[name]Hi[/name] again. Perhaps this should have just been added to my previous post, but it seems like a seperate question. (seriously, you all should charge for this! )
Here’s where I’m at- you all have made quite an impact on my DD’s naming and I was wondering if anyone had the creative juices to take one more stab at it…
You suggested (or at least talked me into) [name]Blythe[/name]. I love [name]Blythe[/name], but DH is lukewarm.
You suggested [name]Aster[/name]. We adore [name]Aster[/name], but have obvious hesitations.
My DD has been named a lot of names, but in my dreams, I’m still calling her [name]Lark[/name].
Someone suggested to me in a previous thread that perhaps the perfect name for my daughter doesn’t exist, and that may indeed be true… but, the joy that we felt when we both ‘clicked’ with [name]Aster[/name] made me feel like perhaps the name is out there. I think I would feel more like “giving up” if her delayed naming were related more to indecision, less to health problems (and perhaps the name IS [name]Aster[/name], but perhaps there is a less potentially cruel option out there.)
You may disagree, but [name]Blythe[/name], [name]Aster[/name] and [name]Lark[/name] are almost the same name to me, at least in the way they make me feel and in the way they fit my daughter. I was wondering if I might describe the qualities of [name]Blythe[/name], [name]Aster[/name] and [name]Lark[/name] that make me love them so and make them feel right for my daughter and see if you could come up with any other names that may ‘click’ for us.
Bascially, I’m wondering if you might suggest a less rigourous new list, based on just these qualities- a “feels like” list, as it were:
They are light and airy
They are happy
They are naturey
They are uncommon
They are soft
They are short but substantial
They communicate a feeling of joy and freedom of spirit
They non-frilly, but still communicate femininity
and this may be incidental, but I just noticed they are all ‘word’ names, of a sort, and are all of English origin. I certainly didn’t intend that, just a thinking point.
- updated, copy from post at the end of the thread:
by babygrey on Wed Oct 07, 2009 4:42 pm
- updated, copy from post at the end of the thread:
[name]Just[/name] wanted to give you all an update and thank you again.
DH and I have decided that what we are going to do is go through this list you all have suggested of names that are reminiscent of [name]Aster[/name]/[name]Blythe[/name]/[name]Lark[/name] and pick out the names we both like.
I’m coming to terms with the fact there is may be no happy agreement here- DH just can’t love [name]Blythe[/name]- he pronounces it like “Blye” and it sort of makes my hair stand on end… and, even though we both like [name]Aster[/name], he is far more worried than I about the potential for teasing with [name]Aster[/name], thus making neither of these great choices, I suppose. He said he “will” name her [name]Lark[/name] (my original first choice), but I think it is just out of shear frustration. and that’s not how I want to name her. I’d rather it be semi-random that out of negativity.
So we will go through the names you listed, pick out our favorites and put them in a hat with [name]Aster[/name], [name]Blythe[/name] and [name]Lark[/name] and draw one. Probably Friday, given the insanity of this week…
and that will be her name. We have both agreed to live with it for good, but we do want to add other names to the pool given that there is unhappiness about all three of our current choices.
Any other suggestions you have on names or on approaches to working this out would be great.
For reference, here are the names I have personally picked from your suggestions to be added to our pool (he has not had time to go over them yet)
[name]Asha[/name] (*maybe… I’m working on whether I love [name]Asha[/name] enough to give up theoretic [name]Asher[/name])
[name]Welcome[/name] any more suggestions and will certainly owe some karma and credit to the person who suggests the name for my daughter
*as an edit, DH didn’t like [name]Juno[/name]/[name]Juniper[/name] when I was pg, but actually LIKES them now, after seeing them on your lists of suggestions. I think possibly when I was suggesting them before, he thought I was making them up, but he said, knowing our DD now that they fit her as well as some of the other names we were talking about! We’ve talked about names enough that I know he’s not making it up or just saying to make me happy, so YAY!