Baby due in 6 days. Need your help desperately!

My husband and I haven’t been able to decide/agree on a name yet, and our baby girl will be delivered on [name]Saturday[/name] (in 6 days!) so I’m in a massive panic.

For the past ten years, my favorite name has been [name]Mia[/name]. However, now that I have a baby on the way, the name [name]Mia[/name] has shot up on the popularity charts, to my disappointment. (I don’t like the idea of her having another girl with the same name in her classroom. I never did, and I liked it that way.)

I need a name that is distinctive, not popular or trendy, and pretty. Something that would work for an artist or for a CEO, whatever she decides to do. It also needs to flow with the surname [name]Daily[/name].

Here is our/my list right now:

[name]Mia[/name] (still on the list, even though I can’t bear the popularity)

What do you think of these names? What kind of person do you picture in your mind when you hear these names? What are your top choices? What middle names would you suggest? Other suggestions welcome… (I am of Norwegian/Danish heritage, so I would love to add a pretty Scandinavian name or two to the list, but that’s not a requirement.)

Here some propositons:

Svea [name]Alana[/name] or [name]Alana[/name] Svea
[name]Alia[/name] [name]Malin[/name] or [name]Malin[/name] [name]Alia[/name]
[name]Lia[/name] [name]Maren[/name]

If I look at this names I see a cute little girl with blond hair and blue eyes (scandinavian stereotype I know…)

Good luck!!!

of the names you listed, I love [name]Sloane[/name] and [name]Delphine[/name]… but [name]Delphine[/name] [name]Daily[/name] may be too alliterative… (or that may be what you’re going for!). In any case, I think both names are beautiful and distinctive… good luck!!! :smiley:

[name]Mia[/name]: I think it’s a pretty name, but like you said, way too popular. I also think it’s a little insubstantial as a given name-- what about [name]Miriam[/name], [name]Miranda[/name], or [name]Amelia[/name] nn [name]Mia[/name]? I guess it could also be a nn for [name]Maren[/name], which is on your list.

[name]Sloane[/name]: I just find this name to be extremely ugly looking/sounding. It could be just me, because I really hate surname names as first names.

[name]Marin[/name]: It reminds me of [name]Marin[/name] County, [name]CA[/name]. Besides that, it’s a masculine name in some countries.

[name]Delphine[/name]: I think this is absolutely gorgeous! I personally like the alliteration of [name]Delphine[/name] [name]Daily[/name], but some may not.

[name]Delphine[/name] [name]Amelia[/name]
[name]Delphine[/name] [name]Anastasia[/name]
[name]Delphine[/name] [name]Estelle[/name]
[name]Delphine[/name] [name]Astrid[/name]

[name]Alana[/name]: This is really pretty, too. [name]Alana[/name] [name]Daily[/name] has a really nice flow.

[name]Alana[/name] [name]Josephine[/name]
[name]Alana[/name] [name]Beatrice[/name]
[name]Alana[/name] [name]Juliet[/name]

[name]Kaia[/name]: This is a nice name, and it has the Norwegian background that you want.

[name]Kaia[/name] [name]Cecily[/name]
[name]Kaia[/name] [name]Marguerite[/name]
[name]Kaia[/name] [name]Maeve[/name]

[name]Maren[/name]: I like this, too, but it’s not my favorite of your choices. It does have Danish origins, which is good.

[name]Maren[/name] [name]Juliana[/name]
[name]Maren[/name] [name]Louisa[/name]

Marinne: I’m not really a fan… [name]Marianne[/name] and [name]Marina[/name] are gorgeous, though.

My favorites on your list are [name]Delphine[/name] and [name]Alana[/name], and I also like [name]Kaia[/name] and [name]Maren[/name]. Here are some other names you might like:


[name]Mia[/name] - I just think this has lost its shine due to popularity. [name]Maya[/name]/[name]Maia[/name] may work for you as it’s slightly less popular and has a similar sound, but its popularity has also risen.
[name]Sloane[/name] - I like the name, but I don’t like the combination of [name]Sloane[/name] [name]Daily[/name].
[name]Marin[/name]/[name]Maren[/name]/Marinne - I love this name, and I would spell it [name]Maren[/name]
[name]Delphine[/name] - I don’t like it with your surname
[name]Alana[/name] - lovely!
[name]Kaia[/name] - I really like this one, especially with your surname, and it is unusual

I liked irisrose’s suggestions of [name]Ingrid[/name], [name]Anya[/name] (I actually knew sisters called [name]Anya[/name] and [name]Mia[/name]), and [name]Eva[/name].

