Can I use "Joy" as a boys middle name?

Can I use [name]Joy[/name] as a middle name for a boy? [name]Joy[/name] was the name of my great uncle, as it was a popular name for boys in the early 1900’s. It’s also my first name. Is it unfair to use [name]Joy[/name] as a middle name for a boy in today’s world?

Also, what if I used two middle names - is that too complicated? Maybe use [name]Joy[/name] with a strong masculine traditional name? Looking for opinions and options…

Example: [name]Niall[/name] [name]Joy[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] or [name]Ronan[/name] [name]Joy[/name] [name]Christopher[/name]

Appreciate your input!

I’m sure you will get mixed responses, but I say go for it!

[name]Joy[/name] is my middle name, but it’s also a family surname which to me makes it perfectly acceptable as unisex.

Only stipulation, I wouldn’t use [name]Joy[/name] as a middle name with a unisex first name just because people do look to the middle name to determine the first ([name]Rory[/name] [name]Charles[/name] vs. [name]Rory[/name] [name]Victoria[/name] on a class roster for example).

I don’t think it’s terrible, but I can imagine it might cause some teasing in the elementary/junior high years.

What about something that means joy? Like [name]Jubal[/name]? [name]Roni[/name]?

I think [name]Joy[/name] can be used for a boy’s mn because…

1 [name]Joy[/name] is a word therefore technically unisex
2 [name]Joyce[/name] was once a boy’s name so why not [name]Joy[/name]?
3 Middle names are rarely used.
4 Parents are choosing traditionally male names for their daughters so why not start your own trend?
5 It’s a family name (male and female)

My only advice: definitely choose a [name]MALE[/name] name for a first name and the second mn. Your examples of [name]Niall[/name] [name]Joy[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] or [name]Ronan[/name] [name]Joy[/name] [name]Christopher[/name] seem fine to me.

Yes! (look ten characters)

[QUOTE=lineska;1889636]I’m sure you will get mixed responses, but I say go for it!QUOTE]

This, exactly. Because it is a family name, honouring your uncle and yourself, and because you would only use it as a mn, I think it is entirely usable. Of course, I say this as a huge fan of unisex, and such names myself. My favourite now, being [name]May[/name] as a middle for a boy. Getting a little distracted here, I’ve come up with the combo I’m loving right now- Jeremy Emerald May, yes, for a boy, with the nn [name]Jem[/name]. Maybe somewhat overboard to some people, but your combos with the mn [name]Joy[/name] are totally reasonable.
Yeaa, so go for it if it has meaning for you, and you love it.

I agree with everything mischa said.

I don’t see why you couldn’t use it! It’s in the middle and he doesn’t have to tell anyone if he decides he doesn’t like it, plus, if girls can do it, boys can too.

Ronnan [name]Christopher[/name] [name]Joy[/name] sounds cool! (I changed it around for better flow)

I agree with all of this. I actually love [name]Joy[/name] for a boy. As a girls’ name it’s tired and dated; for a boy, it’s fresh and sleek. By all means, go for it!

Why not? :slight_smile: I read a book recently where the best friend of the main character was a boy named [name]Joy[/name]. It suited him :slight_smile:

@celianne - lol

I think you can. It’s considered a feminine name nowadays, but I think could work well as a boy’s name. It’s certainly not the worst middle name out there. [name]Richard[/name] [name]Gere[/name]'s middle name is [name]Tiffany[/name].

I don’t see why you shouldn’t use [name]Joy[/name] for a middle name. The meaning behind [name]Joy[/name] is what matters not the name itself.

I think it sounds cool! I much prefer [name]Joy[/name] for a boy! It’s too old-ladyish on a girl, for me. Like [name]Augusta[/name] said, it’s fresh for a boy! And, like Lineska said, just make sure the first name is definitely masculine. No unisex names.

I agree with all the above posters who said YES, with the condition that the first name is quite clearly masculine.

I say go ahead, especially since you have a family connection to the name.

I think why not. [name]Niall[/name] [name]Joy[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] is my favourite

Absolutely. I like [name]Ronan[/name] [name]Joy[/name] [name]Christopher[/name] the best.

I’m with you on this. I’m sure you’ll get a lot of mixed responses but technically virtue and word names are unisex and as a mn I don’t see why not - just pair it with a masculine (non-unisex) first and maybe second middle to balance out the shock-and-awe of it all.

Exactly my thoughts :slight_smile:

I certainly wouldn’t do it, being that it is seen as a female name now. Maybe pick a name that means joy or joyful or wait and use it for a daughter?

Totally! I think it’s great!