Boys names with middles, WDYT?

I’m not pregnant but TTC and have narrowed down (the best we could) our boys names including middle names. Sisters are [name]Kira[/name] and [name]Mia[/name]. I’m not really as much concerned about a boys name matching with my girls as I would be for a girl. Last name is Celentano (sell-in-tah-no).

Which name/names do you like best from the list below? All of these have been DH approved.

[name]Ezekiel[/name] [name]Matteo[/name]
[name]Ezekiel[/name] Auron
[name]Ezekiel[/name] [name]Milo[/name]
[name]Michael[/name] [name]Anthony[/name]
[name]Michael[/name] [name]Larson[/name]
[name]Michael[/name] [name]Vincent[/name]
[name]Dominic[/name] [name]Christian[/name]
[name]Dominic[/name] [name]Eli[/name]
[name]Dominic[/name] [name]Matteo[/name]
[name]Eli[/name] [name]Tobias[/name]
[name]Joseph[/name] [name]Dominic[/name]
[name]Joseph[/name] [name]Eli[/name]
[name]Joseph[/name] [name]Larson[/name]
[name]Joseph[/name] [name]Domino[/name]
[name]Anthony[/name] [name]Michael[/name]
[name]Anthony[/name] [name]Vincent[/name]

While they are fine-sounding names, [name]Michael[/name], [name]Joseph[/name], and [name]Anthony[/name] (along with [name]Christopher[/name] and [name]Matthew[/name]) are so widely used, I feel like I don’t even hear the name anymore when I meet someone with one of those names. They’ve come to take on, at least in my opinion, a sort of “[name]John[/name] [name]Doe[/name]” quality. I think introducing your child as one of those names is like introducing them as “boy.” You don’t catch anything distinctive and you are hard pressed to remember what the name was. In fact, even though these names are actually all quite different in sound, I often confuse one for the other, because they all feel so blank. Unless you have a very strong attachment to one of them, I would strongly suggest going in a different direction to give your son more of his own identity!

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Ezekiel[/name]! It is one of my favorite names ever! But, I do think it is a mouthful with your long last name . . . it’s also not the best fit with your daughters’ short and to-the-point names.
I think [name]Eli[/name] is fantastic! And it works so well with [name]Kira[/name] and [name]Mia[/name]! This is my absolute first choice! (though I don’t know if I love the middle name you paired with it, as I think it might run into your last name a bit - are you open to other middle name suggestions?)

[name]Dominic[/name] is a cool name, but nowhere near as fabulous as [name]Eli[/name], and I don’t know how you feel about the short form [name]Dom[/name] that is likely to result (I personally do not like [name]Dom[/name]).

I love [name]Michael[/name] for the first name. :slight_smile:

My vote is for [name]Eli[/name] [name]Tobias[/name] :slight_smile:

[name]Kira[/name], [name]Mia[/name], and [name]Eli[/name]

I live in [name]California[/name] and here are the statistics for these names.

[name]CA[/name] - [name]Michael[/name] #14, [name]Anthony[/name] #2, [name]Joseph[/name] #16, [name]Dominic[/name] #83, and [name]Eli[/name] doesn’t make the top 100.
[name]Dominic[/name] was actually more popular at my daughters school last year than [name]Michael[/name] was. [name]Conner[/name], [name]Mason[/name] and [name]Owen[/name] where more popular than any of the above as well. So to me naming my son [name]Conner[/name] ect. would be more trendy and less unique than any of my other choices.

USA - [name]Michael[/name] #2, [name]Anthony[/name] #7, [name]Joseph[/name] #13, [name]Dominic[/name] #93, and [name]Eli[/name] #100.

My daughter [name]Mia[/name] has a common name #14 for the US and actually #7 for [name]California[/name]. I don’t hear her names as much you think I would.

I actually prefer more classic or common boys names. I feel they sound more respectable and professional. With a last name like Celentano, I think if if we named our son [name]John[/name] (which I love too) he would still be far from “[name]John[/name] [name]Doe[/name]”. With a last name that is hard pronounce, hard to say and yes hard to remember that adding a more unique first name would only add to the problem.
Granted [name]Ezekiel[/name] is by far our “wild card” and may be a bit much with our last name we would nn him [name]Zeke[/name], one syllable and pretty unforgettable.

[name]Joseph[/name] is what I think of as a stepping stone name. The nn [name]Joey[/name] works well with a baby and young child, [name]Joe[/name] as a young man or adult and [name]Joseph[/name] is older and more professional.

[name]Michael[/name] is one of my husbands favorites. I had a problem with [name]Michael[/name] in the beginning because of it’s popularity. Of course when I realized it wasn’t as popular in my area compared to the rest of the states I started to relax and actually look at this name for what it is, a good solid name.

[name]Dominic[/name] was my husbands dad name, all though that’s not the reason we would use it, the fact that it has a family tie is a plus. I hate the nn [name]Dom[/name] and actually his dad went by [name]Mickey[/name]. [name]Nic[/name] or [name]Nico[/name] is also a nn for [name]Dominic[/name]. I prefer no nickname but we all know we have no real power over that when they start school.