A few more ideas:

Good luck!

[name]Carys[/name] is a name I really like right now! So I want to throw that one out to you! It seems like something else you would like based on your name list!

I’ve heard of spelling it as [name]Kerris[/name] or [name]Karys[/name] :slight_smile: I love the C though!

Good luck! As far as what I think of the names on your list:

[name]Mia[/name] …I don’t love it, it’s just too short and cute for me…
[name]Sloane[/name]… I don’t “get” this name.
[name]Marin[/name]… I like this! I think it’s very cute for a girl and very pretty for a woman!
[name]Delphine[/name]… well I have a crazy ass aunt [name]Delphine[/name], so this one I personally couldn’t be on board with…though, if I didn’t I might like it! :wink:
[name]Alana[/name]… I don’t mind this! I think it’s a solid choice! I have a very good friend [name]Alana[/name] and she really loves her name!
[name]Kaia[/name] … Not a name that I would take seriously, another name I don’t quite “get”
[name]Maren[/name]… I like [name]Marin[/name], so I like this!
Marinne … would this be a different pronunciation? [name]Mar[/name]-een? I prefer [name]Marin[/name] or [name]Maren[/name].

OH OH OH! What about [name]Maura[/name]! One of my favorites!

[name]Mia[/name]–Perhaps [name]Amelia[/name] would be a sufficient substitute? Other possibilities: Tria (nn for [name]Demetria[/name]), [name]Tia[/name] (nn for [name]Tatiana[/name]), [name]Rhea[/name], Bia (nn for [name]Sabina[/name]), [name]Via[/name] (nn for [name]Vivian[/name]), [name]Maria[/name] (which [name]Mia[/name] is actually a diminutive of), [name]Milly[/name] (a nn for many names), [name]Thea[/name] (nn for [name]Dorothea[/name] or [name]Theodora[/name]), [name]Pia[/name].
[name]Sloane[/name]–This is one of my favorites on your list. It reminds me of [name]Blair[/name] and [name]Flannery[/name].
[name]Marin[/name]–Not one of my favorites. Again, [name]Maria[/name] would be a compromise between [name]Marin[/name] and [name]Mia[/name].
[name]Delphine[/name]–My ABSOLUTE favorite on this list!! I highly recommend that you name your daughter this; it is beyond stunning. [name]Princess[/name]-like, yet strong.
[name]Alana[/name]–My dad’s name is [name]Alan[/name], so I can only see this as a not-very-interesting feminization.
[name]Kaia[/name]–Again, it’s okay, but nothing to write home about. It also might be awkward with [name]Daily[/name]. (Two "ai"s, both with different pronounciations.)
[name]Maren[/name]–see [name]Marin[/name]. (Although, I do prefer this softer spelling.)
Marinne–I’d go with [name]Marianne[/name] or [name]Miriam[/name].

Some Scandinavian names:
[name]Eleonora[/name] / [name]Ellinor[/name]
[name]Lena[/name] nn for Magdelena

And some names I simply just like:
[name]Beatrice[/name] / [name]Beatriz[/name] / [name]Beatrix[/name]
[name]Devora[/name] ([name]Dora[/name])
[name]Philippa[/name] ([name]Pippa[/name])
[name]Juliette[/name] ([name]July[/name])

Good luck with the naming!
[name]Love[/name], NameGoddess

I am surprised that [name]Mia[/name] has risen to the top 20 so quickly.

Here is the thing though: If you love the name, won’t you feel bummed whenever your daughter introduces you to a friend named [name]Mia[/name] when you’ve settled for something you maybe don’t like as much? She may have another [name]Mia[/name] in her class, but if you love the name, stick with it!

