*:・゚✧ create a family w/ a twist

[name_m]Conor[/name_m] [name_u]Liam[/name_u] O’Fallon (15) is Maeve’s younger half-brother. [name_m]Conor[/name_m] is into music and is considered a bit of a nerd. He is quite shy. He was born when [name_f]Maeve[/name_f] was 6 and was devestated when he found out they weren’t fully related. He has a half sibling on his Mom’s side who is in prison with his Mom’s ex for human trafficking afflications, arson and fraud. He has went to visit his elder half sister but he doesn’t consider her family.

tw: mentions of human trafficking

[name_f]Isadora[/name_f] ’ [name_u]Isa[/name_u] ’ [name_u]Carmel[/name_u] Mayoral (15) has known [name_m]Conor[/name_m] since they were both very young, but their friendship became strained after he visited his half-sister. Isa’s maternal aunt was a victim of human trafficking and was missing for 9 years, only being found and subsequently rescued after a higher profile abduction occurred on the Texan border, which led to the subsequent operation being uncovered and [name_f]Paulina[/name_f] Cortinas being reunited with her family at long last. Although her parents have tried their best to protect their children - [name_u]Isa[/name_u] and her younger siblings - from the horrors their aunt faced, Isa’s always been emotionally astute, and as their aunt lives with her family, has sometimes overheard conversations between her mother and Aunt [name_f]Paulina[/name_f] regarding what occurred.

Although Isa’s aunts’ abductors had nothing to do with Conor’s half-sister, the fact he made the effort to visit hurt her a lot more than she’s expressed to him, instead deciding avoidance is her best option, as she fears losing her temper and saying something she’ll regret. [name_u]Isa[/name_u] has always been strong-willed and now is seen as quite a moody person, further emphasised by her interest in the grunge and riot grrl scenes, but those who know her better see her strong convictions come from a place of caring, especially where her family are concerned.

Her main confident in this is the third teen who used to belong to the trio that was her, them and [name_m]Conor[/name_m], who’s tried their best to be there for both parties. More recently, [name_u]Isa[/name_u] has come out as bisexual and also belongs to a school society that focuses on the experiences of all minority groups, where she feels more comfortable expressing this part of herself - although her family know and have been nothing but loving and supportive. [name_u]Isa[/name_u] also sees the school’s counselor to talk about her home life, mostly in regards to her aunt’s mental health and how her mother had to participate in the trial regarding Paulina’s abductors: things that affected her more than she likes to let on.


[name_u]Dione[/name_u] [name_f]Summer[/name_f] Newbanks (15) is the third member of the childhood friend group who finds herself acting as the mediator between [name_u]Isa[/name_u] and [name_m]Conor[/name_m] in the wake of tensions occurring. Having been raised as an only child - due to her older half-brother having been leaving for college when she was born - the circumstances [name_m]Conor[/name_m] ended up in are those [name_u]Dione[/name_u] can empathise with, albeit her brother has never broken the law, never mind done something as reprehensible as human trafficking. [name_u]Dione[/name_u] was always the person [name_u]Isa[/name_u] confided in first about her aunt’s situation, and this is what led to her feeling so torn when the rift began to form. Part of [name_u]Dione[/name_u] struggles to comprehend why [name_m]Conor[/name_m] would want to see someone capable of committing such awful crimes as she worries about how this will affect him - although she’s wondered if his upset regarding [name_f]Maeve[/name_f] being born to a different mother caused him to feel there was something to be learned from his imprisoned sibling. She knows [name_m]Conor[/name_m] would never intentionally hurt [name_u]Isa[/name_u], not just because of their longstanding friendship but on account of his own nature, however she can’t help feel he wasn’t thinking of [name_u]Isa[/name_u] at all when he decided to make the visit.

It’s always been [name_u]Dione[/name_u] who’s made friends with the most ease on account of her gentleness, easygoing nature and light-hearted approach to almost everything. She belongs to the school orchestra, playing saxophone - which she first began learning when she was seven - and has been contemplating enrolling herself in another club or society, but has put this on the back burner while she’s trying to help mend the rift between [name_u]Isa[/name_u] and [name_m]Conor[/name_m]. Her confidence is somewhere between the two: being less self-assured and outspoken than [name_u]Isa[/name_u], but more comfortable talking to new people than [name_m]Conor[/name_m], and it upsets [name_u]Dione[/name_u] how they may all find themselves drifting apart, as she’d hoped they could create a friend group together where all three parties would feel happy, comfortable and free to be themselves.

