Babies due April-June 2021

My baby cuddled the placenta like a pillow too! I was like, “weird… But cute?” The technician said prepare for a tummy sleeper. So we probably have some battles coming early on :sweat_smile: but the last scan the placenta moved up top and he’s hanging out (sideways still) going wild in there. I wonder if it’s common? I never heard about it until this time around. The placenta pillow :rofl:

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@Lauralee835 hahaha
Oh yeah our first is a big time belly sleeper, always has been. She learned to roll reeeally early too, heh. It was just how she naturally liked to sleep. We never really tried to fight it. Buuut it’s the same with me. I am 100% a belly sleeper. Always have been. We just made sure that she had ample opportunity to strengthen core and neck muscles so she could flip off of her belly if she absolutely needed to / she wasnt stuck on her belly.

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I feel like I can only sleep on my belly right now, even though it’s a bit too much. But with his head being so far into my side it’s painful to side sleep. When he gets here we can figure out something a bit better :rofl:

[name_f]My[/name_f] experience this time around has been exactly the same. I had TERRIBLE heartburn and SPD with my first pregnancy. So far, both have been much more mild this time and I am not complaining! haha Especially in regards to the SPD.

@LibelluleClaire Good luck with the anatomy scan! I totally understand the nervousness! We just had ours yesterday and it was such a relief to have it over with, in a sense.

Scrolled through quickly to try and catch up a bit. Seems most of your are a month or two ahead of me. haha I’m due [name_u]June[/name_u] 19th, so I’m 18+5 today. We just had our anatomy scan yesterday. Had it a bit earlier than normal because our daughter had some issues that they wanted to check early with this baby so they could monitor them closely should this baby have the same issues. Thankfully, so far as they can tell, baby looks perfect! No cleft that they can see, no heart defects that are obvious so far, and no other issues. We have to have a fetal echo in about a month to look more closely at the heart since our daughter had a heart defect, but that’s basically standard procedure. We don’t find out what we’re having until next weekend. A close friend’s daughter wanted to throw us a tiny reveal party, so we said sure. lol Most of the attendee’s will be virtual because COVID, but it’ll still be fun. So far, feeling much better this pregnancy than last. Still had nausea, heartburn, and SPD, but it’s all been more mild this time than last, which is unusual with SPD. But I’ll take it! haha

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@Lauralee835 [name_u]Bobby[/name_u] Lounger is greeeat for preg belly sleeping for wwhat it’s worth. Also postpartum/recovery. I have one for me and one for baby :slight_smile:

Yes it has made all the difference! SPD and heartburn made me miserable the first time around so I feel amazing now in contrast to then. I feel the heartburn and slight SPD pain once in a while but no comparison!

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@ChelsAnne22 I’m due [name_u]June[/name_u] 12th, so right there with you! I can hardly believe I’m almost halfway there.

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I’m due in [name_u]June[/name_u] too! But the beginning of [name_u]June[/name_u] so I’m A few weeks ahead of you.
I always have anxiety at the scans (and pretty much every appt. let’s be honest) and it’s such a relief to me when they’re over! But our scan went well, we found out we’re having little girl #2! She slept through most of it, which allowed us to get some really clear profile pics. We won’t get the official results until today sometime, but as far as I could tell everything looked good.


Congrats on your second little girl! And I’m glad your scan went well. Neither my first daughter or this new baby has ever slept through any ultrasound. They were both so active! Thankfully, though, they were able to get some good images anyway. haha I’m fairly certain our second will be a girl, as well, but I won’t know for sure until next weekend. When we had the anatomy scan, the ultrasound tech said “she/her” multiple times and I’m not sure if it was a slip up or if it was her default pronoun. lol Plus, I was actively trying to not pay too close attention to the ultrasound so I didn’t accidentally figure out the sex before our reveal. Having been to so many ultrasounds with our daughter and being in a FB group where they share a TON of ultrasound photos, I have seen way too many to not know what I’m looking for.

Our first was extremely active for her ultrasound, but this little one slept, (though she did not like being poked and would squirm away from the ultrasound wand) however she was in a really weird position and the first image we saw was a very clear shot right between the legs, so even if we didn’t want to know, there was no way we could’ve of missed it!
But I’m definitely glad it’s over and babies got a clean bill of health, there’s a little concern with where the placenta is, (it was the same with my first) which requires a little bit of monitoring but that just means a few extra ultrasounds, so nothing too terrible.

Everything seems to have gone well at the Anatomy Scan, baby was cooperative and the tech got all of her images. She wouldn’t tell me the sex of the baby, they aren’t allowed to do that, so I have to wait until [name_f]Monday[/name_f] to call my doctor and they will tell me what’s in the report. I was given several pictures to take home, one which appears to be a between-the-legs shot, but I have no idea what I’m looking for or looking at, so I’ve been torturing myself online trying to compare images of boy vs. girl ultrasounds. I want to know so bad!

The tech also said I have an anterior placenta, I couldn’t even feel the movements I was seeing on the ultrasound. So that would explain I guess why I’m feeling so little.

Just impatiently waiting through the weekend. [name_f]Hope[/name_f] you’re all well.


