Babies Due October-December 2014

So for the past 3 days I haven’t been feeling very sick… I did read that morning sickness peaks around 9 weeks, which I am today… I’m sure it wouldn’t be out of the realms of possibilities that for me it peaked around 8 (last week was brutal). Crossing my fingers, but I’m sure I’ve just jinxed myself and will feel like crap the rest of the week, lol.

On the other hand, though, still tired and now I get dizzy if I stand up too fast. [name_f]My[/name_f] sense of smell is going crazy - the smell of my dog’s shampoo makes me crazy, and my husband says he hasn’t even smelled it on him for a week, haha.

@moonkai I totally need to be banned from Google, too. Last night I had some slight cramping on one side (not even painful) and immediately looked up ectopic pregnancy symptoms. I am a danger to myself and need to put the phone down!

My only symptoms are sore boobs, going to the bathroom all the time, fatigue, and the occasional emotional outburst. I have no sickness, no food aversions or cravings, I don’t feel like my sense of smell is heightened either. I am trying to just be thankful that I’m not sick but I still worry a bit that I feel so good. [name_f]My[/name_f] mom said she didn’t have any sickness with either of her pregnancies so I’m hoping that’s how I’ll be. I’ll feel better after the ultrasound, 6 days and counting!

Let’s see, I pee constantly, way more bm’s than I’ve ever had before (which is weird, but it’s ridiculous how much it’s happening), sore bb’s, nausea when I get hungry, nausea when I eat (no win situation), no real strong cravings but Chinese sounds really good lately and last night I decided I wanted a hot ham and cheese sandwich, something I hope I can convince dh to make for me this week. I’m down almost 10 lbs between illness and nausea. And my hubby says I’m terrifying, but I’ve been in bed all week trying to get better so I think it’s probably more just his own anxiety than me. Though everything makes me cry, sappy music and puppies are evil.

In other news, my son is 5 today! He’s gotten so big so fast. He’s so excited to be a big brother. He told me last night that he wants to sell his train table so there is enough room in his room for him and the baby to share.

@lookingahead - so cute! [name_f]Glad[/name_f] your son is excited about being a big bro.

Nausea hit me a lot worse today, along with worse heartburn. I’m going to get some ginger tea at the store tomorrow before work, hopefully that will help. I’ve also been really fatigued. I’ve taken a nap in the afternoon for the last few days. I hope my double shift tomorrow isn’t too brutal.

Funny!!! I was served a salad with a bought meal the other night (I wouldn’t eat it anyway due to the risks) BUT the thought of any dressing on it made me gag anyway!!!

The other pregnancy symptom VIVID DREAMS and NIGHTMARE!!! [name_f]Every[/name_f] night, 4-5 times a night.


Oh and yes, I agree! Must stay away from Googling symptoms!

I say no cravings, but on [name_f]Sunday[/name_f] I did randomly decide to make a 2 tier dark chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting…lol. Apparently that didn’t strike me as odd when I wrote my previous post. Yes it was delicious, and no I am not a sweets or junk food eater. I don’t put sugar on anything, I drink everything unsweetened, we didn’t even have a cake at our wedding. I think the craziest cry I’ve had so far is when I asked DH to open a jar for me, and promptly starting bawling.

@katieree, the other day I watched a video of clips from Hayao Miyazaki’s movies (some of my favorites ever!!) and totally bawled because the music was so sad. [name_f]My[/name_f] husband made so much fun of me!

Omg I love Miyazaki. Idefinitely gotten my morning sickness in the morning today so I have decided to use my sisters strategy of only eating things that aren’t too unpleasant to puke up later lol.

@moonkai your sister’s strategy is great! [name_f]My[/name_f] sister told me that she puked up ramen noodles - still noodley. I have made a point to avoid them because that sounds totally awful (even though as a kid I thought it was fun to swallow a strand of spaghetti while holding the other end so I could pull it back out. SHUDDER). I have been eating mostly plain, bland stuff lately.

Oh yeah bland things that don’t look like anything. Though if you end up puking like I did in my first pregnancy you don’t really eat anything and just get used to keeping water by you so that you have something to throw up when the time comes. Twice baked potatoes were my best friend when all of that was going on. But now every time I eat something I wonder if/when the puking will hit. If it doesn’t hit next week I’m guessing that maybe it won’t. 8 weeks was when it hit last time, and though very nauseous for 3 weeks now, not once have I thrown up!

I had my first puke last night. Husband was waiting for me outside the bathroom with the camera… what a dear. Lol. That said, I’ve felt much better today but I’m still tired! I feel like I’ve been laying down all day.

Lol [name_f]July[/name_f], I had mine today. Unfortunately I was driving home from work so had to hold it until I could pull into a parking lot, stop, open a door and let go. It was rough and in the parking lot of a funeral home. Hopefully it snows before anyone walks across it…

So I’m 7 weeks as of tomorrow. Pretty much all I can stand to ingest right now is toast or crackers with a little peanut butter and lemon ginger tea. Tums do seem to help with the heartburn, but I might call the advice nurse and see if there’s anything else I might be able to take for the nausea. It is making being at work pretty miserable.

I have been lucky- despite the odd moment of nausea I am not sicking up!
Weirdly my nausea is getting worse now I am 8 weeks.

My uterus is starting to get aches from stretching… I’m 9 weeks [name_f]Monday[/name_f] and apparently my uterus is the size of a grapefruit now!

I am 7 weeks as of [name_f]Monday[/name_f] and haven’t had the slightest bit of nausea. I am scheduled for my first ultrasound on [name_f]Monday[/name_f] but we are expecting a snow storm [name_f]Sunday[/name_f] night into the morning that is supposed to bring up to 18 inches. They better not try to reschedule me, I need to have my ultrasound to make sure everything is okay! I’ve been worrying that I feel too good, I hope I am just being hormonal.

Joining in on this thread. I am due 30th oct. very keen to have an ultrasound to confirm heartbeat but we are travelling right now. Congrats to everyone else!

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] :slight_smile: I thought I’d join.

Expecting our first baby around [name_f]October[/name_f] 5th so 9 weeks tomorrow. I’ve had an ultrasound so have seen my little baby and the heartbeat :slight_smile:

My symptoms haven’t been too bad so far and I only get little waves of nausea a couple times a day.

Congrats everyone!

[name_f]Welcome[/name_f] to the thread ladies!!!
[name_u]Jess[/name_u]- you and I are due about the same! I’m 9 weeks tomorrow too- my [name_m]EDD[/name_m] is 6 Oct.

Congrats and welcome to the new ladies!

[name_f]Welcome[/name_f] ladies!