Any thoughts on website update?

I don’t know if anyone else is having a similar problem, but when I went to go make a new list about 40-50 empty lists were automatically generated and now I’m having to go through and delete all of these empty lists.


I have this problem too, they’re looking for solutions as I remember.

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Yes, I’ve got about 400 new lists from testing this! :woman_facepalming: It’s being looked into.

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High-key devastated that comments are gone. I know they could get a little ugly sometimes, but I feel like that’s where I saw the most unlikely nicknames/possible negative connotations I may not have thought about otherwise. :pensive:


Why do websites have to change?

I loved how nameberry looked before: the tickertape, the popularity cloud, the pink and blue names which gave me an idea of what names were trending a gender, the pleasing colors, the graphics.

I don’t like to look up names anymore. I just go to the forums because the format is so unappealing. It’s acres of white, hard on my eyes, not properly contained. I have to scroll to read anything. I’m sure there were real reasons it had to change, but I’m sad how unfun it is now.


@katinka everything was working fine up until a few minutes ago. Search stopped working and when I tried to get into a name page from a list this popped up:

Are people still having issues with the ‘account’ page? I hadn’t tried to access mine in a while (months, probably- long before the update) but I wanted to look at it just now and couldn’t get to it. The little loading animation showed up when and nothing ever loaded. I gave it 5+ minutes and my Internet is working fine, as far as I can tell.

I have asked the tech team to look into a problem with the user lists that I spotted earlier, so I would imagine anything that’s not working right now is due to work being done.

Please bear with us for a few hours and if this is still a problem, I’ll investigate further.


Sounds good, thank you! I’ll try again later today.

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I really miss being able to quickly add a name from its page to my user lists! And all the comments written beside names in your lists are now gone, which is sad because that’s where I used to write down nicknames :frowning:


Yeah! That’s the one thing that bugs me about this update!

I don’t use comments but some are very useful!

It’s the lists… the order of the names too. They’re messed up!

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I LOVE the new heart feature, so convenient! However, it seems to glitch a lot and often shows blank hearts even when they have been clicked already.

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How does one ad a name to a particular list now? [name_u]Or[/name_u] is the heart the only option now?

Can’t use nameberry on my mobile anymore as a microsoft advert keeps taking over the screen every couple of seconds even after x-ing out of it. Miss the old website how it was :frowning:

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This feature is being added back in when we get to it!

I’m not sure what the plan is for this, but I will ask.

This will be fixed at some point once more pressing issues are sorted.

This is also on the list for a fix. We’ve noticed this in the “Similar Names” section on name pages — anywhere else? Providing specifics (which page, what you clicked to get there, etc. ) really helps us to address issues more effectively.

[name_f]Welcome[/name_f] back! If you go to you can access your lists and type in new names (hit the “Return/Enter” key after each one) then “Save”. We are going to be adding an “[name_m]Add[/name_m] to list” option back directly from the name pages.

I have already sent the Microsoft ad to be blocked so I will chase that up if you’re still seeing it. Apologies!

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They work in “similar names” for me but not in “Top Names of Nameberry”.

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Oh awesome, I’m glad you are adding the "[name_m]Add[/name_m] to list’ back to the name pages.
Yes, it is the microsoft surface add that won’t go away and wraps around the outside of the screen.

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Also the windows advert on mobile phone makes it painful to use.

I am also unable to manually add names to my lists by typing in, pressing enter then save while using my mobile phone. Works on my computer though.

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Are you finding that the “Enter” button on your phone skips to the next section rather than entering the name? This is something that is an issue for a for a few other people. I can see if there’s anything we can do our end, but really I think it’s more likely to be how the device functions (i.e. what the “Enter” button does).

Login from desktop is not working, again…

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Please can you try in private/incognito mode, @EvaThyssen?