*:・゚✧ create a family w/ a twist

[name_f]Eleni[/name_f] [name_u]Kendall[/name_u] Nowley - known by her stage name E.K. Nowley - (25) is one of Chika’s co-stars for Bleak Point, who - like her - has starred in numerous episodes of the anthology horror series, playing a variety of characters. At just 8-years-old, [name_f]Eleni[/name_f] began experiencing alopecia which led to her decision to shave her head, something that would become a staple as her identity as an actress once she entered the field, even though she’s worn wigs on numerous occasions in Bleak Point to provide more visual variety for her characters.

Due to the insecurity and bullying she experienced, [name_f]Eleni[/name_f] is heavily involved in charitable foundations focused on young people experiencing hair loss in any manner, and is close friends with [name_f]Chika[/name_f] now they’ve starred together throughout the series. She actually first knew Chika’s fiance due to the pair having attended the same performing arts college, albeit they were on different courses, and the couple’s decision to adopt [name_u]Rocky[/name_u] led to [name_f]Eleni[/name_f] taking in a rescue dog of her own: her beloved Siberian Husky named [name_f]Hera[/name_f].

[name_f]Eleni[/name_f] belongs to the LGTBQIAP+ community, being bisexual, although she’s currently refrained from dating as she feels her career places too many demands on her time that would lead any partner to feel neglected in the long-term. Her decision to become an actress was influenced by starring in her school production of [name_m]Little[/name_m] [name_u]Red[/name_u] Riding Hood - where she wasn’t cast as one of the leads, but enjoyed being an ensemble member so much, she knew it was what she wanted to pursue in the future. Her mother - a single parent as Eleni’s dad was out of the picture before she was even born - is the person she always credits her tenacity, resilience and determination to, regularly taking trips with her so they can enjoy some down time and laugh as they did throughout Eleni’s childhood, only now Hera’s with them.


[name_m]Isaac[/name_m] [name_m]Nathaniel[/name_m] Leha (27) is [name_f]Chika[/name_f] and Eleni’s fellow actor on Bleak Point, who plays Chika’s love interest. He also has a little crush on [name_f]Eleni[/name_f], but he’s not sure if she’s interested in a relationship.

[name_m]Isaac[/name_m] is a trans man, he came out in high school, to parents who supported him and helped him transition, and after he found success in his acting career, Eleni’s charity work inspired him to found an organization that helps homeless trans youth.

Bleak Point is Isaac’s first horror role, and he’s enjoying it immensely as a massive horror fan. He’s also considering writing his own horror film, and is hoping to expand his career into writing and directing.


tw: emotional neglect

[name_f]Odette[/name_f] [name_f]Marnie[/name_f] Redshaw (23) is one of Isaac’s co-stars on this season of Bleak Point but it will actually be her last, as she’s accepted a new role in a lighthearted self-aware superhero comedy series called Caped Crimefighters Collective based on a successful comic book which is still ongoing. The writet of this is actually a friend of Andre’s, who reached out to him after watching the horror anthology series and feeling [name_f]Odette[/name_f] would be perfect for the role of Silent [name_u]Soul[/name_u] - something the young actress is both proud of and honoured by, as she often worried her career would stall if she chose to leave Bleak Point too quickly. She’s starred in a few indie horror productions actually, which is what led to her casting, starting out in a found footage film that’s developed something of a cult following - although Odette’s role was very minor and most people don’t even know she starred in it. This switch in genre’s admittedly intimidates her somewhat, as horror is not just what [name_f]Odette[/name_f] loves so much but truly feels at home starring in; but [name_u]Andre[/name_u] and her co-stars have encouraged her to embrace this opportunity, especially as the comics are so beloved, meaning the series gaining viewership is already assured by the network.