I agree with the others that [name]Maya[/name] is a gorgeous similar name. You may also want to consider something that could be abbreviated to [name]Mia[/name] as a nickname (i.e., give her 3 names with the initials M.I.A. or a name like [name]Maria[/name] that can be shortened to [name]Mia[/name]).

Good luck!!! Let us know what you decide!

[name]Delphine[/name] and [name]Sloane[/name] are lovely!
[name]Maren[/name] and [name]Marin[/name] are nice as well, but I prefer [name]Maris[/name]…
As for Scandinavian names, I might be able to help :slight_smile:
[name]Viel[/name] (vee-[name]ELLE[/name])

Let me know if any of them interest you, I can look up some more…
All the names I mentioned are of Norse origin or only in use in Scandinavia (like Thomine)… :slight_smile:

[name]Mia[/name]: I like this name very much, but I know what you mean about the popularity. :frowning: But there are plenty of alternatives. First of all, the -ia names: [name]Lia[/name], [name]Tia[/name], [name]Fia[/name], [name]Nia[/name], and [name]Gia[/name]…and have you thought about using [name]Mia[/name] as a nickname, for [name]Michaela[/name], [name]Marin[/name], [name]Mariana[/name], [name]Mira[/name]/[name]Mirabel[/name], [name]Miriam[/name], Miriana, [name]Miranda[/name]?
[name]Sloane[/name]: Very nice, I think it should be more popular than it is.
[name]Marin[/name]: Like it a lot–what about as a nickname for [name]Mariana[/name]?
[name]Delphine[/name]: [name]Love[/name], except I don’t think it goes that well with [name]Daily[/name]…
[name]Alana[/name]: Nice
[name]Kaia[/name]: Nice
[name]Maren[/name]: I like [name]Marin[/name] better
Marinne: see [name]Maren[/name]

I completely understand your hesitation to use [name]Mia[/name] because of its sudden popularity. I actually loved [name]Mia[/name] as well before it came thundering up the charts :frowning: That being said, if you really love [name]Mia[/name] and can’t imagine your daughter with anything but that name, then go for it!

[name]Sloane[/name]- definitely not my top pick from your list. It feels rough and brusque to me compared to all the other names.

[name]Marin[/name]- not my favorite. It doesn’t have the unexpected elegance of some of your other choices.

[name]Delphine[/name]- I’m usually hesitant with alliterative names but [name]Delphine[/name] is so beautiful that in this case, I would use it.

[name]Delphine[/name] [name]Belle[/name]
[name]Delphine[/name] [name]Daliah[/name]- if you love alliteration of course!
[name]Delphine[/name] [name]Louise[/name]
[name]Delphine[/name] [name]Grace[/name]
[name]Delphine[/name] [name]Serena[/name]/[name]Sabrina[/name]
[name]Delphine[/name] [name]Diana[/name]- ditto [name]Delphine[/name] [name]Daliah[/name]

[name]Alana[/name]- pretty. I prefer the spelling [name]Alanna[/name].

[name]Alana[/name] [name]Rose[/name]- popular but I love it!
[name]Alana[/name] [name]Josephine[/name]
[name]Alana[/name] [name]Jillian[/name]
[name]Alana[/name] [name]Rosalind[/name]

[name]Kaia[/name]- very cool name. [name]How[/name] are you pronouncing it?

[name]Kaia[/name] [name]Lily[/name]- sounds a bit like [name]Calla[/name] [name]Lily[/name]
[name]Kaia[/name] [name]Ruby[/name]
[name]Kaia[/name] [name]Lavender[/name]
[name]Kaia[/name] [name]Eloise[/name]
[name]Kaia[/name] [name]Eleanor[/name]

[name]Maren[/name]- same as [name]Marin[/name]

Marinne- prefere [name]Marina[/name] or [name]Mariana[/name]

My favorites are [name]Delphine[/name], [name]Alanna[/name] and [name]Kaia[/name]. Good luck!

