/name_f] and Essieā€™s cousin [name_m]Jari[/name_m], and hanging out with [name_m]Pax[/name_m].

9: Being underestimated, being cooped up for too long, not being able to go outside.

10: Honestly, not really, although most of what I have for these characters is just backstory.

Okay, so I didnā€™t do all four, but that would have been a bad idea, I think, and my eyes are maybe kind of sort of starting to get heavy!


Aight everyone elseā€™s turn (dang I have so much romance drama in here)

(just gonna skip three coz I already answered it)

Hyacinth Malloy
1-what is the most violent thing your character has done or will do?
I donā€™t think I can say, although itā€™s never directly mentioned in the story heā€™s been through some pretty sad times

2-what is the worst thing you have done to your character?
His parents were emotionally abusive when he was younger giving him some attachment issues, which is kind of worse because he really cares about people he loves. So obviously I made his boyfriend break up with him and made his best friend and his new friend also break up with each other like a day before. Yeah poor guy feels almost unlovable.

4-what is the most chaotic random nonsensical or odd thing your character has done
I mean he did ask Orpheus on a date without knowing his name or telling him where they were going to go (luckily Caprise informed him) and said date was meant to be on a night where he knew they were both busy.

5-what is the stupidest thing your character has done?
Tell Orpheus he loved him like a few days after they met (itā€™s fantasy logic so that part isnā€™t really dumb) and then freak out when Orpheus didnā€™t say ā€œI love youā€ back (I mean he kissed him, on the lips for the first time but Hyacinth loves overanalyzing, whoo).

6-does your character have a favorite person?
He might say his parents out of principle. Iā€™d say he wouldnā€™t be able to choose from his best friend Caprise, his friend Ornette, or his boyfriend Orpheus. Although if weā€™re talking about people he really admires then thatā€™s definitely Capriseā€™s parents, especially her dad because they kinda serve as surrogate parental figures (they even gave him a music box named out of Rosewood which is the family last name).

7-whats something your character fears?
Being alone. Also thunderstorms because he used to hate them when he was little and his parents got tired of comforting him every time so he never got over it and in fact the fear got worse.

8-whats something your character likes?
He is obsessed with poundcake. Specifically poundcake from Ardour House.

9-whats something your character dislikes?
Painting. Itā€™s his dadā€™s specialty but he finds it boring although heā€™s average at it.

10-does your character have any regrets or will they have any regrets?
Probably aforementioned incident with Orpheus.

Ornette Darling

  1. She wouldnā€™t hurt a fly.

  2. Gave her stagefright and a need to live up to her parents since her mom is a famous ballerina (Ornette isnā€™t very good at ballet though so she sings instead). She messed up at a really important performance too. Her parents are decent but they also separated her from her girlfriend Caprise, who really helped her confidence.

  3. Tried striking up a conversation with Orpheus. Like sheā€™s not necessarily shy but sheā€™s not very social. Caprise and Hyacinth were doing something else so she had no one there with her and decided to talk to Orpheus because he knew both of them. It was especially awkward because heā€™s the gosh darn prince of the kingdom and was there for her concert incident soā€¦

  4. She broke up with Caprise OVER LETTER and made Hyacinth deliver it.

  5. Caprise or her mom.

  6. Performing for people she doesnā€™t know. Also geese.

  7. Decaffeinated peach tea (I know all of their Ardour House orders) and singing.

  8. The gossipy kids in the choir sheā€™s in

  9. Definitely breaking up with Caprise.

Aurelius Bell

  1. I mean nothing directly but he watched someone bleed out in front of him.

  2. Person he watched bleed out was the love of his life. Who was a commoner. Which meant that if Aurelius comforted him in his dying moments like any reasonable person would do, he would be ostracized from society, leaving his brother/best friend Orpheus alone since Orpheus had no one else. So yeah he just kinda had to watch and keep this secret for at least a year.

Also heā€™s an orphan.

  1. Letting some dude flirt with him in the streets.

  2. Probably influencing Orpheus to leave Hyacinth.

  3. Orpheus definitely.

  4. Well obviously he isnā€™t a fan of blood after what I put him through.

  5. He likes composing music a lot, it was his main coping mechanism. He also likes watching plays and operas and stuff.

  6. Sugary foods.

  7. See #2 and #5.

Orpheus Nightingale

  1. This one time when he was a kid he was frustrated and broke something and then cried about it after because he thought heā€™d get in trouble.

