I live in [name]California[/name] and here are the statistics for these names.
[name]CA[/name] - [name]Michael[/name] #14, [name]Anthony[/name] #2, [name]Joseph[/name] #16, [name]Dominic[/name] #83, and [name]Eli[/name] doesn’t make the top 100.
[name]Dominic[/name] was actually more popular at my daughters school last year than [name]Michael[/name] was. [name]Conner[/name], [name]Mason[/name] and [name]Owen[/name] where more popular than any of the above as well. So to me naming my son [name]Conner[/name] ect. would be more trendy and less unique than any of my other choices.
USA - [name]Michael[/name] #2, [name]Anthony[/name] #7, [name]Joseph[/name] #13, [name]Dominic[/name] #93, and [name]Eli[/name] #100.
My daughter [name]Mia[/name] has a common name #14 for the US and actually #7 for [name]California[/name]. I don’t hear her names as much you think I would.
I actually prefer more classic or common boys names. I feel they sound more respectable and professional. With a last name like Celentano, I think if if we named our son [name]John[/name] (which I love too) he would still be far from “[name]John[/name] [name]Doe[/name]”. With a last name that is hard pronounce, hard to say and yes hard to remember that adding a more unique first name would only add to the problem.
Granted [name]Ezekiel[/name] is by far our “wild card” and may be a bit much with our last name we would nn him [name]Zeke[/name], one syllable and pretty unforgettable.
[name]Joseph[/name] is what I think of as a stepping stone name. The nn [name]Joey[/name] works well with a baby and young child, [name]Joe[/name] as a young man or adult and [name]Joseph[/name] is older and more professional.
[name]Michael[/name] is one of my husbands favorites. I had a problem with [name]Michael[/name] in the beginning because of it’s popularity. Of course when I realized it wasn’t as popular in my area compared to the rest of the states I started to relax and actually look at this name for what it is, a good solid name.
[name]Dominic[/name] was my husbands dad name, all though that’s not the reason we would use it, the fact that it has a family tie is a plus. I hate the nn [name]Dom[/name] and actually his dad went by [name]Mickey[/name]. [name]Nic[/name] or [name]Nico[/name] is also a nn for [name]Dominic[/name]. I prefer no nickname but we all know we have no real power over that when they start school.
[name]Anthony[/name] #2 for [name]CA[/name] but I hardly ever hear it. I live in northern [name]CA[/name] and I bet this name is more popular in southern [name]CA[/name].
[name]Eli[/name] is my favorite name that actually matches my girls names but I really don’t care if a boys name matches with [name]Kira[/name] and [name]Mia[/name] as much as I do for a girls name.
Yes I’m totally open for suggestions. I love the fact we all have different opinions and styles of names. I’m sure there will be many great names or combos suggested that I’ve never even thought of but will love.
Thanks for taking the time to reply