[name]Anthony[/name] #2 for [name]CA[/name] but I hardly ever hear it. I live in northern [name]CA[/name] and I bet this name is more popular in southern [name]CA[/name].

[name]Eli[/name] is my favorite name that actually matches my girls names but I really don’t care if a boys name matches with [name]Kira[/name] and [name]Mia[/name] as much as I do for a girls name.

Yes I’m totally open for suggestions. I love the fact we all have different opinions and styles of names. I’m sure there will be many great names or combos suggested that I’ve never even thought of but will love.

Thanks for taking the time to reply :slight_smile:

I agree with you re classic/common boy names in general, AND with your last name, I think those work best. That said, of your list, my favorite first names are:

[name]Joseph[/name] (I love nn [name]Joey[/name]!)

[name]Eli[/name] is a very nice name and also sounds good with your last name (I do really like [name]Eli[/name] [name]Tobias[/name]), but [name]Eli[/name] seems a little trendy compared to the other names. But that could be due to its popularity where I live, and it seems it is less common where you live. And you mention [name]Dominic[/name] being more popular where you are, but given the family connection, that would be a front runner for you I would think (and I really like nn [name]Nico[/name]!). I know of a [name]Nikolai[/name] which is also a pretty cool name, by the way.

I also like your more unusual combinations and would lean away from [name]Michael[/name] [name]Anthony[/name] or [name]Anthony[/name] [name]Michael[/name] just because those are more likely to be other little boys’ full names.

Overall, I like [name]Joseph[/name] [name]Dominic[/name] the best, followed by [name]Dominic[/name] [name]Eli[/name] and [name]Eli[/name] [name]Tobias[/name]! And it seems to me that [name]Dominic[/name], [name]Eli[/name] or [name]Tobias[/name] might work for middle names for [name]Michael[/name] or [name]Anthony[/name] as well, although some might be a little long with your last name. Good luck!

I really love [name]Joseph[/name] [name]Dominic[/name] and [name]Dominic[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]. (I loved [name]Dominic[/name] [name]Matteo[/name], but then realized that your last name ends in an O, too.)

Good luck, Disa! :slight_smile:

I’m in Northern [name]California[/name] and hear the name [name]Elijah[/name] nn [name]Eli[/name] quite often but I still like it. [name]Eli[/name] and [name]Joseph[/name] sound best with your last name and seem to have the criteria most important to you. Good luck!

I love [name]Eli[/name] [name]Tobias[/name] the best! Goes with your last names and matches the “short” names of the siblings!

Speaking of the common (michael/christopher/matthew names). Today in the store I heard a mom calling to her 4 year old son. To my huge surprise I heard her say, “[name]Christopher[/name]!” Super common for adults my age, but not at all for little kids. It was very surprising to hear a little child being called that name for some reason…

Thank you all for the replies. I tried to make a poll for all these names but I have too many :frowning: I know sometimes it’s easier to be anonymous with a vote then to comment when you really don’t know what to say.

[name]Michael[/name] still seems to be my husbands first pick. I did say if we had a boy he could pick the name (some one just gasped I’m sure). I know he wouldn’t pick anything we didn’t both agree on so I’m not too worried. I just wish he’s tell me what his second favorite name is but he wont.

All the names above were ones we agreed on. My list of course was miles long.
Ones I love that he didn’t are -
[name]Eli[/name] [name]Donovan[/name]
[name]Eli[/name] [name]Sebastian[/name] - he said he liked this one a few weeks ago. :confused:
[name]Dominic[/name] [name]Xavier[/name]
[name]Ezekiel[/name] [name]Vaughn[/name]

I’m also in Northern [name]California[/name] but don’t hear [name]Elijah[/name] or [name]Eli[/name] very often. Then again I live under a rock :slight_smile:
[name]Christopher[/name] is one my favorite names it’s also my brother in-laws names. [name]Christian[/name] is another name I love.

Honestly my favorite first names are
[name]Dominic[/name], [name]Eli[/name], [name]Joseph[/name] and [name]Ezekiel[/name].

I love [name]Eli[/name]. [name]Just[/name] love, love, love it for many reasons and I know you aren’t focused on the name for your son fitting in with the names of your daughters but I can’t help but avoid the longer names for this reason.

[name]Dominic[/name] is kind of alternative but still very handsome and you could use the nn [name]Nic[/name] since you don’t like [name]Dom[/name]. It does go with your daughters names but is quite long in comparison so I would consider it more in the mn position. I had a boyfriend when I was 13 called [name]Dominic[/name] who was a total rebel so the name feels like a bad boy name to me. Think [name]Dominic[/name], think danger.

[name]Anthony[/name] sounds very romantic to me for some reason, can’t think why. Not sure if I like it… has the nn Ant or [name]Tony[/name] but [name]Tony[/name] makes me think of [name]John[/name] [name]Stamos[/name]’ character from ER

[name]Michael[/name] = [name]Michael[/name] [name]Jackson[/name] to me. I love MJ and love [name]Michael[/name] but not sure if you are a fan of his and considering he just died, his name is very much in the media atm and I imagine there will be a lot of baby Michaels and Jacksons now. I wouldn’t recommend going with [name]Michael[/name] though because it starts with ‘m’ just like [name]Mia[/name] and for me it wouldn’t seem right having [name]Mia[/name] and [name]Michael[/name] so matching but [name]Kira[/name] so different in comparison. [name]Just[/name] my opinion.