  2. I mean the people closest to him are also the most emotionally traumatized in this show so thereā€™s that. I essentially locked him up in the palace for 16 years, made him have an argument with his older brother figure, broke him up with his boyfriend, and had his sort-of platonic crush yell at him. Not to mention the pure pressure of being the only child of the king and queen and his parents arenā€™t always the best. He sometimes didnā€™t know who he was and figuring it out included going through all of that pain.

  3. He ran off to the commonersā€™ festival in the most Clark-Kent-logic disguise ever and managed to get asked out in the process. He then proceeded to lie to his brother about feeling sick so he could ditch a gala for said date. If he hadnā€™t been told to act proper all his life heā€™d probably be pretty chaotic.

  4. I wanna say the disguise he used to go to the festival but that somehow WORKED

  5. His boyfriend Hyacinth and his basically-brother Aurelius (although he thinks Caprise is really coolā€¦and scary).

  6. Being trapped in a lonely and stressful life and/or not living up to expectations. Also lizards. They just freak him out.

  7. Violin! When heā€™s actually allowed to have fun with it (which is rare) he really loves playing. Heā€™s also partial to calligraphy and heā€™s yet another poundcake fan (forgot his coffee order at the moment sadly).

  8. When he canā€™t sleep (which used to be often).

  9. Breaking up with Hyacinth and having a huge fight with Aurelius over this break up.


Screw it, Iā€™m making another one. This time, itā€™s about [name_f]Zlatozara[/name_f] Marinova Dimitrova, the 23-year-old girlfriend of [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] and ā€œstepmomā€ of Kaminari.

  1. [name_f]Zlatozara[/name_f] isnā€™t physically violent. Verbally violent? Sure, but she wouldnā€™t beat someone up unless she had an object with her, like her purse or a wine bottle. In-story, I donā€™t think sheā€™s attacked anyone once.

  2. [name_f]Zlatozara[/name_f] is antagonistic in a similar vein as [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m], although I want to make it clear that sheā€™s not nearly as reprehensible as he is- even though she enables and sometimes participates in his behavior.

  3. One is Kaminari, two is [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m], perhaps three would be [name_f]Zlatozara[/name_f]. Next!

  4. I donā€™t think [name_f]Zlatozara[/name_f] has done anything that fits into these categories. Well, aside from abandoning her life in Bulgaria to go shack up with a middle-aged ex-musician in Los [name_f]Angeles[/name_f], [name_f]California[/name_f], but weā€™re not going to talk about that.

  5. The stupidest thing [name_f]Zlatozara[/name_f] did was try to cook in the kitchen, despite being a pretty bad cook. Luckily, [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] intervened and stopped any further damage after she set the stove on fire.

  6. Zlatozaraā€™s favorite person is probably herself, although I think thatā€™s debatable given her low self-esteem. Regardless, most of her decisions are self-beneficial, so you can decide for yourself. :woman_shrugging:

  7. If [name_f]Zlatozara[/name_f] feared anything, itā€™d probably be losing her beauty, as itā€™s basically all that she prides herself on and all that [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] really ever praises her for.

  8. [name_f]Zlatozara[/name_f] likes yogurt (parfaits) and beef and vegetable stew, both of which are staple foods in her native Bulgaria and, well, I suppose you could say she gets homesick from time to time and likes to reminisce through consumption.

  9. [name_f]Zlatozara[/name_f] dislikes several things. One being rejection from men, as it affirms her sense of inadequacy, as how could any man reject a beautiful woman like her (when itā€™s the best thing she has to offer)?

  10. [name_f]Zlatozara[/name_f] probably partially regrets leaving Bulgaria, as she had to start over from scratch in [name_m]North[/name_m] [name_f]America[/name_f] and has no support system outside of [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] and his inner circle, leaving her rather emotionally and financially dependent on him since her career as a fashionista isnā€™t terribly successful.

  1. The most violent thing Laura has done is shoot at one of Dino Golzineā€™s guys after breaking into Golzineā€™s house in order to kill him to avenge her parents.

  2. The worst thing Iā€™ve done to Laura was kill off her parents. They were both involved with law enforcement in some capacity, and Golzine had them killed because ā€œthey just couldnā€™t leave well enough aloneā€.