Three months ago, [name_u]Dione[/name_u] also became an aunt after her brother and his partner, who’s non-binary, welcomed their first child together. She already adores her nephew and showers him with attention and affection, having babysat him by herself recently so her brother and his partner could enjoy a date night. It hasn’t surprised anyone Dione’s such a natural with her nephew and that he clearly loves spending time being looked after by her, but - to the relief of her dad especially - she’s not interested in having kids the second she leaves high school, instead being much happier to be the fun aunt and pursue her own dreams regarding music. Although she knows most people are skeptical about the field, [name_u]Dione[/name_u] doesn’t see herself becoming massively famous, but just wants to be involved in performances, ideally an orchestral or jazz environment. Her backup plan is to enter the realm of teaching, something pretty much everyone can tell [name_u]Dione[/name_u] will be a natural at based on her kindness, although her mom jokes she’ll need to become sterner.


@A.B.Galaxy I just wanted to tag you on this forum, hope it’s okay!

1 Like

[name_u]Joseph[/name_u] ‘Joey’ [name_u]Robin[/name_u] Newbanks (3mo) is Dione’s nephew. [name_u]Joey[/name_u] can’t really speak well yet, but the few words he can say he likes to sing. His dad thinks it is cute so in nursery [name_u]Joey[/name_u] is part of a makeshift band, a drummer (a kid banging on a fox biscuit tin) a piano player (a kid playing on a mini keyboard) and the singer (joey!) [name_u]Joey[/name_u] is also insistent on getting a dog!


[name_f]Maura[/name_f] [name_f]Jane[/name_f] [name_u]Kim[/name_u] (27) is a nanny and business owner who sometimes babystis [name_u]Joey[/name_u]. She is very musically inclined, having studied opera when she was younger and [name_u]Joey[/name_u] 's parents are sure that [name_f]Maura[/name_f] had an impact on how much [name_u]Joey[/name_u] loves music now. [name_f]Maura[/name_f] ultimately decided to drop out of the music school and that the career of an opera singer would be too emotionally exhausting for her - it was a very competitive environment which led to emotional burnout. She instaed discovered her passion for chemistry at 16 and is now running her own business selling homemade soaps in all shapes, sizes , fragrances and also those who are suitable for children & people with skin coditions. It was crucial for her to consider those people because her grandmother has psoriasis and some cosmetics are not fit for her skin due to that fact. She loves babysitting as a side-hustle , but doesn’t have any children herself yet. She always knew she wanted to adopt instaed of giving birth - being inspired by her partner, an adoptee from foster care who she met at her high-school chemistry club and who really wanted to give someone a family like it has been given to him when he was younger.

Javiera " Avi " Angelica Nevarez (26) is Maura’s best friend and main adviser in her business ventures. A cool, collected and resourceful person since their teens, Avi serves not just as a social media marketer for Maura’s services, but also as someone who talks her out of taking on too much at a time. Growing up in Cuba, Avi witnessed their mother - who was widowed shortly after the birth of Avi’s sister, who’s only a year their junior - burn herself out fighting to get the family to move to the States, where there were more opportunities for her children. These memories have stayed with them, especially as Avi knew their mom skipped meals if it meant more food for them and their sister, or simply because her schedule was so packed there wasn’t feasible time; which has led to them being particularly vocal about being anti-MLM and campaigning for better conditions for employees of big corporations. Their online media advertising is actually what’s getting them through law school, as they’re hoping on specialising in worker’s rights and protection alongside encouraging union formation.

A little ironically, children aren’t people Avi knows what to do with. They’ve never been a very parental person and instead a solid older sibling, preferring to give advice to those closer in age rather than lording over tiny humans (as they call children). They imagine when their sister has kids - something she’s very eager about - it’ll help them hone their skills more and figure out if they’d ever want any of their own, but right now Avi is much happier parenting ther Shiba, Ignacio, whose nature very much compliments their’s. Avi and Maura met at college when they were placed in a dorm full of antisocial persons who spent 95% of their time hidden away. They ended up being the only people to really utilise the common room areas but it allowed for their friendship to blossom, as Avi really struggled with the isolation so many of their peers opted for (and knows some of it was rooted in the assumption they were better than everyone else), in spite of being introverted in their own ways.