Having always been a quieter person when she’s not in-character, [name_f]Odette[/name_f] isn’t sure how she’ll handle the comedic self-awareness of the series, but the deadpan character of Silent [name_u]Soul[/name_u] feels less intimidating to her than one of the openly comedic parts. This surprised some of her co-stars due to the young woman’s distinctive appearance and love of playing with her style, often cited as a trendsetter by fashion magazines thanks to her daring sense of style. In spite of usually hanging back and being more likely to listen than jump into a conversation, Odette’s very good friends with [name_m]Isaac[/name_m] and knows of his crush on [name_f]Eleni[/name_f], encouraging him to give himself a chance with her as she feels they could compliment one another perfectly as a couple.

Odette’s career is something she entirely crafted herself from the ground up. She grew up with very distant parents wrapped up in their own careers and the main supporter she had was her older brother, the person who she always credits to her actually succeeding in her career. While they never wanted for anything throughout childhood, there was definite emotional neglect placed on the siblings shoulders in how they were barely registered, and now [name_f]Odette[/name_f] does all she can to pay her brother back for his kindness, love and encouragement. Her parents aren’t people she hates by any means but she’s never missed them since she moved out at eighteen: a reality [name_f]Odette[/name_f] admits is a consequence of her upbringing. Like several of her colleagues, she’s a member of the LGBTQIAP+ community, living in a small apartment with her girlfriend close by to where her brother’s completing his internship as an architect. The couple plan on adopting when they’re older and more settled, wanting to provide a loving home to children in need of one before conceiving through IVF.


[name_m]Uziah[/name_m] [name_m]Andreas[/name_m] Redshaw (26) Odette’s brother and proud architect intern. He has been a fan of architecture since he was 8 and a fan of Bleak Point and Caped Crimefighters Collective since they came out. He has a secret that only he and [name_f]Odette[/name_f] know because he fears people won’t hire him as an architect — he is colourblind. He can not distinguish red and green, looking like a dull yellow to him. As a child, the other kids at his school trolled him by pointing to things and asking, “What colour is this?” and [name_m]Uziah[/name_m] doesn’t want that. Being colourblind hasn’t made him any less of an architect but he feels people might perceive him this way, which he fears. Despite his insecurities, he uses a lot of his time supporting [name_f]Odette[/name_f] and making sure she is happy physically and mentally, even though she is not colourblind. He has wanted to donate sperm but got rejected due to colourblindness, which [name_f]Odette[/name_f] has told him it’s okay because she and her girlfriend are waiting until they are older. However his support for his sister and his girlfriend is unconditional and always will be.


[name_f]Desiree[/name_f] ’ [name_m]Des[/name_m] ’ [name_f]Sophia[/name_f] Mandarro (28) is a fellow architecture intern who works alongside [name_m]Uziah[/name_m], the only real difference between them being that [name_m]Des[/name_m] is about to finish her placement, and has been told she’s likely going to receive several offers in terms of which firm will be taking her on. The pair developed an understanding on account of [name_m]Des[/name_m] facing a lot of insecurities about her birthmarks growing up, similar to how [name_m]Uziah[/name_m] feels about his colourblindness; with her having experienced a lot of pity that influenced how people treated her - a reality [name_m]Des[/name_m] struggled with that culminated in her developing impostor syndrome by the time she was attending university.

[name_m]Even[/name_m] now, she sometimes experiences setbacks due to the mentality ingrained in her by how she was treated - including by her own stepmother, who unintentionally made [name_m]Des[/name_m] feel insecure in how she treated her with an abundance of baby talk and walked constantly on eggshells in the fear of upsetting her; unintentionally thinking her stepdaughter was more fragile than she truly was. [name_m]Des[/name_m] tends to make jokes about her appearance on a regular basis as an ice-breaker now, and also to ensure no-one feels they have to act in a certain way around her, as it always makes her mentality harder on herself. Something she is currently struggling with though are her feelings regarding [name_m]Uziah[/name_m] - as [name_m]Des[/name_m] has realised they’re no longer in the strictly platonic zone.


