Babies due January-March 2021

Hello due date! Had a midwife check in yesterday, was 1CM and 80% effaced so we did a membrane sweep. It wasn’t painful, only had a little cramping afterwards. Trying to rest and not dwell on counting down the hours/days. So ready to meet this baby! Still not settled on a girl name, but pretty sure about the boys.


I guess that was one of the very few advantages of having my boys so early in the pregnancy: no waiting and counting down the days.
I hope everything goes well for you and that you’ll be able to meet your baby soon!

@Rosebeth Certainly! Thank you so much. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Motherhood definitely teaches you patience. How are your boys?

It most certainly does! [name_f]My[/name_f] boys are doing alright. For the first two weeks after they got home [name_m]Endymion[/name_m] struggled with the feeding, it has been a bit of a problem for him ever since he was born. Getting him to drink was a struggle, and it was exhausting. [name_m]Leonid[/name_m] was doing alright with the feeding but because his brother was so upset, and so was I every time he wouldn’t drink, [name_m]Leonid[/name_m] would start crying too and the whole thing turned into a drama :roll_eyes: Thank god we’re getting some professional help at home for the first two months, that lady is a life saver. The feeding is free of drama now and [name_m]Endymion[/name_m] is doing very well, as is [name_m]Leonid[/name_m].
I’m happy with my family right now, but it’s exhausting. Thankfully my SO is still working from home and my twin brother is around practically 24/7, I wouldn’t have managed otherwise.


@rosebeth Great to hear an update on your twins, glad they’re feeding better now and doing well.

@JadeLinnell [name_f]Hope[/name_f] your sweep brings some success and that you can meet your little one soon!

I’ve got one tomorrow at 41 weeks, still no sign of baby. Induction booked in for 41+5 if needed too. Come on little one, we’re ready to welcome you into the world!


No luck with the sweep attempt unfortunately, so looks like I’m going to have to play the waiting game a little while longer. Went outside for a walk and it’s so cold I don’t blame baby at all for wanting to stay put! Though it would be nice to be able to answer the frequent ‘any news yet?’ texts with something other than ‘no, not yet’

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That must be very frustrating. I’ve never really been in that situation, since my twins were born so early and [name_m]Barnabas[/name_m] was born at 35 weeks too. Hjörtur was the only one that actually made it to full term, but he was born at 39+3, so I never had to wait until 40 weeks or over.

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We welcomed our baby boy this morning 1/21/21 at 5:38am weighing 9lb 9.5oz. We left our name list at home which is 1.5 hours away from the birth center. We got a hotel for the night and are doing swell. Still deciding on a name, but it’s a boy! [name_f]My[/name_f] mother in law brought my 4yo to come meet little brother just a while ago. SO sweet to seem him being loving to his little bother.


Congratulations! I’m glad you’re both doing well. Looking forward to see which name you’ll chose :slightly_smiling_face:

Just dropping in briefly to say that our baby boy was born in the early hours of [name_u]January[/name_u] 24, three days after my waters broke. It was a difficult birth and we had to stay in a few days but we’re home now and settling in well. [name_f]Hope[/name_f] all you other mums are getting on great with your little ones too


@SoJoCo Congratulations! I’m so sorry that the delivery was hard for you. It must be nice to be home.

Congratulations! I’m sorry it was a difficult birth, I hope you’re recovering well.

Congratulations on all the new babies! My boy came yesterday at 37 wks 5 days. Unfortunately had some issues and is spending some time in the nicu, which is a first for me. He’s at a different hospital and I’m recovering from a c-section so it’s weird to be here all alone.

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My little one arrived yesterday, see birth announcement for details. @Rosebeth now you need to call your next little one [name_m]Astrophel[/name_m] :wink:

@crkohring sorry to hear you are on your own. I’m also recovering from a c section and it’s hard enough as it is. [name_f]Hope[/name_f] your little one is doing better now


Congratulations!! I’m probably way more excited about this than I should be, but I’ve been waiting for so long to see what name you’d pick. Your choice is absolutely gorgeous! :heart_eyes: It’s so perfect, and I loved reading the reasons behind it.
We’ve got a deal, I’ll just inform my SO that our next little one will be [name_m]Astrophel[/name_m] and that’s it :wink:


Hoping all other parents are doing well! With our babes reaching a 4-6 months old now, does everyone still feel their names fit their babies? Has anyone found nicknames they didn’t expect? Wishing you all the best. [name_f]My[/name_f] second son, [name_m]Torben[/name_m] is 5 months now. Still haven’t gone for any of the NNs I had in mind, but he’s definitely a [name_m]Torben[/name_m]. [name_f]My[/name_f] inlaws have been calling him [name_m]Benny[/name_m] at times, which I think is cute.

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It’s so nice to hear from you!

The twins are 6 months old now, 7 months next week. We’re still very happy with their names, they fit them perfectly. For [name_m]Leonid[/name_m] we’re using the nickname we expected to use, [name_f]Lenya[/name_f]. For [name_m]Endymion[/name_m] it’s been hard to find a nickname that fits him. We called him Dymi for a while, but that didn’t feel quite right. Now he’s mostly [name_m]Enno[/name_m] or [name_f]Enni[/name_f].

Wow, 7 months! That flew by. [name_f]Lenya[/name_f] is so sweet! I’m sure somthing will come up for [name_m]Endymion[/name_m], or just sticking with the full name isn’t a problem either. We call my first son, by his full name more often than I would have thought and its 4 syllables. [name_f]Glad[/name_f] to hear you’re well :smiley:

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[name_u]Happy[/name_u] first birthday to many of y’alls babies! [name_f]My[/name_f] little [name_m]Torben[/name_m] just turned 1 [name_u]Jan[/name_u] 21st. Wow, it’s flown by. [name_f]Hope[/name_f] everyone is getting along well. :heart:
We’ve finally settled on a few nicknames for [name_m]Torben[/name_m]. His 5 yo brother decided on [name_u]Toby[/name_u] as a NN, which I think is adorable. I’ve been using [name_m]Ben[/name_m] as a NN. [name_f]My[/name_f] father in law has invented T-bugg as a NN, which im still learning to like. :neutral_face: [name_f]My[/name_f] husband calls him T-bone which you can assume we know where he got his nick naming skills from. Haha! Anywho, just catching up and wishing well to everyone! Much love!


It’s so nice to get an update from you. [name_m]Ben[/name_m] is a very nice nickname. How is little [name_m]Torben[/name_m] doing?

The twins turned one a little over 2 months ago. They’re doing well, although we found out a while ago that [name_m]Leonid[/name_m] has a hearing problem. But part of it can be solved by a hearing aid, and we’re learning sign language to make communicating with him a little easier. But otherwise they’re doing alright.