[name]Ezekiel[/name] still feels very unfamiliar and biblical to me. The only nn I can think of is [name]Zeke[/name] which personally I don’t find appealing. It does look nice written though.

[name]Joseph[/name] has a sad story for me as I’ve mentioned elsewhere on the site. Sad because I used to really like it and now these things have happened I can’t stand it. I won’t tell it because I don’t want to put you off a lovely name. I think [name]Joseph[/name] also goes rather well with [name]Kira[/name] and [name]Mia[/name] too.

[name]Eli[/name] is fabulous! [name]Just[/name] love it. It would need a longer mn like [name]Michael[/name] or [name]Dominic[/name] or [name]Tobias[/name] as you mentioned, I think they all flow well together. It fits perfectly with [name]Kira[/name] and [name]Mia[/name] and has no nns that I can think of so that’s one less thing to worry about. The reason I really love it is because there is a man named [name]Elie[/name] Wiesel (pronounced like [name]Eli[/name]) who was a jewish prisoner during the Holocaust and has won the Nobel [name]Peace[/name] Prize for his work. I thought this would appeal to you and fit in with [name]Kira[/name]'s middle name [name]Berlin[/name].

Overall I think [name]Eli[/name] [name]Dominic[/name] sounds and feels best. [name]Hope[/name] I helped!

[name]Eli[/name] is the best fit my opinion as well. I’m worried that my husband wont love it when name day comes. It was our newest addition to our favorites. I really don’t think he likes it as much as I do .

[name]Dominic[/name] feels bad boy to me too. My husband was a bit of rebel when we met so I guess I’m attracted to bad boys and bad boy names :wink:

[name]Anthony[/name], I would really be upset if he was called [name]Tony[/name] but I’m sure I’d get use to it.

I was afraid with [name]Michael[/name] [name]Jackson[/name] passing away this year that [name]Michael[/name] would get even more popular. I really think it will and the numbers will show up next year. My sister works as a clerk in labor and delivery. She process birth certificates, so I’ll ask her if she’s seen a rise in this name. I’m hoping my DH will start liking some of the other names more.

The story behind [name]Ezekiel[/name] - my husband use to be a skateboarder (not professional just recreational) and and still wears skater clothes. [name]Ezekiel[/name] is a brand of skater clothing. He has a few shirts with this name on them. I [name]LOVE[/name] the way this name looks written out. Wow, my reason for loving this name sounds shallow. It has the same [name]Michael[/name], [name]Gabriel[/name] sound to me that I love. [name]Gabriel[/name] I love but is my friends sons name and DH doesn’t like it anway :frowning:

Thanks Charliehotsox you did help. I like hearing everyone’s opinions about these names (all names really). Sometimes it helps see a name from a different angle.

I’m glad I helped:) [name]Just[/name] call me [name]Charlie[/name] if you want, it’s easier

Oh and I totally agree about the bad boys! LOL

Thanks [name]Charlie[/name] :slight_smile: I love your name btw, is it short for [name]Charlotte[/name]?

Yep, [name]Charlie[/name] short for [name]Charlotte[/name]. When my parents chose it 15 years ago it wasn’t popular, but alas now…

I never hear [name]Charlotte[/name]. I’m in the US so that could have something to do with it.
15??? I would have sworn you were much older than that. As if I can “tell” through the computer. You write very well and seem so mature. I love all the younger name lovers here. I wish there was such a place when I was 15.

Haha thanks Disa! [name]Glad[/name] I sound mature online:) Oh! don’t get me started on the popularity of [name]Charlotte[/name]. I went to my friend’s ballet recital earlier this year and the whole preschool class from the ballet school she goes to got certificates as a way of boosting their self esteem, I think and no joke every second girl’s name called out was [name]Charlotte[/name]. I was like NOOO!

Oh and btw is it ok if I call you Disa? I know it’s [name]Lisa[/name] now but Disa suits you and sounds kind of exotic lol

Disa is fine :slight_smile: I’m not thrilled with my real name but I don’t hate it either. I looked up Disa just to see if it had a meaning and I found it to mean “double” in Greek and “godess” in Scandinavian, so yes I’d love to be Disa. Lan is a flower name in Vietnamese. So [name]Goddess[/name] of the Flowers :smiley: I didn’t pick my screen name for that reason, disa_lan is just [name]Lisa[/name] and [name]Dan[/name] with the letters switched around. I guess I got lucky with the rest.

Sometimes I love to here other people with my kids names and sometimes I cringe. There was one week I met 5 other [name]Lisa[/name]'s. They were all my age early to late 30’s.

Wow, well that worked out well then lol, the screen name I mean. I too have met a few [name]Lisa[/name]'s in that age bracket (all my auntie’s friends) but the [name]Lisa[/name] I remember is [name]Lisa[/name] [name]Rowe[/name] from Girl, Interrupted. Not everyone’s favourite character but I loved her!