  3. I donā€™t really have a particular favorite character. I do have characters I write for more.

  4. Does Rowan casting the Leg-Locker curse on her uncle and his obnoxious apprentice count? Because she totally did that. How about Hokuto lighting bags of dog poop on fire so that the Leaf Village elders have no choice but to step in it literally every day?

  5. The stupidest thing Lauraā€™s done (aside from spray-painting a certain Apprentice guyā€™s building, but if she hadnā€™t done that, she wouldnā€™t have met Eiji and Mr. Ibe after being brought to the police station) was break into Dino Golzineā€™s house. The stupidest thing Ashlynā€™s done was Wingardium Leviosa Professor Rotwood, her Mythology teacher, into a dumpster. In her defense, she was just learning how to use her wand. And the stupidest thing Hokutoā€™s done has to be attempting Chidori. It didnā€™t work out so well; she broke stuff and ended up needing medical attention.

  6. One of Seanā€™s favorite people would be his grandfather. And one of Krystianaā€™s favorite people would be her twin brother Feliks.

  7. Hokuto and Laura both fear losing the only family they have left. For Hokuto, itā€™s her brother, whoā€™s obsessed with revenge. For Laura, itā€™s her siblings, Sara and Daniel; sheā€™s afraid Golzine will go after them as well, especially Sara, whoā€™s a police officer.

  8. Krystiana likes her job as a pet sitter/dog walker.

  9. Sean really dislikes having to deal with Karen customers at work. Krystiana has a deep hatred for anti-Semites. Hokuto doesnā€™t like the village elders, as evidenced by my answer to question 4. Rowan and Willow both hate when their uncle, a wannabe Death Eater, tries to unalive innocent magical creatures in the woods they live in. Krystiana dislikes when Feliks steals her clothes. She doesnā€™t mind him wearing them on occasion, but she would greatly appreciate it if heā€™d ask first!

  10. Regrets? Well, Della has some regret about not saying what she really thinks about Hans, her older sister Jillā€™s boyfriend. Della despises the guy.


1: For Cyra, probably kick Evan Mason (in an extremely bad place to be kicked in)

2: Cyra gets captured in the prologue and for now thatā€™s it but Iā€™m considering making her and her best friend both have a crush on Blaze (a slightly older character)

3: Cyra, Ivy and Marina. They were my first proper characters who I made up with my cousin. Weā€™re not working together on this anymore.

4: In Evergreen Academy, Cyra decides to run away. She goes to the shop and buys camping gear, Haribos, ham, cheese and baguettes.

5: Probably same answer as number four

6: Probably (in Evergreen Academy) Ivyā€™s aunt Belladonna (Bella) Thorn

7: Iā€™m not really sure yet

8: Cyra loves chocolate cupcakes and Mila loves red velvet cupcakes

9: Cyra seriously doesnā€™t like Ivyā€™s parents

10: Cyra regrets her parents decision to have her scavenger hunt birthday party in Mason Woods


Guess whoā€™s back? Back again?

This time, Iā€™m covering Giuseppeā€™s partner-in-crime and childhood friend, [name_m]Damian[/name_m] Zebrowski.

  1. [name_m]Damian[/name_m] had done a lot of violent things, being a long-time gang member. Heā€™s probably murdered somebody, but itā€™s not important narratively.

  2. The worst thing that Iā€™ve ever done to [name_m]Damian[/name_m] was send him to prison in his early 30s due to his criminal activity with The Greenpoint [name_m]Crew[/name_m] in the mid-1990s. However, when he was released, he reunited with [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] after a decade and went to live with him in [name_f]California[/name_f], so it turned out pretty well for him in the long run.

  3. Already answered multiple times.

  4. [name_m]Damian[/name_m]? Pfft, Hell if I could tell you. Heā€™s gotten up to plenty of crazy crap throughout his life, so I canā€™t pinpoint the craziest thing heā€™s ever done.

  5. The dumbest thing [name_m]Damian[/name_m] has ever done was getting caught racketeering during his Greenpoint [name_m]Crew[/name_m] years and getting jailed for a couple years afterwards. Heā€™s learned to be more careful with his crimes since then.

