My husband and I haven’t been able to decide/agree on a name yet, and our baby girl will be delivered on [name]Saturday[/name] (in 6 days!) so I’m in a massive panic.
For the past ten years, my favorite name has been [name]Mia[/name]. However, now that I have a baby on the way, the name [name]Mia[/name] has shot up on the popularity charts, to my disappointment. (I don’t like the idea of her having another girl with the same name in her classroom. I never did, and I liked it that way.)
I need a name that is distinctive, not popular or trendy, and pretty. Something that would work for an artist or for a CEO, whatever she decides to do. It also needs to flow with the surname [name]Daily[/name].
Here is our/my list right now:
[name]Mia[/name] (still on the list, even though I can’t bear the popularity)
What do you think of these names? What kind of person do you picture in your mind when you hear these names? What are your top choices? What middle names would you suggest? Other suggestions welcome… (I am of Norwegian/Danish heritage, so I would love to add a pretty Scandinavian name or two to the list, but that’s not a requirement.)