So, this whole time, I’ve been pronouncing [name_f]Calliope[/name_f] like KA-lee-op (with a long o, but no eee sound at the end). But according to nameberry, Americans pronounce it kuh-LYE-oh-pee, and Greeks pronounce it ka-lee-OH-pee. [name_m]How[/name_m] do you guys normally pronounce it?
I am in the U.S. and have always thought it was pronounced kuh-LYE-oh-pee/read it in my head that way. I’ve never actually met someone with the name though, so I can’t vouch on that front!
I’m in the US and have only ever heard Kah-LYE-oh-pee.
I first read Calliope in a book when I was around 8 and I said it like you do. There was a girl in my school who came from a Greek family and she said it ka-lee-OH-pee (and she went by Popi “POPE-ee” so I didn’t hear her full name until after I read the book). I’ve never heard it in real life apart from her though, and because everyone online has insisted it’s ca-LY-oh-pee, that’s how I automatically say it now.
The only time I’ve heard it out loud was [name_u]Grey[/name_u]’s Anatomy but they pronounced it the American way so that’s how I’ve said it since. No idea how people in the UK would attempt to pronounce it if I showed it to them.
I pronounce it kuh-LYE-oh-pee - also because of Greys Anatomy. American.
Kuh-lye-oh-pee, like the instrument.
Another [name_u]Grey[/name_u]’s Anatomy fan here, that’s also the only time I’ve heard it pronounced out loud. same as other posters: kuh-lye-oh-pee!
In [name_f]English[/name_f], I would pronounce it Kah-LYE-oh-pee, just like the character in [name_u]Grey[/name_u]’s Anatomy.
I grew up in the UK, but had a Greek friend who pronounced it ka-lee-OH-pee. As it is originally a Greek name, I’d be inclined to go with that way.
Kah-LYE-oh-pee. I’m in the US. I love this name! I think most people with [name_f]English[/name_f] as a first language would pronounce it this way.
I pronounce it the way most people in the US do. [name_f]Calliope[/name_f] is actually my cat’s name, but we call her [name_f]Callie[/name_f].
I’m American, I pronounce it Ka-[name_m]Le[/name_m]-Oh-Pee! [name_f]Calliope[/name_f] is one of my favorite names, and I love [name_f]Callie[/name_f] as a nn!
Ka-lee-OH-pee for me, never heard it pronounced any other way. I’m in the UK.
I pronounce it KA-lee-op, same way as the OP. Never even occurred that there was another way.
I pronounce it as Kah-lye-oh-pee. However, before I taught myself how to pronounce it, I though it was [name_f]Callie[/name_f]-OH-pe (with a short e sound at the end).
This is one of those names that I also never really knew how to pronounce. I think I’ve settled on Kuh-LYE-oh-pee but when I first read this name I thought it was Kuh-LEE-oh-pay which I still think it pretty, so sometimes I alternate between the two. I realize now that pronunciation is not common anywhere but I still like it!
I’ve only ever heard it pronouced Ka-lee-Oh-pee
I pronounce it kuh-LYE-o-pee. I’m only familiar with the [name_u]Grey[/name_u]’s Anatomy character and that’s how her name is pronounced.
I’ve always pronounced it Ka-lee-oh-pee or like [name_f]Callie[/name_f]-oh-pee to make it more clear, I’m in the US