Do you let a name's popularity deter you? Why or why not?

So, we are about a month out from having our son (#2), and choosing his name has been all-consuming (for me. I contemplate names in my sleep…) and difficult. We originally thought to honor my husband’s mother with her maiden name (which she has expressed regret at not keeping), Finlayson. We would drop the “son” and name him [name]Finlay[/name]. Our last name is McMaster.

However, I do not exaggerate when I say [name]Finn[/name] (in all its forms) has become a very popular baby name in the last 3 years in the little place where we live. So popular, in fact, that though we both really love [name]Finn[/name] (and have trouble finding another name we both really love), we basically have ruled it out for the past 7 months. It was only when we broached the subject with my husband’s mother this past weekend–and she was so delighted–that I began to contemplate using it despite its popularity here. And in general, began to contemplate that fascinating subject of why popularity of a name deters some parents from using it and others not in the least. I’d love to hear some of your thoughts on this topic.

In our case, the cons:

  • feel unoriginal, even sheepish to introduce our [name]Finlay[/name] to other Finns’ moms (I’m not close friends with any of these)
  • possibility of many Finns in this one’s classes. (suppose he could go by [name]Finlay[/name] there though)
  • wonder if it’s a ‘cop-out’. (this could be because I’m a writer and like to come up with original wording/phrasing?)


    • we both love the name
    • it is, after all, a family name of someone we want to honor, which somehow justifies it more?
    • according to the statistics [name]Finn[/name] isn’t yet as popular in the big picture as it seems to be here. And who knows where the future might take us (or all the other Finns on this island:). In fact country-wide statistics rate it it less popular than the name of our older son, [name]Wyatt[/name]. (we didn’t know any other Wyatts, here or otherwise, when he was born).

Thanks for any input, either on the subject of name popularity or on our case in particular. Our other son as mentioned is named [name]Wyatt[/name] [name]Patrick[/name] (My father’s name), if that’s of help for the larger naming picture. I also really like the name [name]Sawyer[/name], possibly more than [name]Finlay[/name], but husband is not yet sold on this name.

Great topic, SloppyArt! (Your user name makes me smile every single time I read it.)

For me, I’m more bothered (much more) by the popularity of girls’ names than I am of boys’ names. For example, I still love [name]Oliver[/name], [name]Edward[/name], and [name]Nathaniel[/name] despite their popularity, but if the girls’ names I love were that popular ([name]Annabelle[/name] is sadly getting there), I’m not sure I’d still be loving them.

For me, I guess I feel that when a name become overused, especially a girls’ name, it loses a chunk of its sophistication. I get tired of hearing it, so it no longer feels as sophistacted, elegant, charming…or whatever it was that attracted me to it in the first place.

I guess my take on the popularity of names is like eating candy, in that if I eat too much candy at once, it no longer tastes good, and may make me feel a bit queasy. So, instead of being excited to receive my 100th bag of gummy worms, for example, I instead simply couldn’t care less—and may feel so tired of gummy worms that I want to branch out and move on to a new candy. Likewise, when a name becomes too popular, it loses its appeal to me, and I’m ready to discover a new name.

[name]Edit[/name]: [name]Finley[/name] has meaning to you, and I think that’s more important than popularity, especially if you love the name.

Today’s blog sort of broaches the subject if you’re interested. :slight_smile:

Personally, while I’d prefer to steer clear of names in the top 25 or so, I think it’s important to take a name’s popularity with a grain of salt. For one thing, because the spectrum of names is so much broader now than it was in the past, today’s number one names are still shared by fewer babies than the number ones of many years ago. 18,587 baby girls born in the US last year are [name]Emma[/name] (the number one name); but for comparison sake, in 1950, the number one name was [name]Mary[/name] and it was shared by almost triple the number of babies born that became [name]Emma[/name] in 2008 (51,475 [name]Mary[/name]'s). By the time you get to the 20th name on the 2008 list ([name]Sarah[/name]), only 8,904 babies were bestowed with the name. So, perspective helps. In 2008, only 832 babies were named [name]Finn[/name]. Taking the statisticial license (is there such thing? :slight_smile: to assume (wrongly, for sure) that these Finns are evenly divided among the states, that’s bout 16 Finns per state. Surely still pretty original. :slight_smile:

The other thing is… many of the names that we see as today’s unique and original names are tomorrow’s popular names, so avoiding a name because of popularity could come back to bite you. I don’t necessarily see that as a bad thing: names get popular for a reason-- they’re likeable! Besides, at the end of the day-- as much of a name fanatic as I am-- a person should be judged by who they are, not by their names.

Finally, having a family connection absolutely is a good reason to choose a name in spite of (relative) popularity.

I adore [name]Finlay[/name]! It’s on our list (heh), even in spite of the rising popularity of [name]Finn[/name].