@autumn.leaves @lever_du_soleil Weren’t sure if you guys were aware of this one :sweat_smile:



Vik Bram Nowley (30) is an assistant architect. He is the older brother of Bleak Point actress E.K. Nowley, however they are not biological siblings and Vik was actually adopted at 14 while his adoptive single mother was in Aruba. Vik was also a minor Bleak Point actor in the beginning but his character was killed off in the S1 finale so he’s not currently on the show anymore. Vik is great friends with Uziah and Des and very close with Eleni “E.K.” Nowley. Vik has lots of friends and best friends with his co-workers and former Bleak Point co-stars. He had dyslexia and people at the agency feared he wouldn’t get adopted but luckily his adoptive mother loved him and accepted him in at 14. The way she helped him actually got him to overcome dyslexia and Vik knew that having a nice and caring way to approach people was the best way to solve conflict. His sister Eleni had alopecia and managed it with her head shaved and does what she can to stop bullying for those suffering from hair loss.

Vik is a laid-back, funny, and highly positive person. He has always been a supporter of “the underdog” and knows that they can come up from behind and conquer. The tortoise beating the hare, David slaying Goliath, he loves it all. He even has a dog named Underdog who was a sickly runt but grew up to be a healthy and active dog with his tender love and care. Underdog and Eleni’s dog Hera are best friends as well. Being behind the pack motivates him even more and makes him a determined individual. When he’s not at work, he’s hanging out with his good friends and helping other underdogs while making sure they have a voice and are happy for themselves. He is also starting to love playing tennis as well and happens to have a knack of coming up from behind and winning the match. He definitely understands how Uziah and Des feel about being perceived as “victims“ or “broken” when they’re completely capable of doing what anyone else can do. He helps the architectural interns but doesn’t boss them around or treat them like they’re incapable without him. The boss is also a cool person whom he gets along with even if he is more casual and fun in comparison. Vik believes there could be a growing connection between Uziah and Des but doesn’t say anything and loves goofing around with them but isn’t trying to be a third wheel. He isn’t sure how the other architectural interns think about it but he doesn’t get involved and lets them vibe freely.

Eleni “E.K.” Nowley was created by @I_meme_it.


[name_f]Cordelia[/name_f] ’ [name_f]Elle[/name_f] ’ [name_f]Molly[/name_f] Schultz-Manderbeck (36) is the architect [name_m]Vik[/name_m] is usually assistant to, but not his boss. Elle’s an overachiever who’ll willingly tell you it’s a familial trait: raised by a single mother who worked as a nursing home carer, she and both her younger siblings have entered highly academic careers. Their mom attributes this intelligence to their father - a medical student who abandoned his partner before she even knew their youngest child had been conceived to pursue a relationship with a fellow aspiring doctor - but [name_f]Elle[/name_f] considers her the true inspiration for all of them, having worked tirelessly to provide, care for and encourage them even after such a betrayal faced their family.

It was several years before child support was being provided and Elle’s still quite careful with her money because of the tight budget she was raised on, although she never denies her children anything. She married her wife only a year ago - wanting their two daughters, now aged 6 and 4, to act as flower girls’ - and the two first got together shortly after graduating college, having met at an after-party hosted by an acquaintance of Elle’s, who’s a close friend of her wife. [name_f]Elle[/name_f] herself has always been more reserved and shy, on account of teasing she endured growing up due to never having much in terms of material possessions, but is always polite and approachable in a working environment.

[name_m]Vik[/name_m] is someone she’s genuinely friends with though, regularly encouraging and advising him, as well as being impressed by his former career as an actor (something that [name_f]Elle[/name_f] admits she could never do on account of her introversion). He’s been invited to dinner at her house - which she constantly has to tell people she didn’t design herself - and sometimes [name_f]Elle[/name_f] accompanies him when he’s walking Underdog, with her eldest daughter having come too a few times, as she absolutely adores animals of any kind. They have a cat themselves: an elderly Persian rescue named Mrs. [name_f]Prideaux[/name_f], who they adopted 6 months ago, and already adore.