Tanner Charles Jackson (25) is the boyfriend of Avi’s sister, having dated for 2 years. He is the brother of Marcus, brother-in-law of Evie, and uncle of Quinn and Dodie. Being 9 years younger than Marcus, he always felt “little” in comparison especially with Marcus growing up faster due to fathering Quinn at age 18. However Tanner and Marcus get along well, with a young Tanner even telling a teenage Marcus that he “would stand up to his big brother’s bullies” and that despite being much younger, he liked to look out for big bro. Tanner likes dating a woman his own age because he doesn’t feel that either of them are “leveled up” above the other in any way and have a strong and healthy connection. Tanner doesn’t have kids but often attends the family reunions and get-togethers where he meets Quinn and Dodie’s cousins on their mother’s side of the family. He knows his girlfriend wants children someday and he does too. Even though Tanner didn’t care for being seen as the “little” one, he finds it strange to be 25 now and seeing his life change by the year while he gets older. It’s for the better, he doesn’t want to be a kid forever. He and Avi both love dogs and Tanner has a Shiba too named Achilles because he “is perfect in every way except one flaw” with that flaw being that Achilles barks way too loud when his “dog friend” Ignacio is around. Tanner and Avi laugh this off and Tanner promises he will “get that taken care of eventually.” Tanner has been asking Avi a lot about how the best way to be sentimental with their sister is, and has gotten their mother to approve and agree with his special secret, a secret soon to be revealed…he’s planning to propose to Avi’s sister.

Marcus was created by me.

Quinn was created by @chamwue.

Evie and Dodie were created by @kitkatcookie.



[name_f]Emmanuela[/name_f] [name_u]Carmen[/name_u] Nevarez “Emmy” (25) is Avi’s sister and Tanner’s girlfriend. [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] loves people and animals- anything that will listen to her talk really. She seems to find comfort in people because there was a village like neighborhood when her and her family moved to the States. She currently works as an interpreter and HR assistant at a nearby hospital. It’s taken a lot of work to get into her position as a certified interpreter but it was worth it. [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] sees the relief in her clients when she comes in the room. People are already fearful and adding a language barrier makes it even more intimidating. Her days can be hard but living with [name_u]Tanner[/name_u] for the last 3 months has helped her immensely. [name_m]Even[/name_m] if he isn’t home [name_m]Achilles[/name_m] is there to greet her. She has become good friends with their neighbor who has a beagle. Surprisingly their dog keeps up no problem with [name_m]Achilles[/name_m] – the two run against the fence between them back and forth, back and forth. [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] is having major baby fever too with the same neighbor recently announcing she’s pregnant.


Maturity warning: [name_f]Rainbow[/name_f] baby (this means when a mother miscarries or has a stillbirth but then the next baby is born healthy)

[name_f]Megan[/name_f] [name_f]Cassandra[/name_f] [name_u]Bray[/name_u] [née Gaskell] (29) is Emmy’s neighbour. She just announced her pregnancy of her second child from her husband. [name_f]Megan[/name_f] has a 4-year-old daughter from the same relationship. [name_f]Megan[/name_f] is the oldest child born to her parents however she is technically not their first pregnancy because her parents has previously miscarried an unborn child before she was conceived. [name_f]Megan[/name_f] is considered a rainbow baby because she was born healthy. [name_f]Megan[/name_f] is happy her parents consider her a blessing but feels horrible for her late potential sibling and strives to live up to the miracle her parents say she is. and her husband is the oldest born to his. [name_f]Megan[/name_f] is close with her in-laws and neighbours and her mother is close with Emmy’s mother. [name_f]Megan[/name_f] also believes [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] is a gifted woman and very smart and talented.


[name_f]Lucinda[/name_f] ’ Titch ’ [name_f]Estelle[/name_f] [name_u]Bray[/name_u] (4) is Megan’s daughter and soon-to-be big sister. A complete girly-girl who loves nothing more than wearing pretty dresses, playing on the swing in her back garden and pretending to be a fairy princess, Titch’s nickname comes from the fact she was a very small baby, in spite of not being born prematurely. Gaining a younger sibling is something Titch has never been sure about, as she’s very much been content having the sole attention of both her parents, telling them all about her time at nursery, the friends she’s making, and her complex double life as a fairy fighting an evil onslaught of ghouls - but the idea of gaining a fellow warrior and companion is starting to grow on her, especially as her best friend’s got two siblings (an older and a younger), and they always seem to be having fun.


Hmm, been a while since I crossed over a character…time to do it again? This man is from You choose the names for this street! and created by me and named by @I_meme_it .

Alexander “ Alex “ Matthew Gaskell (27) is Titch’s uncle. His mother didn’t expect to have another good pregnancy after Megan but was glad for Alex and respects him as well. Alex lives many cities over and is a staff member in a small nursery at No.4 Alling Terrace. Whenever he’s on break, he likes to hang out with his family and is close with Titch since he loves children. Alex tells Titch that the toddlers at the nursery he works for are also very rambunctious and although there are 5 of them, they never stop managing to get attention! Alex is a patient and chill guy and is good friends with the people who run Titch’s nursery since he knows what it’s like to be nursery staff and is also good friends with the mother of Titch’s best friend, seeing that they went to high school together.


[name_f]Amara[/name_f] [name_f]Britney[/name_f] [name_m]Musa[/name_m] (7) is the big sister of Titch’s best friend. [name_f]Amara[/name_f] and Alex’s families are close and [name_f]Amara[/name_f] sees a lot of [name_u]Alex[/name_u] and she looks up to him. [name_f]Amara[/name_f] is respected by her two younger siblings and is responsible. She is very girly and bubbly.

[name_f]Kavya[/name_f] [name_f]Isobel[/name_f] [name_m]Musa[/name_m] (27) is the mom of [name_f]Amara[/name_f], Titch’s best friend, and her youngest son as well as Alex’s friend. She and her husband divorced a year ago after mutually deciding it was better off for everyone involved but coparent wonderfully and are on good terms. [name_f]Kavya[/name_f] is a freelance writer and is also trying to write her first book which is a mystery. She adores her three children immensely and tries to spend as much time with them as possible.

[name_f]Kavya[/name_f] enjoys a variety of activities like drawing, gardening, and baking and she loves to try new things. To her dismay, she has recently developed a crush on [name_u]Alex[/name_u] but is trying her best to act normal. Her other friend from high school is the only one who she’s told about this though.


Hey, just to lyk [name_f]Amara[/name_f] is the eldest child :slight_smile:

tw: depression

[name_f]Madelina[/name_f] ’ [name_f]Melina[/name_f] ’ [name_f]Colette[/name_f] Lukowski (27) is [name_f]Kavya[/name_f] and Alex’s friend from high school, who’s the with-holder of the crush knowledge. Throughout school, [name_f]Melina[/name_f] was considered to be something of a pessimist and this outset on things has continued into adulthood - albeit’s lessened as she’s grown older and received proper treatment for the depression that remained undiagnosed throughout her teens; partially because of how much studying overtook Melina’s life. Currently working towards gaining her doctorate in anthropology, part of her bond with [name_f]Kavya[/name_f] stemmed from their own amusement at how people tend to assume they have one another’s career, mostly on the grounds of appearance basis and also due to demeanor.

It surprises people that Kavya’s children like [name_f]Melina[/name_f] as much as they do thanks to her seriousness and the fact she’s self-confessed to not being the most entertaining of company - however her love of unique hair colours and strong belief in maintaining authenticity in your identity is something they’re evidently drawn to. Kavya’s middle child is whom she’s closest to and spends a lot of time with, as she recognises his own shyer tendencies and less gregarious nature: traits she had while younger and living in the shadow of her brother, who’s a successful radio host and comedian (although he’s forbidden from mentioning Melina’s name as she is not dealing with fanmail about him, thank you very much).

Sometimes [name_f]Melina[/name_f] finds herself doubting the advice she gives, as it can be skewed towards caution in the form of warnings, but she just speaks from a position of not wanting to see those she cares about hurt. She thinks [name_f]Kavya[/name_f] should be careful regarding her feelings for [name_u]Alex[/name_u] - namely as he’s someone tricky to read, and she doesn’t want to get Kavya’s hopes up, only to be wrong about her opinions. Based on chats they’ve had, [name_f]Melina[/name_f] can’t help wonder if there is someone in Alex’s life, or if he’s merely formed a close platonic bond with someone he gets the train with and talks to every day. The main person [name_f]Melina[/name_f] confides in regarding this is her girlfriend, who she’s been with for 4 years, and who’s always been the social butterfly of the pair, but she has no qualms letting this be the status quo.


@A.B.Galaxy Sorry I misread the post for [name_f]Amara[/name_f] so I’m reposting and such! Apologies for my screw up!


Rhet Raymond [left] and Junian Jack [right] Bray (28) are fraternal twin brothers who call themselves “The Bray Bros” and used to attend high school with Melina and the group but are a grade older. Rhet is single with no children and currently works as a member of the train security, checking tickets when people ride. Junian is a teacher who teaches in Amara’s class and he is the husband of Megan, father of Titch and her sibling-to-be, and brother-in-law of Alex.

Alex and Rhet get along very well as men in their late 20s who are single and don’t have children while being close to people who do. Both of them are straight and simply platonically friends alongside another woman who gets on the train every day. However Alex has said before he would consider being a father and is very close with the children from the small nursery he works for. He isn’t aware Kavya has a crush on him and Rhett falsely thinks he is falling for the woman on the train. Luckily Rhet isn’t trying to hook Alex up with anyone as it isn’t his business and Alex has thought of Rhet as someone who doesn’t really care about being in a relationship. Truthfully Rhet used to fall for the woman on the train but gave up on trying to pursue her and instead focused on his job. Why Rhet is single is because he has a bad habit of falling for women who are unattainable, like when he used to have a crush on Melina’s now-girlfriend when he was in college, before realising she was lesbian. Or sometimes simply liking someone but never having the bravery to make a move and losing that chance. At the very least, he is respectful of other people’s relationships and boundaries and wouldn’t try to burden anyone. He is not currently attracted to anyone and is quite afraid to do so. Rhet relates to Melina since he was more of a quiet person and often feels like he is perceived as inferior to his brother as well, although Junian isn’t famous.

Junian is more stable and happily married to Megan with her daughter and baby-to-be. He likes it when Titch and Melina hang out with her kids and Kavya’s. Junian is good friends with Melina and helped her and her high school friends but never belittled them for being a grade younger than them. He was the popular dude and always had lots of best friends but actually never had a serious relationship until his last year of college when he met Megan. He’s currently planning their baby shower for close friends and family and is doing a gender reveal during the baby shower. He is close with the other families and Rhet, Alex, Kavya, Melina, Titch, and Amara are already said to be attending. While his class of students he’s teaching (save for Amara) aren’t actually attending the baby shower, they’re all super excited for their teacher and his wife to have a new baby since many of the students are talking about getting new siblings of their own. They’ve even tried to guess the gender and due date, which Junian encourages.

Also Melina has pretty hair. Yay!


[name_f]Gaia[/name_f] [name_f]Gwendolyn[/name_f] [name_u]Bray[/name_u] (23) is [name_u]Rhett[/name_u] and Junian’s younger sister, although their association wasn’t known throughout school due to the age gap between them. As her name echoes, [name_f]Gaia[/name_f] is an environmentalist fashion student who’s focused on sustainability and ethics in the industry she desires to break into - although right now her money comes from Depop selling, where she upcycles and resells clothing, as well as crotcheting accessories. Although some people think being so much younger than her brothers must be difficult for [name_f]Gaia[/name_f], she’s actually happier about this, as if there’d been less of a gap between them all, [name_f]Gaia[/name_f] knows she might have struggled in regards to not being a twin herself. She was incredibly close to their mom throughout childhood, the woman who taught her how to knit and sew, and admired her a great deal - as the [name_u]Bray[/name_u] siblings dad is a retired pilot who worked long hours thanks to needing to train younger colleagues - something that’s been maintained til’ now, with [name_f]Gaia[/name_f] regularly visiting her when she has the time between school, creating style bundles and hanging out with her own friend group. It was when [name_f]Gaia[/name_f] was eleven that she first started bonding more with [name_u]Rhett[/name_u] and [name_m]Junian[/name_m], thanks to her growing interest in music and they were the one’s who took her to concerts with them, as well as helping her download music onto her phone and MP3.

[name_f]Megan[/name_f] is someone [name_f]Gaia[/name_f] also gets along very well with, regularly looking after Titch over summer holidays so both her brothers and sister-in-law have time to themselves, being heavily involved in the fantasy world her niece has created. Some consider this a little ironic, as in spite of her talents when it comes to fashion, [name_f]Gaia[/name_f] isn’t that into extravagant costuming - even though she has the talents and ability. Right now though, Gaia’s working on a special birthday present for Titch: a dress based on those she’s drawn in her pictures, which has been facilitated by [name_f]Megan[/name_f] and [name_m]Junian[/name_m] who have the best understanding of what goes through their daughter’s mind. Her sentimentality would surprise some people, as [name_f]Gaia[/name_f] tends to appear pretty aloof and keeps to herself on campus, with some not even knowing about the size of her family thanks to how much privacy means to her. This stems from one of Gaia’s oldest friends having become a popular cheerleader when the two were in high school and experiencing a lot of intrusive questions about her life, which made [name_f]Gaia[/name_f] cagey about people prying into her life.

