I have a friend whose name is [name_f]Lakshmi[/name_f], and I literally spent weeks trying to spell it.
this one is kinda funny, it took me probably three or four years to figure out how to spell [name_f]Natalia[/name_f].
I had a hard time with [name_f]Phoebe[/name_f] for a while, I could never remember if the typical spelling was [name_f]Phoebe[/name_f] or [name_f]Pheobe[/name_f].
And I still have to use spell check to get it right.
Funny story: the first time I even got close to right, I looked at the document I was reviewing and they had spelled it [name_m]Micheal[/name_m]. Threw me for a loop when I can barely spell the common variation as it is.
for simple ones, it took me a very long time to spell [name_u]Michael[/name_u]
for the more complex ones, [name_f]Nadezhda[/name_f] and Graihagh send me in circles!
A bit of an obvious answer for someone who doesn’t live in [name_u]Ireland[/name_u], but [name_u]Irish[/name_u] names! [name_f]Siobhan[/name_f] and [name_f]Sinead[/name_f] were pretty easy - I had been exposed to them when I was younger so they come more naturally. But [name_f]Aoife[/name_f], [name_f]Caoimhe[/name_f], [name_f]Saoirse[/name_f], Tadhg… I have to sit there and think about it when I spell those lol. And I have never even attempted to spell [name_u]Aoibheann[/name_u] on my own!
The I and L next to each other confused me with a couple of names - [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] has it one way around, [name_f]Sheila[/name_f] the other.
With [name_f]Nevaeh[/name_f] I have to stop and think that it’s [name_f]Heaven[/name_f] backwards.
[name_u]John[/name_u], I could never remember whether the O or the H came first. Also [name_m]Leif[/name_m], I got the E and I confused a lot.
Its taken me a long time to get [name_f]Genevieve[/name_f] right
I’m in agreement with the previous ones of [name_u]Michael[/name_u] and [name_f]Genevieve[/name_f].
I would like to add:
[name_f]Isla[/name_f] - I spelled it [name_f]Ila[/name_f] or Eyela
[name_f]Ayanna[/name_f] - I spelled it [name_f]Ianna[/name_f] or [name_f]Iyanna[/name_f]
[name_u]Jermaine[/name_u] - I spelled it Germane…
[name_f]Alicia[/name_f] - I spelled it [name_f]Alesha[/name_f], not technically wrong but not what I was going for
And I’m ashamed to say it took me several years to learn that [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] was spelled with two Ns…
Let’s just say any name that isn’t pronounced how it’s spelled took me a little.
Ok, but when you have to spell it 24/7 like I do… You know, with family…
[name_f]My[/name_f] friends name is [name_f]Genevieve[/name_f] and you have no idea how long it took me to spell it right. She goes by [name_f]Genna[/name_f] and [name_f]Gen[/name_f] so I had no idea this was her full name until about a year ago.
[name_u]Carlisle[/name_u]. I always convince myself it’s spelled like [name_u]Carlyle[/name_u]
[name_m]Yehoshua[/name_m]. I love it, but I still need to think about it sometimes
[name_f]Madelief[/name_f], [name_f]Liesel[/name_f], and [name_m]Laszlo[/name_m]
I thought for around seven years it was [name_f]Jenevieve[/name_f]
[name_f]Vibeke[/name_f]. I kept misspelling it as Vibecke.
I still get confused with [name_f]Aurelia[/name_f]
[name_f]Aurembiaix[/name_f]! I still have to double-check everytime