@A.B.Galaxy just wanted to invite you to a forum in return!


[name_f]Liliana[/name_f] [name_u]Quinn[/name_u] [name_u]Jackson[/name_u] (16) is a niece of [name_f]Elle[/name_f]. [name_f]Elle[/name_f] is correct to say that overachieving is passed down through the family— [name_u]Quinn[/name_u] is president of the student council and a couple of clubs. They’re also planning to study medicine in their future education. [name_u]Quinn[/name_u] thinks Aunt [name_f]Elle[/name_f] is the coolest aunt— although at 16, they’d never admit that.

[name_u]Quinn[/name_u] came out in middle school as nonbinary and faced a little ridicule from classmates, but didn’t let that stop them. [name_u]Success[/name_u] is the best form of revenge, after all, and getting elected class president twice in a row was something that middle school [name_u]Quinn[/name_u] never would have guessed would happen. [name_m]Even[/name_m] though they know that they’re smart, [name_u]Quinn[/name_u] knows that without the support of their close friends and family, they wouldn’t be as strong as they are today.


[name_f]Genevieve[/name_f] " [name_f]Evie[/name_f] " [name_f]Rosa[/name_f] (Schultz) [name_u]Jackson[/name_u] (34) is Liliana’s mother and Elle’s younger sister. Most people are surprised to learn that an electronic engineer had her first child at eighteen and married her high school sweetheart, but nonconformity is something [name_f]Evie[/name_f] considers her strongest attribute, and she always encourages her loved one’s to be themselves. [name_f]Evie[/name_f] and her husband decided against having more children following the birth of [name_f]Liliana[/name_f], as they didn’t want them to feel overlooked or rob them of their time - especially once [name_f]Evie[/name_f] returned to school to pursue her longstanding ambition - and this only changed in the past 8 months, after Liliana’s younger sister was born. Some people assume there’s beef between [name_f]Evie[/name_f] and [name_f]Elle[/name_f] - as the latter was able to pursue her career in a much more straightforward manner and built up a reputation based around her professionalism, while [name_f]Evie[/name_f] endured judgment and patronising treatment from some of her own teachers; but she’s never held a grudge against her sister, especially as [name_f]Elle[/name_f] babysat [name_f]Liliana[/name_f] when [name_f]Evie[/name_f] and her husband were unable to get time off work, with [name_f]Evie[/name_f] working as a bank teller while completing her studies.

As someone who’s fiercely independent and quietly confident, [name_f]Evie[/name_f] tends to keep her opinions close to her chest unless spurred on by outside factors. The treatment of her eldest child following [name_f]Liliana[/name_f] coming out as non-binary upset [name_f]Evie[/name_f] greatly - even if some would argue it wasn’t overwhelming - but instead of fighting she focused on ensuring her child knew they were accepted, supported and loved; mirroring how Evie’s mother dealt with her pregnancy years prior. Although never particularly reckless, she was pretty absentminded in her youth and now relies on her expertly organised calendar - as well as a series of post-it notes about the house - to ensure order remains at home. Taking time off work as maternity leave has admittedly been a surreal experience given her prior pregnancies circumstances, and [name_f]Evie[/name_f] developed a newfound interest in sewing to keep herself entertained while her youngest child was napping, now having crafted several bags as gifts for her loved one’s using various bits of fabric left about the home. She often chats to [name_f]Liliana[/name_f] about their plans for the future and not only fully supports them but is more than aware they’ll likely succeed - however she’s made it clear she’ll always be there if they want or need to talk.


[name_f]Esmeralda[/name_f] " [name_u]Esme[/name_u] " [name_u]Willow[/name_u] (Schultz) Carr (30) is [name_f]Elle[/name_f] and Evie’s youngest sister. She definitely looked up to her sisters and tended to go to them for advice instead of her friends. Mainly because she knew they were older and had probably gone through what she was. [name_u]Esme[/name_u] had been on the debate club in high school and also the girl’s basketball team. She gave 110% in both and that has stayed as her motto today.

[name_u]Esme[/name_u] has been working as an OB/GYN for a year now and is really happy with her job. She got into medical school right after high school and got her MD in seven years. She also frequents the library and reads for the kids. A few months ago she had a fundraiser for the library and it was a big success. She says she couldn’t have done it without her husband who is much more organized than she. They were good friends all through childhood and got married as soon as she graduated medical school. The couple have four year old twins who [name_u]Esme[/name_u] loves dearly and another baby on the way.

[name_u]Esme[/name_u] is a very hard worker and loves that her mom and sisters instilled that in her just by their example. She knows she never would have gotten through her OB/GYN residency with twins if it hadn’t been for that and her husband who has always been super supportive of her career choice. She is very close to her sisters and despite her busy schedule tries to talk to them every day. Sometimes [name_u]Esme[/name_u] wonders about her father as she never met him but feels a bit guilty about that and hasn’t ever told anyone. [name_f]Esmeralda[/name_f] still enjoys basketball and frequently finds herself playing with her husband who likes it as well.


[name_f]Odessa[/name_f] " [name_f]Dodie[/name_f] " [name_u]True[/name_u] [name_u]Jackson[/name_u] (8 months) is Esme’s youngest niece and Evie’s second child. Dodie’s name was partially picked out by her older sibling, [name_f]Liliana[/name_f], as their parents felt it was only fair given how much Dodie’s birth would alter the family with the age gap between the siblings - although they knew [name_f]Liliana[/name_f] would make an amazing older sibling thanks to how responsible they always prove to be. Dodie’s a pretty quiet little girl whose happiest around her immediate family and very shy around her cousins in particular, although she’s much more relaxed with her aunts and uncle - as they tend to not be quite so loud. In particular Esme’s twins find the concept of a new baby very exciting, whereas Elle’s eldest is already completely over it as becoming a big sister wasn’t something she welcomed at all. At night the best way of helping [name_f]Dodie[/name_f] sleep is reading to her, and anything medical [name_f]Liliana[/name_f] is reading up on proves especially effective.


[name_m]Marcus[/name_m] [name_m]Wayne[/name_m] [name_u]Jackson[/name_u] (34) is Evie’s husband and the father of their children. He became a father at eighteen to their first child which people either don’t believe about him or think less of him when he says that, but [name_m]Marcus[/name_m] has always proven people wrong. He works as a librarian and enjoys it, saying he could “work there all day” but enjoys his family even more. [name_m]Marcus[/name_m] is very interested in books and says reading has always calmed him down from any stresses in his life.

He and [name_f]Evie[/name_f] were Prom [name_m]King[/name_m] and Prom [name_f]Queen[/name_f] in high school and he still loves looking back on that even though his friends find it corny. Lately many of the schools nearby have added a Prom Ruler, which is a title for non-binary people who want to be on Prom [name_m]Court[/name_m], which makes him happy that people have been more accepting of non-binary individuals. [name_m]Marcus[/name_m] is very anti-bullying and this comes from his teenage years of being stereotyped as a “dork” for loving reading and “irresponsible“ for being a teen dad. [name_m]Even[/name_m] in elementary school, [name_m]Marcus[/name_m] was considered “ugly” as a kid even though he grew up looking more handsome. Still, he doesn’t support his bullies back then because he believes “kids should be kids” and shouldn’t be judged if they’re “not good looking enough” because he was only a child in grade school. He has said he would switch his children into a different school if the school didn’t do enough against bullying. He adores his little daughter [name_f]Dodie[/name_f] and loves that his wife also enjoys reading to her and much as he does. He wants to raise her in a world of love and compassion but also supports her in the sense that she is “just a baby” and doesn’t need to deal with the harshness of people in society.