Her skills with crotchet have come in handy with the upcoming baby shower as she’s created a blanket and hat for [name_m]Junian[/name_m] and Megan’s unborn child, opting for earthy colours as she feels it’ll help add to the calmness her brother and sister-in-law want for the pregnancy. Gaia’s quite quiet around Megan’s family thanks to her shyness, but has started to gain more confidence since she turned twenty and no longer hides away as much behind her own parents. She’s also in the process of adopting a rescue dog with one of her roommates, but they’re waiting to bring home the [name_u]Jack[/name_u] [name_m]Russell[/name_m] they’ve agreed to take in, due to the paperwork having not been fully processed - although Titch is very impatient regarding this as she can’t wait to meet her auntie’s dog. Like [name_u]Rhett[/name_u], [name_f]Gaia[/name_f] currently isn’t dating anyone, and like him doesn’t have a massive interest to pursue anyone - although it’s suspected by her roommate that a mutual friend has a crush on her.


tw: suicide

[name_f]Desiree[/name_f] " [name_m]Des[/name_m] " [name_f]Justine[/name_f] [name_m]Buchanan[/name_m] (24) is Gaia’s roommate. She is an architect at her father’s firm and does her best to make her buildings environmentally sustainable. She’s also trying to convince her somewhat traditional father to get on board with this and so far it seems to be working. [name_m]Des[/name_m] doesn’t only keep the environment in mind at her work though, in her everyday life she likes to find ways that she can help the environment. She often says their shared love of the environment is why she and [name_f]Gaia[/name_f] are such good friends.

[name_m]Des[/name_m] has a friend who she met in high school who is currently at the same college she went to and that [name_f]Gaia[/name_f] is studying at now. She introduced him to [name_f]Gaia[/name_f] and has suspected as of late that he has a crush on [name_f]Gaia[/name_f]. She’s decided not to say anything as of yet but hasn’t been shy in hinting to her friend that she knows about his crush.

[name_f]Desiree[/name_f] has – for the past few months – been trying to get custody of her five year old niece who is in foster care. [name_m]Des[/name_m] had a half sister on her mom’s side who committed suicide after her depression got worse. She’s hoping that she will be able to get her out of the system soon as the girl is extremely sweet and sensitive.


Devi Kendrick Musa (23) is Des and Gaia’s mutual friend. Like Gaia, he is also a younger sibling, being the younger brother of Kavya. Devi is a professional harpsichordist, even winning a local talent show with his skills. However he faced criticism by family and friends of the runner-up who said Devi should not have won. They claim the other performer should have won for her expert singing skills she’s mastered since she was little, and they claim the judges only gave the win to Devi because his talent was more unique. Devi is never going to stop playing harpsichord and knew he deserved to win but he feels his confidence has been tarnished by this. The singer who got runner-up has repeatedly said that Devi deserved to win and she wasn’t “robbed” of a victory but her family thinks otherwise, as they are the types who always want what they can’t have. Devi feels it’s unfair that someone can win and still feel like they have to constantly prove themselves. His mother works minimum wage despite acing high school and college and having a Bachelors degree. His father is a retired race car driver who was forced to retire after a reckless driver crashed into him despite him doing nothing wrong. Kavya is happily divorced to her friendly ex-husband but she was the one who had to move out. Devi feels that his family is the poster family for people who can do everything right and still get the short end of the stick in ways they can’t control. Devi is hoping this doesn’t hurt Kavya’s dream of publishing books and is rooting for her entirely, glad Kavya is living in a nice house anyway and has a great friendship with her ex.

He and the two women are good friends and Devi too hopes they keep the Jack Russell. Devi relates to Gaia that about being the younger sibling to a parent and loves seeing Amara and her two younger siblings, often playing the “cool uncle” role, which he enjoys because he knows they will always appreciate him. He is a college student and an architectural intern at the firm. While the people at the architecture firm say “Des B.” and “Des M.” to differentiate the women’s names, Devi calls Des B. “Earth’s Des-tiny”, which she likes. He hopes she will reconnect with her niece and is in support of her taking custody. Gaia isn’t aware Devi likes her and once thought he liked Des instead but Devi convinced her he wasn’t attracted to her. Unfortunately, that was by acting uninterested in dating, which is sending Gaia mixed signals about whether he is or isn’t interested. He and Rhett get along for this reason as the two laugh about how they’re both bad at trying to pursue who they love, but neither Rhet nor Junian know that Devi is attracted to Gaia. Devi also worries he and his family’s bad luck will play a role to thwart the potential relationship. Thankfully, his friends has always had his back along with his family and friends’ families.

Des M. was created by @I_meme_it.