Croatian names that deserve more love

Hello there!
My name is Elena and I just created this profile minutes ago. I’ve been lurking Nameberry for years and used to have another profile a very long time ago but have stopped using it. I come from Croatia and have been compiling a list of names of Croatian origin to share with you lovely berries. I used BehindTheName to verify some things, even though most of these names were user-submitted so do keep in mind that some things may not be 100% accurate. Some of these names are listed as Serbo-Croatian, as these two countries have a long history together, but some names are purely of Croatian origin. Also, several names on this list are Croatian variations of Latin/Greek/etc. names, but as far as I can tell these variants are uniquely Croatian. If anyone knows how to include sound clips, feel free to explain it to me as I would love to record it so that I can share it with you. I have marked my favorites with a *.

Without further ado, here is the list:
Antun* - a variation of Anthony
Antea - despite being a letter away from Anthea, this name is actually a modern Croatian feminine form of Ante (which is another variation of Anthony)
Bartol - a variation of Bartholomew
Borna* - comes from the verb boriti (to fight) and is actually a really old name, borne by a 9th century prince. It is a boys’ name but has seen some usage on girls, albeit extremely rare. I prefer it on boys.
Cvita* - Croatian form of Slovenian Cvetka (cvet means flower) which has slowly been coming back into style, I adore it at the moment.
Divna - means “wonderful”.
Domagoj* - comes from dom (home) and gojiti (to grow, nurture). I have loved it for a long time.
Dujam and Duje* - Croatian forms of Domnius
Dunja* - means “quince”
Finka - Croatian diminutive of Jozefina. My grandma’s sister is named this.
Hrvoje (B) - derived from Hrvat, which means “Croat”
Iskra* - Slavic name which means “spark”
Iva - I though this name was a feminine form of Ivan, but it actually means “willow tree”. I have never in my life heard anyone say iva while referring to the tree. Iva has been used for a long time, but has soared to the top of the popularity list in the last 20 years. Pronounced like EE-vah.
Ivančica - meaning “daisy”
Ivna - this is such an underrated feminine form of Ivan, especially seeing as Ivana is quite overdone IMO.
Lada - name of a Slavic fertility goddess
Marijeta - a diminutive of Marija
Mirna - means “peaceful”
Nada - means “hope”
Nebojša - means “fearless”
Pavao - Croatian form of Paul
Pejo - diminutive of Petar. My grandpa was named this, I always thought it was beautiful albeit very clunky and old-fashioned.
Ruža - means “rose”
Tena* - Croatian diminutive of Terezija. It always sounded trendy to me but has been in use since at least the 19th century. Have been crushing on it lately.
Tin - English speakers may not like it due to a connection to tin cans and metal in general, but this is actually a diminutive of names ending in -tin (Valentin, Martin, Augustin). Has been very, very popular in the last 15 years.
Tvrtko - seems impossible to pronounce, and I don’t really like this, as it comes from “tvrd” (meaning hard, firm). The sound is not the prettiest.
Vlatka - a diminutive of Vladimira
Zrinka - probably comes from Zrinski, which was the name of a very important noble family
Zora* - means “dawn”
Mak - means “poppy”, but this name is actually masculine.
Maroje* - a variation of Maro. It’s a really old name and quite rare but deserves all the love.
Sunčica* - comes from the word for sun (sunce). There is also Sunčana, which means “sunny”, but I always had a soft spot for Sunčica.

I hope you will enjoy this list. Feel free to share your opinions and also questions about these names if you have any! I look forward to them.

EDIT: here is the sound clip. Thank you @katinka for your technical support.


That’s an intriguing list, thanks for sharing!

I especially like Marijeta and Ruža. The former reminds me of Mariëtte which I also adore :slight_smile:

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These are beautiful, thanks so much for this list! [name_f]Welcome[/name_f] to Nameberry :blush:

[name_f]My[/name_f] faves…

[name_f]Iskra[/name_f] :heart_eyes:
[name_f]Iva[/name_f] and Ivna

So most of them!

You can record sound on your phone or on your computer and then upload using this icon. It’s at the top of the text edit box on computer or at the bottom right on mobile. You can also upload pictures or videos in the same way.

Screenshot 2021-04-06 at 20.17.17

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Hvala! Znala sam većinu ovih imena, ali nikada nisam razmišljala što znače.

Thank you! I knew most of these names, but I never really thought about their meaning.

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I love this list!!! And welcome back, [name_f]Elena[/name_f]! :grin:

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what a lovely list, thank you for sharing :blush: Finka, [name_f]Iskra[/name_f], Pavao and Maroje are especially gorgeous! :heart_eyes:

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[name_m]Hi[/name_m] [name_f]Elena[/name_f]! [name_f]Welcome[/name_f] back to Nameberry!

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[name_f]Welcome[/name_f] back, [name_f]Elena[/name_f]! I love Divna!

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Thank you everyone for such a warm welcoming!

@ethelmary if you like Ruža, there is also Ružica, it’s diminutive (so the equivalent to Rosie). Both are quite dated and I can’t really imagine it on anyone younger than 60, but do appreaciate its simplicity and meaning.

I also find it funny that two berries mentioned liking Finka. I only know one, so it is quite rare, but I’d consider it to be dated and not quite yet ready for a comeback.

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These are all so amazing!! I especially love Antea, Divna, [name_f]Iva[/name_f], [name_f]Mirna[/name_f], [name_f]Nada[/name_f], and Pejo. (I personally think Pejo is adorable and I would love to meet a little one with this name)

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Wow, these are absolutely beautiful, thank you so much. I’ll be sure to add some of these to my list. I’m absolutely blown away by Cvita, [name_f]Iskra[/name_f], Ivančica, Ivna, Marijeta, Finka, and Ruža! :white_heart:

Also, a big welcome to the Nameberry forums!

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These are so beautiful, thank you for these!! I am particularly loving Antun, Bartol, Divna, Lada, Ivna, Iskra, Finka, Mirna, Marijeta, Ruža, & Maroje :heart_eyes:

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Thank you for sharing these! There are so many great names on there.

[name_f]My[/name_f] favorites are

[name_m]Bartol[/name_m] - I love [name_m]Bartholomew[/name_m] but not [name_m]Bart[/name_m] or Bartie. [name_m]Bartol[/name_m] is just perfect!
[name_f]Iskra[/name_f] - I’ve always thought this was such a charming name
Maroje - what a great name. I love it :pleading_face: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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