[name_u]Colby[/name_u] [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] and [name_u]Spencer[/name_u] [name_m]Alec[/name_m] Carr (4) are Marcus’s niece and nephew, who’re the twins born to [name_u]Esme[/name_u] and her husband. With the birth of their younger sibling on the horizon, [name_u]Spencer[/name_u] is notably eager to gain a little brother, as he feels outnumbered when playing with [name_u]Colby[/name_u] and their cousins closest in age on account of being the only boy. This is somewhat ironic, as their Uncle [name_m]Marcus[/name_m] points out, as Spencer’s always been the more outgoing and gregarious twin in comparison to his sister (who’s older by 11 minutes) - but their cousin (Elle’s oldest daughter) is very much the leader of the pack, until [name_f]Liliana[/name_f] comes along and claims their rightful authority position.

The twins are both obsessed with swimming now they’re attending lessons with their dad, and are constantly asking Uncle [name_m]Marcus[/name_m] to find them books on sea creatures to learn even more about the water, as their dad reminds them their mom’s very busy right now with her pregnancy. Basketball is an interest of Colby’s she’s seemingly inherited from her mom too, whereas [name_u]Spencer[/name_u] prefers baseball, and it’s usually best to have them go their own way’s as the only person their daughters’ confidence comes out around is her twin. Rather endearingly, they’re very protective of their little cousin - [name_f]Elle[/name_f] and her wife’s younger daughter - having become aware of the bullying [name_f]Liliana[/name_f] faced, and they’ve already sworn to protect their unborn sibling, albeit in ‘total secret’.


[name_u]Satya[/name_u] Mukhtar (21) is the elder sibling of a friend of [name_u]Colby[/name_u] and [name_u]Spencer[/name_u]. They are technically the legal guardian of their younger sibling, as their father left their family when they were younger and their mother was diagnosed with ALS. Her little sibling, who is 4, is blissfully ignorant of their situation and [name_u]Satya[/name_u] swears that they won’t know how bad it is.

[name_u]Satya[/name_u] visits [name_u]Colby[/name_u] and [name_u]Spencer[/name_u] often 'cause their little sibling loves to hang out with them. A little bit of them feels a little pang of hurt when they see a big, happy family like that, but [name_u]Satya[/name_u] knows that appearances aren’t the end all be all. [name_m]Even[/name_m] though they know that having a big family like that has their pros and cons, [name_u]Satya[/name_u] still feels a little bit of an ache, knowing that their mother is suffering.

Thankfully they don’t need to go through this alone— Satya’s large friend group has been a huge support in their life. They all spend time with both [name_u]Satya[/name_u] and their mother, trying to make sure their friend doesn’t shoulder all of this burden unfairly.


Esma Zeynep [Hazinedar] Wallace (23) is in Satya’s friend support group, she is not married, the surname change is due to her being adopted. Esma was adopted at age 6 by a single mother whom Esma has a friendly but strained relationship with. Esma is of Turkish descent but feels she doesn’t know much about her culture as she should since her adoptive mother raised her to be American. Esma loves her mother but doesn’t like that she is inadvertently stripping her of her culture. However she appreciates that her adoptive mother at least let her keep her first and middle name. Esma hasn’t had much struggle with her name and the worst she’s had was just Colby and Spencer calling her “Esme 2”, not understanding her name is Esma, which she finds funny and doesn’t mind. Esma has a biological cousin Imani who is much more immersed in the Turkish culture. Esma envies Imani for this, but not that much and she never tells her, given Imani struggled a lot with people not understanding her Turkish culture. Esma and Imani are both close due to their mutual love and passion for human rights.

She and Satya are very close due to Esma also having a parent leave her during her childhood and her other parent having a terminal incurable illness, leaving her to be adopted at age 6. While it was actually Esma’s mother who left and father who was sick, Esma sees Satya and knows what it’s like for the most part, even if their story is different. She relates to Satya’s 4-year-old sib because she was closer in that position than she was to Satya’s position. But that’s why Esma is great friends with Satya — she admires Satya being real and honest about their status as a legal guardian. Esma knows Satya has struggles of their own too, dealing with all this, so she is always there for Satya and their mother. She also wishes she had more time with her now-deceased biological father and feels she should give back by helping Satya’s mother, after all Esma’s late father would have wanted that. Esma and a couple of Satya’s other friends are seeking higher education, with Esma and one other in medical school.

