Baby Berries April/May/June 2024

Woohoo! The first baby from our group is here!! :tada::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::grin:

@kibby It’s true! The change in approach to those kind of symptoms, as things get closer, is quite amusing. I’m not quite there yet though, and any of those symptoms would still concern me currently - I’d like baby to cook for a few more weeks yet! It definitely feels surreal to be counting down to that point though!! :exploding_head::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I hope your swab results come back favourable and your induction massage helps! I’ve heard of acupuncture being done for induction - be interesting to hear if it works / helps.

Oh wow! This seems like a brave time to start renovations! :flushed: Good luck with your project. I hope it goes well!

@Beort12 I’d never thought about the similarities between TWW and waiting for labour, but I can totally see why now that you mention it. Although, as you say, waiting for labour must feel more definite and positive.

I’m glad having a date is helping you feel better. I’m excited to get my date just so I have a definite point to work towards!

I was just thinking about how I’ve had barely any [name_m]Braxton[/name_m] Hicks recently and then I had very noticeable ones this evening. I don’t think I’d say they hurt, more just uncomfortable (like any other mild muscle cramp).

[name_f]Baby[/name_f] is very busy in there too! I feel like they do nothing for hours and then, all of a sudden, they start kicking the same spot over and over again for minutes at a time.

Our baby shower was yesterday and went really well! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It was lovely to see friends and family, and celebrate together. This was our cake (which I thought turned out so sweet!):

We were blessed with so many gifts and lovely things! One friend drove over 6 hours to be there - it just amazes me what genuine friends will do to celebrate with you! :heartpulse: Unfortunately, I had a cold in the three days before the shower and it didn’t go away, so I wore a mask for the whole event and felt totaly exhausted after. I almost had no voice today and my cough was worse, which is annoying. [name_f]My[/name_f] parents threw an “after party” BBQ dinner for any guests that wanted to come and then also hosted a [name_f]Sunday[/name_f] breakfast for an family and friends that wanted to eat / catch up before travelling home. It was great, but so tiring!! I feel like I could sleep for three days now! :sleeping: :sweat_smile:

Urgh. [name_f]Baby[/name_f] is currently shoving their bum right out and my belly has a hard lump in the centre! It’s so funny, but also uncomfortable! :sweat_smile: