Create a Family with a Twist 1

[name_f]Ulyssia[/name_f] [name_f]Hope[/name_f] Lampshire (18) is in the same medicine program as [name_u]Devi[/name_u]. Growing up, she was so fascinated by history that absolutely no-one expected her to go into medicine. [name_u]Truth[/name_u] be told, she didn’t want ot go there either and only agreed to do so because her emotionally abusive single mom , [name_f]Yvonne[/name_f] , threathened to throw her out of the house if she doesn’t go into a “respectable” profession - and so she started studying medicine to become an orthopedist in order to be able to cure her mom’s back spine - related problems in the future. She desperately wanted to do right by her mom until she realized that [name_f]Yvonne[/name_f] never did right by her for once in her life , after suffering a mental breakdown in the university bathroom and having an emergency one-on-one second with the psychologist. Now, she wants to become an orthopedist for herself rather than for her mom and bring good healthcare to people. [name_f]Devina[/name_f] was the first person that she opened up to about her fascination with 18th century historical figures, particularly [name_u]Marie[/name_u] [name_f]Antoinette[/name_f]. Being encouraged by her, she embraced that interest again and now she goes to campus dressed in the rococopunk aesthetic like she always wanted , also having limited contact with her mom. She has a modelling vlog where she shares her cosplays of 18th century historical figures and modern-day interpretations of the outfits. She often talks to [name_u]Devi[/name_u] about becoming a model and brining rococopunk to magazine covers. Her newfound confidence is the reason why [name_f]Ulyssia[/name_f] started seeming like more than a friend to [name_f]Devina[/name_f]. [name_f]Ulyssia[/name_f] herself starts suspecting that there are some feelings which she has for her , given that she was never interested in historical reenactments but nevertheless found an on-line group of people reenacting 1780s [name_u]French[/name_u] court for [name_f]Ulyssia[/name_f] to join in (with her , mind you!). She doesn’t really know what to do with those suspicions. [name_f]Ulyssia[/name_f] is currently questioning her sexuality and wants to reach out for advice from one openly gay guy that she knows from the reenactment group , but she doesn’t want him to feel like she’s reducing him to his sexuality. [name_f]Ulyssia[/name_f] genuinely admires the guy not only for his contributions to the LGBTQIA+ community, but also incredible, historically accurate fashion sense and a wide range of knowledge of 18th century history, from the [name_u]Seven[/name_u] Years War all the way to the [name_u]French[/name_u] Revolution.