Such a shame [name]Mia[/name] is so popular but you’ll find something just as good:)
[name]Mia[/name] -like
[name]Sloane[/name]-too masculine
[name]Marin[/name]-ok not amazing
[name]Delphine[/name]- delph? doesnt sound well with surname
[name]Alana[/name]- nice
[name]Kaia[/name]-love love
[name]Maren[/name] ok
Marinne ok

The name [name]Freya[/name] comes to mind immediately-[name]Goddess[/name] of love and beauty- such a pretty name, not too popular atm and flows well with surname [name]Freya[/name] [name]Daily[/name]- so adorable

[name]How[/name] about other ways to get nn mia

other scandinavian names:
[name]Astrid[/name] -love
[name]Kaia[/name]- beautiful

[name]Mia[/name]- I think this is a very pretty name, however i would have an issue with the popularity, cause me like you, dont want my child to be (Example) [name]Mia[/name] G. because there is also a [name]Mia[/name] F. , [name]Mia[/name] K. and [name]Mia[/name]. A.

[name]Sloane[/name]- I really find this to be a very ugly looking name just from glance. Then syaing it makes it worse. It seems like a violent name (to me is associated with names like Bladen and [name]Talon[/name])

[name]Marin[/name]- Hmm im a little stumped on this. It sound slike its missing something.

[name]Delphine[/name]- So far this is my favorite of all the name,s however i see lots of people thinkg its [name]Daphne[/name].

[name]Alana[/name]- I actually like this name. But i do associate it with the snoby rich girl persona. But i like it.

[name]Kaia[/name]- Im a personal fan of names like these (i plan on naming one of my fiture daughters [name]Kiele[/name], key-lee, so i find this to be a beautiful name.

[name]Maren[/name]- Im not sure why but this immediatly sounded like a boy name to me.

Marinne- I pronouce this [name]Marine[/name]. Is that correct? I think in theory (if thats the pronounciation) that it is a beautiful name, however the association with the [name]Marine[/name] Corps. and [name]Marine[/name] animals might make it a bit difficult to hold. But i actually find it very pretty.

My Favorites in order are [name]Kaia[/name], [name]Alana[/name], Marinne, and [name]Delphine[/name].

Good [name]Luck[/name]!

Oh and if [name]Mia[/name] is a really big name that you adore i suggest finding a name in which you can use it as a nickname, or simply has it in it. Once again good luck!

[name]Love[/name] [name]Kaia[/name] and love the name [name]Mia[/name] too, but I don’t like it when a name I love is so popular either.

[name]Kaia[/name] [name]Sloane[/name] [name]Daily[/name]
[name]Amelia[/name] [name]Sloane[/name] [name]Daily[/name] nn [name]Mia[/name]

Good luck!

[name]Mia[/name]: This may have been suggested already, but have you considered [name]Amelia[/name] [name]Daily[/name], nn [name]Mia[/name]? [name]Mia[/name] could also be a nickname for [name]Miranda[/name] or [name]Mirabel[/name]/[name]Mirabelle[/name].

[name]Sloane[/name]: [name]Sloane[/name] feels trendy to me because it’s a surname being used as a first name.

[name]Marin[/name]: I think this is a pretty name…

[name]Delphine[/name]: I love [name]Delphine[/name] (as well as alliteration), but I think some of your other choices sound better with your last name.

[name]Alana[/name]: I think this sounds nice with your last name…

[name]Kaia[/name]: [name]Kaia[/name] feels trendy to me…

[name]Maren[/name]: Pretty…

Marinne: This looks like a misspelling of [name]Marianne[/name] to me…

[name]Teresa[/name]/[name]Theresa[/name] ([name]Tess[/name]): I love [name]Tess[/name] more than I do [name]Teresa[/name] or [name]Theresa[/name], but I do think [name]Theresa[/name]/[name]Teresa[/name] is very pretty.