Imani was created by @kitkatcookie.


[name_f]Rowena[/name_f] " [name_f]Ro[/name_f] " [name_f]Danielle[/name_f] Goff (23) is another member of [name_f]Esma[/name_f] and Satya’s friend group, who provides an alternate experience on her friend’s situations. Ro’s father also walked out on her family and her mother tragically lost her life in a car accident when she was only seven, leaving [name_f]Ro[/name_f] to be raised by her older paternal half-sister [name_f]Olympia[/name_f]. This was even more of a sharp change for the siblings as they formerly had little contact due to their twelve year age gap and their father flitting between his ex-wife and current partner until he abandoned both families all together, meaning there were bumps in the road for both sisters as they came to terms with what had happened. In spite of the initial awkwardness and arguments about authority, [name_f]Ro[/name_f] and [name_f]Olympia[/name_f] have an incredibly close bond now, with [name_f]Ro[/name_f] crediting her sister to helping her get into university, where she’s studying international copyright law currently.

[name_f]Ro[/name_f] frequently visits [name_u]Satya[/name_u] and their sibling if they want some company and does all she can to uplift her friend, without being patronising. She knows the knowledge of their mother’s condition is especially hard on [name_u]Satya[/name_u] and has made it clear they’re always available for a chat if nothing else, given how well [name_f]Ro[/name_f] knows loss. Through [name_f]Olympia[/name_f] she now has two nephews - one conceived through IVF, the other adopted, as her sister knew a partner wasn’t what she needed to become a mother - and her older nephew, who’s 5, sometimes has playdates with Satya’s sibling, during which time they and [name_f]Ro[/name_f] can chat about anything. With her younger nephew being adopted, [name_f]Ro[/name_f] has also recently become closer with [name_f]Esma[/name_f], as she wants to help [name_f]Olympia[/name_f] avoid a situation where her nephew feels his past and culture were denied to him - as he was adopted from [name_f]Bolivia[/name_f] - and changing his surname is something her sister has done, albeit making it double barrel with his birth one so he can choose to drop or keep anything later in life.


[name_u]Madison[/name_u] [name_f]Sunshine[/name_f] " [name_m]Mads[/name_m] " Woodley (21) is part of [name_f]Ro[/name_f], [name_f]Esma[/name_f], and Satya’s group of friends. What [name_m]Mads[/name_m] is eternally grateful for is how they all bonded over different family issues: [name_m]Mads[/name_m] was raised by a teen father who tried (and tries!) his best. [name_m]Mads[/name_m] was raised by her father and paternal grandparents, and never fully had a mother figure in her life. [name_f]Ro[/name_f] and [name_f]Esma[/name_f] have become Mads’ pseudo older sisters, and she’s blessed to have them in her life. [name_m]Mads[/name_m] grew up as a total daddy’s girl and inherited his love of fashion and music, pushing her to study fashion design in university. She also has taken interest in Esma’s culture, being one of her biggest supporters in finding her roots again.

[name_m]Mads[/name_m] visits [name_u]Satya[/name_u] and although she doesn’t consider herself the best at advice, she helps [name_u]Satya[/name_u] get through what she can by distracting them and reminding them it is okay to feel joy and that they shouldn’t feel guilty about it. For a long time, [name_m]Mads[/name_m] herself did feel like it was her fault for her dad’s ex for leaving them, but through therapy learned that wasn’t the case. Sometimes the world was unfair, and you have to make the most of what you can. [name_m]Mads[/name_m] also wants [name_u]Satya[/name_u] to go to therapy, but doesn’t know how to bring that up to them.


