[name_m]Anton[/name_m] [name_m]Nicolas[/name_m] Kellerman [33] is Alice’s brother, Mariel’s husband and father to [name_u]Milan[/name_u], [name_f]Tia[/name_f], and [name_f]Polly[/name_f]. He’s always been a supporter of [name_f]Alice[/name_f] and was very excited to see her come into her own during college. He always knew that she would be able to achieve great things and is excited to see what she does next with her journalism degree.
[name_m]Anton[/name_m] has always tried to be as supportive as he could towards his loved ones. He’s been the #1 cheerleader for people like [name_f]Alice[/name_f] of course during her periodic academic struggles, his mother when she was suddenly forced to reenter the workforce after she lost her job of nearly 30 years during the pandemic, and to [name_f]Mariel[/name_f] as her family faced the loss of her brother. Watching her attempt to keep up a strong front the whole time, especially while she was pregnant with their youngest, was tough and he always tried to encourage her to feel her emotions instead of hiding them away.
He wasn’t the closest with his brother-in-law but felt his absence after his passing nonetheless. Before [name_m]Anton[/name_m] was a photographer, both freelance and occasionally hired, when [name_u]Milan[/name_u] was born he switched to photo editing since he was able to work from home so that [name_f]Mariel[/name_f] would still be able to continue her career in marketing. As an upper level manager her workplace preferred that she be in person so he would often stay home with their children. After Leon’s passing she took some time off, so to help pick up some of the accumulated slack he started taking photography gigs again during that time period. Once Polly’s a little older he would like to continue to get back into that area of his career once again.
Similar to [name_f]Alice[/name_f], he also has a few close friends that he’s had in his life since he was in his early 20s, however they are also spread across the world. Many of them were friends he met while traveling, but unlike [name_f]Mariel[/name_f] they didn’t share any interesting connections.