  6. [name_m]Favorite[/name_m] person? Wellā€¦ probably [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m], as heā€™s the closest (and only) friend [name_m]Damian[/name_m] had both as a teenager and as an adult. Likewise, [name_m]Damian[/name_m] is the only person that [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] treats as an equal, so that should tell you enough about their relationship.

  7. [name_m]Damian[/name_m] fears going back to prison, possibly for even longer this time, and potentially losing [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] and being alone.

  8. [name_m]Damian[/name_m] likes

  9. [name_m]Damian[/name_m] dislikes being called ā€œMr. Zebraā€ by Kaminari, her teasing nickname derived from his surname, Zebrowski. He also dislikes whenever [name_f]Zlatozara[/name_f] comes onto him, as heā€™s rather disgusted by her lecherous nature and her disloyalty to [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m].

  10. [name_m]Damian[/name_m] doesnā€™t have any particular regrets worth mentioning.

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Hello today i introduce a new set of questions of course you may still answer the first set if you like but for those of you interested in new questions here you go enjoy :smile:

Question [name_m]Set[/name_m] 2
1-has your character lost anyone close to them to natural causes or otherwise?

2-does your character have romantic feelings for anyone?

3-what would you say your characterā€™s moral alignment is?

4-how old is your character and when is their birthday?

5-if your character had to pick one food to eat for the rest of their life, what food would they pick?

6-if your character was stranded on an island and they could pick 0-2 people to be stranded with them, who would they pick and why?

7-which of your characters do you think you have hurt the most emotionally or physically?

8-how many languages does your character speak which ones and do you speak said languages as well?

9-how many people do your character trust who and why?

10-what has been the happiest moment for your characters?


Ayyy! Guess itā€™s my time to shine once again! Weā€™ll start off with Kaminari like last time.

  1. Kaminari Tsuchiya automatically lost someone the moment she was born, as her mother died during childbirth after bleeding out. Subsequently, she was raised by a single father, who lied to Kaminari about her motherā€™s fate, saying that she simply left them to prevent Kaminari from feeling guilty for her motherā€™s death (a lie that later came back to bite him in the ass, but I digress).

  2. Kaminari does have romantic feelings for someone, but sheā€™s afraid to directly address them outside of casual hookups between Kaminari and her admired, MJ Hollenbeck, because of the traumatic experience she had in the past when she developed feelings for another girl named Cherianne ā€œCherryā€ Dubois, who betrayed Kaminari once their friendship ended. Since then, Kaminari has been highly reluctant to intimately love another woman, only allowing herself to casually date and hook up with them, usually fans of her music. MJ was initially in this boat, but their relationship eventually deepened to a level that neither party was necessarily comfortable with but yearned for all the same.

  3. Iā€™d classify Kaminari as chaotic neutral leaning towards chaotic good, as sheā€™s not a malicious or coldhearted person, but she tends to go by her own rules and has broken several laws, often repeatedly and with little remorse. However, sheā€™d never hurt anyone unprovoked and is unusually compassionate and generous for someone of her status and finances.

  4. Kaminari is 21 years old and her birthday is April 1st, 1989.

  5. If Kaminari had to eat only one food for the rest of her life, it would be her favorite food: cheesy chili dogs.

  6. If Kaminari was stuck on an island, sheā€™d take with her MJ and her bestie, Evan Frederickson. Neither would be especially helpful in surviving such an environment, but Kaminari would value the emotional comfort more than anything else.

  7. Most of my important characters Iā€™ve traumatized or damaged in some way, but I must say that Kaminari probably takes the top spot by a long shot, purely because of how much Iā€™ve put her through in such a short amount of time (roughly 7 years).

  8. Aside from speaking her native English pretty well, Kaminari can speak Japanese and Spanish, but only to a certain degree. Personally, I can only speak English, but will be required to learn Spanish in high school next year.

  9. Kaminari thoroughly trusts, like, four people. Her two childhood best friends, Bianca Barbosa and Armani Hurley, MJ, and Evan.

  10. The happiest moment Kaminari had was the moment she released her very first song out into the public, earning her first claim to fame at age 15, after two years of hard work. This was the very beginning for Kaminari, for better and for worse.

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I donā€™t think Iā€™ve done Helena yet so Iā€™m gonna do her.

