Keomi ’ [name_m]Keyes[/name_m] ’ Yamanaka (18) is Rory’s’ girlfriend and subsequent friendly associate of Pier and [name_u]Blair[/name_u] thanks to her relationship with their cousin. Having a long distance relationship is something a lot of Keyes’s’ friends can’t fathom - excluding the fact [name_u]Rory[/name_u] intends on studying in the U.S., allowing [name_m]Keyes[/name_m] much more time with them in person - but she’s someone always willing to try for what matters to her, echoed in how she approaches her interests and the bonds she’s made with her peers; her best friend having been someone she met on the 4th day of kindergarten (yes she remembers the fine details, which are ideal whenever she wants to make a romantic gesture for her significant other).
A few months older than [name_u]Rory[/name_u], [name_m]Keyes[/name_m] is likewise the youngest in her family, although she has 3 older siblings: fraternal twins and a sister, all of whom affectionately call [name_m]Keyes[/name_m] their ‘Tech Support’ as she’s always the person to go to if electronics aren’t working. She’s the co-president of her school’s Programming Club, having agreed to split responsibilities with the other leading figure so neither one of them is getting burnt out by the requirements of the position. It’s obvious she’s seen as the more easygoing and fun centered one of the pair, but never underestimate how the duo have mastered a good cop, bad cop dynamic.
Biology - her favourite traditional science that she spent hours talking to [name_u]Rory[/name_u] about when they were at camp together - has now become more of a hobby next to her computing hobbies, although she keeps involved in the animal side of things, as her family’s dog, [name_u]Makoto[/name_u] who is of no discernible breed, has quite a few health conditions, and [name_m]Keyes[/name_m] is prone to worrying about her. She jokes a lot about ‘stealing’ [name_u]Rory[/name_u] away from their family whenever the two would hangout, not that it was ever something she really felt concerns for, thanks to how much joy and sense of completion being together brings to her. [name_m]Prior[/name_m] to moving for university, [name_m]Keyes[/name_m] has plans on visiting extended family in Sapporo, and she’s been deliberating inviting [name_u]Rory[/name_u] (if they’re allowed to accompany her).