You may also like:


[name]Amelia[/name] (nn [name]Mia[/name])
[name]Miranda[/name] (nn [name]Mia[/name])–D heavy with [name]Daily[/name], though
[name]Mirabel[/name]/[name]Mirabelle[/name] (nn [name]Mia[/name])
[name]Camilla[/name] (I think you could still call her [name]Mia[/name]…)

I’m really sorry for any repeats! :slight_smile:

Best wishes to you! :slight_smile:

Thank you to EVERYONE for your helpful feedback! My husband and I were able to revisit this whole name thing today by reading through your comments.

After seeing [name]Alana[/name] written again and again, we are starting to like it more.

[name]Delphine[/name] is a favorite of mine ” unusual, elegant, pretty but strong ” but my husband isn”t sold on it for a first name (but he”s good with it as a middle name).

We both have liked [name]Sloane[/name] for a while, but I have hesitated to say that [name]Sloane[/name] is THE name for some reason. A friend said that it is a great name, but it might be better with a longer or softer last name. I”m not sure if that”s the issue. It”s still on the list. If it”s not chosen as a first name, it might be a candidate for middle name.

[name]Marin[/name]/[name]Maren[/name] makes me think of the ocean, which I love. I preferred the [name]Marin[/name] spelling, but my husband prefers [name]Maren[/name]. And [name]Maren[/name] is more Scandinavian, which is nice to nod to my heritage.

We”ve also added [name]Karina[/name] to the list. My husband likes it. I do too, but I think I like the names above a bit more because this one might be too close to my name, so I”m not sure if having a [name]Kari[/name] and [name]Karina[/name] in the house would be too much.

@Irisrose ” I really like your suggestions, particularly [name]Marielle[/name] (but husband isn”t in love with it). Some of your other suggestions that I like have already been taken by family and friends.

@Lamps ” I love your ideas of [name]Maia[/name], [name]Kiersten[/name] and [name]Tessa[/name]. My husband and I like [name]Maia[/name], but we”re afraid that might catch up in popularity too. [name]Kiersten[/name] is very similar to [name]Kirsten[/name], which I love as well.

@Travelbuggy ” [name]Carys[/name] is a nice idea! I like it, but my name is [name]Kari[/name] so it might be confusing in the house.

@Dearest ” Thank you or your comments and your many suggestions for Scandinavian names, many of which I have never seen before! I really like [name]Taran[/name] and [name]Siri[/name] (but [name]Siri[/name] was the name of an lemur that I took care of, so I can”t use it for my baby.) My husband likes [name]Freya[/name]. It”s tough to find soft Scandinavian names” and I tend to like the softer ones. :slight_smile:

Some have suggested [name]Amelia[/name] with the nickname [name]Mia[/name]. I like the idea, but [name]Amelia[/name] feels too close to [name]Emily[/name] which is so popular. I’m so sorry I’m a difficult case! :slight_smile:

Ireally love [name]Mia[/name] personally and think of someone extremely elegant,graceful and ladylike when I here it.[name]Delphine[/name] is ok but maybe a bit pretentious sounding(that may be just me).I loved [name]Jill[/name],s suggestions of [name]Lydia[/name] probably my favourite girls name.I also liked [name]Juliet[/name] or [name]Julia[/name] even better.[name]Vivienne[/name] is great too.I am not personally a fan of [name]Alanna[/name] ,it’s origins are supposed to be Irish but it’s an ’ Irish’ name in so far as a leanbh was a term of endearment for my child about 100 years ago.good luck.

I like [name]Karina[/name] but agree it may be too close to [name]Kari[/name] in the house.
Have you considered [name]Linnea[/name]? I absolutely love it but can’t get my DH (who is of Swedish origin btw) on board.
[name]Linnea[/name] Delpine
[name]Linnea[/name] [name]Marin[/name]
[name]Linnea[/name] [name]Carys[/name]

I also like [name]Malin[/name] which is similar to [name]Marin[/name]/[name]Maren[/name]. I agree [name]Mia[/name] is a great nickname for [name]Amelia[/name] but I understand and tend to agree with your wish for your daughter to stand out.

Good luck!

I think if you really love [name]Mia[/name] you should go for it! the others in your shortlist are also lovely though. [name]Maren[/name] is great.

For the Sandinavian connection - how about [name]Astrid[/name].