1-has your character lost anyone close to them to natural causes or otherwise?
Helena lost her best friend Josie to cancer. It seems normal until you figure out that they were both 15 when this happenedā€¦

2-does your character have romantic feelings for anyone?
Actually yes. Sheā€™s currently together with Josieā€™s older brother Thomas. The two of them have always been nice to each other, but didnā€™t officially date until Helenaā€™s freshman year of high school and Thomasā€™s sophomore. They actually have a really loving relationship, and it breaks my heart to watch them mourn Josieā€™s death together. Theyā€™re probably gonna get married in the future, because theyā€™ve been together for 3 years, have survived Josieā€™s death, and managed to keep themselves together against all the hate and bullying theyā€™ve received about Josie. Iā€™d love to just write them married and happy with a family.

3-what would you say your characterā€™s moral alignment is?
Iā€™m not much into this stuff but Iā€™d say lawful or neutral goodā€¦

4-how old is your character and when is their birthday?

  • 15 in story 1 (takes place October 2022)
  • 15-16 in story 2 (takes place from October 2022-May 2023)
  • 17 currently

Her birthday is February 17, 2007

5-if your character had to pick one food to eat for the rest of their life, what food would they pick?
Probably her momā€™s fried rice and dumplings. This girl could probably live off of rice and veggies if necessary.

6-if your character was stranded on an island and they could pick 0-2 people to be stranded with them, who would they pick and why?
Probably some of her friends. I think before Josieā€™s death she wouldā€™ve taken Josie and their friend Chloe. Chloe is very bright and energetic girl with a great problem solving mind. But after Josieā€™s death, sheā€™d probably take Chloe and Lucy, a creative and intelligent girl.

7-which of your characters do you think you have hurt the most emotionally or physically?

Emotionally Top 3:

  1. Natalya (not in this story but she definitely wins. I describe her a lot in other threads)
  2. Vivienne (in this story, but traumatized for triggering reasons)
  3. Helena (in this story, for bullying, rejection by her father, depression, and Josieā€™s death)

Physically Top 3:

  1. Vivienne (in this story, additional triggering reasons)
  2. Genevieve (Vivienneā€™s sister, also for triggering reasons)
  3. Tie - Josie (in this story, for her cancer and death) or Kaylee (not in this story, fire trauma)

8-how many languages does your character speak which ones and do you speak said languages as well?
Two - English and a little bit of Mandarin Chinese. English is my first language but I donā€™t speak Chinese.

9-how many people do your character trust who and why?

Her family - Mom, Dad, older brother James, aunt and uncle, cousin Hannah
Her friend group - Josie, Chloe, Lucy, Esme, Maddie, Jules, Natasha, Alyssa, Sydney, Vivienne
Her friendsā€™ siblings - Ella (Josie), Sami (Natasha/Alyssa), Addison (Sydney), Gemma and Theo (Vivienne), Lyla (Lucy), & Nova (Esme)
Her boyfriend - Thomas

But overall the person she trusts most is James. Thomas and Chloe would probably be second and third, and Josie (before her death) was definitely up there.

10-what has been the happiest moment for your character?

Probably the day her father apologized for rejecting her and accepted her for who she was. She was about 16 when this happened.


Long story shorter, Helena was an accident child, born over 5 years after her brother. Her father did not want more than one child, and did not want a girl either. James was favorited over his baby sister for 16 years, until an argument between him and his father made him understand how important Helena is. James, however, holds nothing against Helena and she is his favorite person.

Aight, time for round I-lost-count-a-long-time-ago, re-featuring our fave baddie, [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] Tamborello!

  1. [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] has lost several people ā€œcloseā€ to him; his older brother, [name_m]Salvatore[/name_m], his younger brother, [name_m]Domenico[/name_m], his mother, [name_f]Gelsomina[/name_f], and his grandmother, [name_f]Giammilla[/name_f]. Then again, he murdered all of them and only spared his little sister, soā€¦ he doesnā€™t exactly miss any of them.

  2. [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] has feelings for his girlfriend, [name_f]Zlatozara[/name_f] Dimitrova, but whether this is genuine love and not just intense lust is debatable, as [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] often conflates the two.

