4 weeks today! Due 4/25/22
Congratulations on baby and on being able to start the new thread!! Would you care to expand it to [name_f]April[/name_f] - [name_u]June[/name_u] babies so more can join you?
Yes, as @whatchamacallit says, can you please change the thread name to “Baby Berries due April-June 2022” so more can join you. Thanks!
Congratulations. The TTC thread was just discussing that an [name_f]April[/name_f], [name_f]May[/name_f], [name_u]June[/name_u] group had not yet been created. [name_f]Hope[/name_f] to join you soon.
We got a positive test yesterday. Due early [name_f]May[/name_f].
Yay, @Cleaver! Congrats! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy!
[name_m]Hi[/name_m] all! [name_m]Just[/name_m] got my 3rd positive test in a row so I’m joining here- EDD somewhere around [name_f]May[/name_f] 9th. This will be my second pregnancy after a looooong hiatus, my first kiddo will be 7 in a few months.
[name_m]Hi[/name_m] all. Congratulations!
I’m due on the 4th [name_f]May[/name_f] with baby number two
Congratulations! Wishing you a healthy, happy 9 months.
Did bloodwork on 4w 0d, 440 and 4w 2d, 960.
Dating ultrasound scheduled for 6w.
How are you all doing?
Sharing your news or not?
I’m the worst at keeping secrets so a bunch of my close friends know and one coworker already guessed, lol.
If I have hyperemesis gravidarum again and start feeling nauseated and puking at work then I’m probably going to have to tell everyone pretty quickly. I can’t even get into my OB until the end of the month, . Frustrating.
I also feel so lost with my name list, how’s everyone else doing with ideas?
I only had a phone appointment with the family doctor to get the forms sent in for blood and ultrasound. She c.c.'d our OB which makes me happy that she’s at least seeing the update. I’m very fond of her and would be devastated if we weren’t with her again. We have a long history.
@moonkai I am sorry you were so ill with your last pregnancy. It has varied with mine. The first I was quite sick but it turned out to be a molar pregnancy and extreme hormone levels are typical. [name_f]My[/name_f] 2nd I vomited all the way through to the morning of my c-section. I hope you are well this time.
Absolutely no one knows except my husband. Family doctor was shocked. OB won’t be, she’d teased when we had our last that we weren’t done. Some people were surprised when we had our last child so I expect many will be shocked this time.
I don’t want people to know at this point because I don’t want our children to know yet.
How are you all doing?
Hit 5 weeks.
Throughout all my pregnancies I’ve compulsively checked for spotting every washroom trip and continue to do so. Absolutely nothing which gives me comfort.
[name_u]Doctor[/name_u] called and was happy with my lab work.
I’m at 5w3d and the morning sickness is already hitting hard. Crossing my fingers it doesn’t progress to full hyperemesis gravidarum, already taking med regimen in the hopes it will help, ugh.
About once an hour thinking “what have I done?!” LOL
Hello, excited to be able to join this thread! Got a positive on a Clearblue Digital this morning after a faint line on an internet cheapie yesterday. This is baby #2, my first daughter just had her 3rd birthday last month. Had a mmc in March this year, so keeping everything crossed that this little rainbow babe sticks Estimated due date of 21 May 2022!
Congratulations @sabrielschild ! Great to have another member join us.
@moonkai I am also feeling more and more nauseous and uneasy. I was plating my children’s dinner tonight and the smell hit me hard!
Very cautiously announcing that I’m 6 weeks (ish). Found out a week ago and just got it confirmed by my GP after a few (dozen) home tests. [name_f]My[/name_f] boyfriend and I had a loss earlier this year in the form of a chemical pregnancy at around the 5 week mark after only knowing for a week so I’m kind of hesitant to talk about it.
Only me, my boyfriend, and my mum know currently. I mentioned my miscarriage to somebody a few months backs and got a really horrid reply about it being barely a pregnancy so I’m keeping this one close to the vest for the time being.
But I’m due the 4th of [name_f]May[/name_f] by the calculations of due date calendars.
@lunette Congratulations. We also had a chemical pregnancy back in [name_u]February[/name_u] and are now pregnant again with the same due date as you
So cool that we have the same due date! Our chemical pregnancy was in [name_f]May[/name_f] so it feels kind of like a full circle that this baby is due in [name_f]May[/name_f].
Has anyone had any cravings yet? I don’t know if I just think I’m having cravings…but cherry tomatoes with a sprinkle of salt and pepper is all I want to eat which is weird because I usually hate raw tomatoes because of the texture. I’ve had some morning sickness but not loads but some food makes me feel queasy after I’ve ate it so I’m just happy to have something that settles in my tummy and doesn’t make me feel sick. It’s more that I get the nauseous feel of morning sickness than actual vomiting which has only happened a few times so I will keep my fingers crossed that it stays that way throughout my pregnancy.
[name_f]Hope[/name_f] everyone is doing good x