Hi! Late to the party, but I’m due with my second [name_u]June[/name_u] 1st. Team [name_u]Green[/name_u]. I live in Westchester, NY.


@egeller85 welcome! Im from NY :slight_smile:
Congrats on baby #2!

The ultrasound results say it’s a GIRL! We are completely stunned (we were really expecting a third boy) and so happy. I see the doctor in a few weeks and will get the rest of the results then, hopefully everything is fine.


Congrats! [name_f]Welcome[/name_f] to team girl, @LiliMorgana

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Catching up on this thread!

@Kiriko Aww, [name_m]Casper[/name_m] is so cute! It’s interesting how the 3 of us were all drawn to the hard C sounding names!

@LibelluleClaire and @LiliMorgana Yay more little girls! I think this thread is leaning strongly girl. Two of my IRL friends had boys in [name_u]December[/name_u] but my friend that is due in [name_u]March[/name_u] is also having a girl. Maybe it’s the weather lol. [name_f]Do[/name_f] you guys have names picked out or a short list yet?

Friday I’ll be officially in the 3rd trimester which is so weird to me! I can’t decide if I feel like I’ve been pregnant forever or if time is flying by. Somehow it’s both at once.

I haven’t done anything to set up the nursery yet. I need to find the time to get that started! I have a long weekend for Presidents [name_u]Day[/name_u] next month,so maybe the extra day off will give me the energy for that!

I seem to have completely skipped that stage of pregnancy where you’re supposed to get a burst of energy to do all the things, maybe because I had a mild case of COVID at 18 weeks. It was mostly fatigue and some digestive issues for me, so I was very lucky.

Are any of you doing themed nurseries?

Names have been much harder this time! Our first we had named before I even got pregnant. Right now we’ve narrowed it down to either [name_f]Holiday[/name_f] [name_f]Jane[/name_f] or [name_f]Maple[/name_f] [name_f]Louisa[/name_f] (with [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f] [name_u]June[/name_u] as a very distant third) but can’t decide between the two, I have a feeling we might end up taking our top two to the hospital with us.

I’ve been working on our nursery for months now, it was our storage room (aka if we couldn’t find a place for it it went in that room) so it needed some major work. We thought about doing a ‘twinkle twinkle little star theme’ but I have a hard time sticking to a theme, there’s just so many cute things out there!

And to be honest I never really get that ‘nesting urge’ either thats suppose to make you want to clean and prepare the house. It’s always a struggle for me to get the house ready for baby :baby_bottle:

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@LaurenAlexis I think we’re mostly decided on [name_f]Mila[/name_f] [name_f]Anya[/name_f] [name_f]Elizaveta[/name_f]. I’ve been fussing for months now and keep coming back to it, so maybe it’s the right name for this baby. No themed nursery, she’ll be sharing a room with her big sister once she outgrows the bassinet in our room. I need very little this time around, although I picked up a few things mostly for fun. I’ve actually been looking at beds and bedding for a “big girl room” for her big sister. Once [name_f]Mila[/name_f] is ready for the crib, her sister will be nearing 2.5 and ready to evict it, so perfect timing!

Oh and the runner up to Mila was Clara–another hard C!


Ours still is :grimacing:. We’ve got a 4 bedroom place but they’re quite small bedrooms. One room for us, one for our 2 yr old, and one of them is all set up as the study with big bookshelves and desktop computer etc. So that leaves room number four to be new baby’s room… “the junk room”. [name_f]My[/name_f] rock/crystal collection that has never been out on display properly. The stroller and bouncer. The gorgeous heritage crib we never used and never will because we ended up co-sleeping. [name_m]Art[/name_m] and mirrors that still need to be put up on walls but that we never found a good place for when moving house. Old laptops we never got the data off that need to be recycled. Half-started knitting projects. A single bed as it also used to be the spare room when guests came. I really really want the room to be done but I’m kinda scared of it!

Also, while my nesting intinct has me badly wanting all the baby clothes washed and in drawers and carefully sorted by type, I know realistically that baby will sleep in the same room as us for at least the first year anyway, so the nursery won’t actually ever be used as a nursery, it will be a toddler room that we need, and we won’t need it for over a year. Which makes it a bit easier to pretend to myself that some of the harder tasks in that room can be left a little longer.


[name_m]Just[/name_m] popping in here to say I feel every word of this, too. We won’t even be putting our baby in the spare room at all (we will be cosleeping until they join the kids’ room as we have done each time previously and they’ll all share that room for at least a couple years if not longterm (depending on how gender displays), but these tasks are totally weighing on me in a new way now that I’m pregnant again. Part of me feels like if I don’t manage to get those pictures and art pieces framed and on the walls and the laptops swept and recycled before this baby comes, it will be YEARS until I’m actually able to with three littles underfoot. Because it has already been years… impending sense of doom about the whole thing honestly. I’m not sure where to best point my self-efficacy and the ounces of productive energy I still have… and I even have an extra trimester on you (40 weeks [name_u]July[/name_u] 24)… however to arrange all this?

Oh and congrats on your baby [name_f]Mila[/name_f], @LiliMorgana!