  3. [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] is definitely chaotic evil, as heā€™s a Machiavellian Narcissist who regularly associates with criminals and idolizes the Italian Mafia. When heā€™s not committing crimes, heā€™s psychologically and sometimes physically abusing his adopted daughter/client and gaslighting her to keep her as dependent upon him as possible so he can reap the benefits of being her manager for as long as he can. He treats everyone else like crap as well, making excessive demands of them and threatening them if they donā€™t follow his orders. Plus, he killed most of his family, soā€¦ yeah. Not a very good guy.

  4. Giuseppeā€™s birthday is [name_f]September[/name_f] 23rd, 1965, making him 45 years old. I have this memorized.

  5. Oof, tough question. I canā€™t pinpoint the exact dish heā€™d eat, but it would definitely be something Italian, as heā€™s based much of his identity off of his Judeo-Italian heritage and takes great pride in it.

  6. If [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] was stranded on an island, heā€™d take with him his best friend, [name_m]Damian[/name_m] Zebrowski, and maybe his personal chef, [name_m]Nino[/name_m] [name_m]Figueroa[/name_m], so he could be supplied with food on the island.

  7. [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] makes a career of hurting people, but the person that heā€™s hurt the most is definitely Kaminari, as he focuses much of his attention and effort into ensuring she remains as palatable and talented as possible so that her career thrives and the cash keeps rolling in, which, due to their contract, allows [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] to earn a substantial portion of her profits, enabling him such a glamorous lifestyle. Kaminari quite literally is his lifeline, and heā€™ll make damn sure she stays under his thumb, no matter if he must use love bombing, manipulation, threats, or violence to keep her docile, obedient, and most importantly, dependent.

  8. [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] was raised on a Judeo dialect of Italian, but he also learned [name_f]English[/name_f] as his primary language to get by in his home of [name_f]Brooklyn[/name_f], [name_m]New[/name_m] [name_m]York[/name_m]. Once he moved to [name_f]California[/name_f], he learned Spanish to communicate with the many Latinos roaming around, but heā€™s considerably less proficient in Spanish than he is in his two childhood languages.

  9. [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] truly only trusts [name_m]Damian[/name_m], whom he forwards a certain amount of respect and dignity he doesnā€™t give to others. [name_m]Giuseppe[/name_m] is also more vulnerable around [name_m]Damian[/name_m], exposing his inner worries and thoughts to him and him only.

  10. Happiest moment? Hmmā€¦ Iā€™m not sure. Iā€™m sure he has one, but I canā€™t bring to the forefront of my mind right now.

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Hereā€™s [name_m]Kai[/name_m], whoā€™s a heavy revamp of an old character (and not very fleshed out, which is partially why Iā€™m doing this for them)

1: No, actually, not when the story starts (over the course of it, I donā€™t know yet)
2: Yes, but I donā€™t know who
3: Chaotic good
4: Their age fluctuates a lot, but they were born on [name_f]November[/name_f] 22, making them halfway between a Sagittarius and a [name_m]Scorpio[/name_m]
5: Oh, thatā€™s a hard one. Probably chocolate ice cream, which would result in their death pretty quickly, but theyā€™re not great at long-term planning
6: [name_m]Kai[/name_m] would most likely pick [name_f]Caroline[/name_f], their cousin and best friend, and possibly their unknown love interest
7: Oh, wow, thatā€™s a hard one. Physically, probably [name_m]Ash[/name_m] [name_m]Wood[/name_m], just based on the sheer number of times Iā€™ve poisoned him. Emotionally. . . it might be [name_f]Ilka[/name_f], a very traumatized immortal. Honestly, itā€™s hard to figure it out for this one.
8: [name_m]Kai[/name_m] speaks [name_f]English[/name_f] fluently and knows a lot of Spanish from school, which is the same as me.
9: Theyā€™re a very trusting personā€“they trust their whole family, which includes their great-grandmother (Petra) their grandmother (Hana), their two aunts (Laurel and Lily), their uncle (Al, Lilyā€™s husband), their mother (Sierra), and their three cousins (Laurelā€™s daughter [name_f]Caroline[/name_f], and Lilyā€™s kids [name_m]Aaron[/name_m] and Daphne). They also trust their friends at school, like their close school friend [name_m]Paris[/name_m] and their love interest (who might be Paris).
10: Kaiā€™s happiest recent memory is getting into a prestigious creative writing program at a local college. Overall, Iā€™m not sure.