Mahsuri " [name_f]Suri[/name_f] " [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f] Koh (22) is another member of the aforementioned friend group and in contrast to the others is from a very large, interconnected Malaysian-American family who run their own restaurant. Although some people assume [name_f]Suri[/name_f] felt pressured into joining the family business it was entirely her own choice, although she no longer works as a waitress and has instead moved into the back where she’s one of her uncle’s sous chefs, cookery having always been her greatest passion and talent. Due to the sheer volume of cousins, aunts, uncles and in-laws, it’s easy to be lost in the shuffle of the family sometimes which [name_f]Suri[/name_f] never really let affect her - although she finds herself talking to her friends and asking for advice as she knows some of her cousins and even her own younger brother are much more insecure in regards as to how they’re perceived by older relatives.

Suri’s always been a very easygoing and diligent person who gets on with things in her own way, but her brother’s faced a lot more uncertainty and used to skip school as he knew it always gained their parents attention - even if their reaction was confusion and upset. As she has a cousin only a month younger than her, [name_f]Suri[/name_f] admits they’ve always had a stronger bond and like [name_m]Mads[/name_m], blamed herself for her brother’s choices until her friends reminded her she wasn’t obligated to serve as his moral compass or constant adviser. [name_f]Suri[/name_f] does speak more with her brother now and he’s less hostile to her advice, but she still keeps it sparing given how he feels people assume things on his behalf: especially regarding the future. As he’s still pretty dismissive of her own interests, it’s her friends who benefit from the snacks and leftovers she’s almost always carrying, joking that she’s feeding only the deserving who appreciate how much cooking means to her.


Yunalis “ Lissa “ Mary Koh (22) is Suri’s cousin and also in the friend group. She is one month younger than Suri and is a waitress. She tries to tell Suri it’s not her fault for her brother’s actions yet still gets along with Suri‘s brother as he is her cousin too. Lissa had a dream to be a famous author but constantly shifts between wanting to follow that dream or simply living it safe. Lissa loves her family and feels sorry for the friends who aren’t as lucky as she and Suri with their families. Lissa loves to babysit Satya’s 4-year-old sibling and wants Satya and their sib to stay close.


tw: schizophrenia related mental health struggles

[name_f]Maeve[/name_f] [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] O’Fallon (21) is Lissa’s friend although she doesn’t belong to the same friend group as they only recently became close. The two met through a writing class they both attend, which focuses on teaching attendess about getting self-published, as [name_f]Maeve[/name_f] is going to be completing her degree in [name_f]English[/name_f] Literature soon and wants to pursue having writing published. Part of Maeve’s reasoning comes from the fact she isn’t going to be pursuing further education on the grounds of lacking the money, nor does she want to ask her parents to fund anything. She’s always been someone fixed on being self-sufficient, stemming from her family facing a lot of financial insecurity after her dad suddenly lost his job when she was nine, and her stepmom only worked part-time, meaning their finances had to be watched carefully to prevent debt. [name_f]Maeve[/name_f] attends therapy sessions to help her with her anxiety regarding money and deciding to focus on paying these bills over continuing with academics, placing more merit in mental health than pursuing education.

Thankfully, Maeve’s family were able to get back on track after her dad got another job working as a mechanic, and she’s very close with her parents and younger half-brother, who’s in high school currently. Maeve’s mother hasn’t been in her life much since she was four, after suffering a severe schizophrenic episode. The pair had sporadic contact until [name_f]Maeve[/name_f] was in her teens as her dad didn’t want her being exposed to the disturbing claims her mother made during the worst parts of her battle with her mental health. There was some animosity between her maternal grandparents and her dad after he chose to pursue another relationship but [name_f]Maeve[/name_f] wasn’t exposed to this much, although she acknowledges she sensed things when she was younger. She knows there’s a lot of assumptions given her difficult childhood but doesn’t pay attention to judgment, having a very thick skin and over the years, [name_f]Maeve[/name_f] has built up admirable self-confidence.