What an interesting reply, [name]Jill[/name]. [name]Candy[/name] is a great universal for comparison, too. I guess I wonder at what point “many gummy worms” become “too many gummy worms”–and I think the answer must differ wildly for people (and with many variables–in your case, a few girl gummy worms go a lot further than boy ones:)

I love the name [name]Oliver[/name] a lot too, so I’ll use that to ask: might it take a family member or frequent (weekly seen) family friend named [name]Oliver[/name] to deter you from using the name? Is it how often you say it, or hear it (or see it)? I know some people opt to use family names for their kids that they have heard all their lives… that is one form of frequency, different than generic popularity–but in both cases the name-er gummy worm-has been eaten a lot and still chosen over other, um, candies.


[name]Do[/name] some people hear a name like [name]Emma[/name] or [name]James[/name] and it sounds ‘fresh’ in an irresistable way to them? Does this depend on how many Emmas or [name]James[/name] are in their daily lives? Or does fresh or unique not the most important criteria in their choosing a name? (something like familiarity or comfortable-seeming might be).

Thanks, Jennyl, for breaking down the [name]Finn[/name] popularity for me in your thoughtful comments. I guess this little place in [name]Canada[/name] where I live just has a [name]Finn[/name] explosion higher than the norm. I’m off to read today’s blog now…

Thanks, Sloppy. :slight_smile: I’m glad you could relate to the candy analogy.

To answer your question, I think it’s a combination of many factors that turns my love of a name into a stomach ache caused by overuse. If it was a family member or a friend who shared the name, I think my feelings about the name would depend on how I felt about the person.

For me, now that I think about it, frequency is more about how often I hear the name. I was on a walk the other day, for example, and I kid you not when I say that I heard three different mothers in three different houses shouting out to daughters named [name]Ella[/name] playing outside. [name]Ella[/name], [name]Ella[/name], [name]Ella[/name]…It makes me not want to hear [name]Ella[/name] again for a while, if that makes sense. I guess it’s kind of how you feel about having so many Finns in your area.

I know I’ve reached my limit when I feel myself being repelled by the name. With the candy analogy, it’s a feeling I get where I can’t eat one more gummy worm.

Some names are more immune from gummy worm sickness than others for me, because some names have more staying power for me. I think that my “staying power” names are names I’ve loved since I was old enough to name my dolls, which was pretty young. Because I’ve loved these names for so long, like [name]Rose[/name], [name]Genevieve[/name], [name]Annabelle[/name], [name]Eliza[/name], [name]Henry[/name], etc., I have an emotional tie to them, and it’s harder for me to tire of them.

I have an emotional tie to [name]Sophia[/name]/[name]Sophie[/name] (it was an aunt’s name), but I simply heard it too much, and, well, I now have the gummy worm sickness. I didn’t hear it on family members or friends, but on children EVERYWHERE. I think it’s beautiful, though, and I’m hoping I someday recover and feel like using the beautiful name again.

To me, hearing a name on one family member or friend (such as an Uncle [name]Oliver[/name], a boyfriend [name]Oliver[/name], a neighbor [name]Oliver[/name], or a best friend [name]Oliver[/name]) is a lot different than hearing [name]Oliver[/name] on an infinite number of children, over and over and over. (This hasn’t happened to [name]Oliver[/name] yet, though.)
I don’t think I answered everything, so if I missed something, please let me know! :slight_smile:

I have posted about this before, so hope I don’t repeat too much, but I have the same problem as you, Sloppyart. I have at most 5 weeks, and we still cannot decide on a boy’s name, and popularity is definitely part of the problem. (My husband not agreeing to either of the names I propose is also a huge part of this problem!)

But back to what I’ve said before – we have a [name]Henry[/name] – I was very concerned with name popularity, but it was ranked 110 or so when we used it, and I only knew of one or two. Turns out, three of the four boys in his first daycare class were named [name]Henry[/name] – now, that is surely a bit of a fluke, but it just turned out that in our circles, [name]Henry[/name] is very popular. And as much as I didn’t want to choose a popular name, its been okay . . . the [name]Henry[/name]'s use their last names with their first names a lot (none that I know of use a nickname).

I really think that the most annoying thing about a super popular name is when its kind of new or made up - like [name]Jayden[/name] for instance. Its a name you may have never heard of your whole life, and then there’s two in every class. I think you’re less likely to be annoyed with a classic name like [name]Tom[/name] or [name]Michael[/name], for example. And [name]Finn[/name] sounds like that sort of name to me, just more Irish/Scottish than some in the states are used to (although I’ve certainly been hearing a few over the past 10 years or so).

But then, I have to ask myself how I feel about super-popular girls’ names, classic as they may be – I wouldn’t say they annoy me to hear – I just hate so much that they are so popular (thinking about [name]Emma[/name], [name]Hannah[/name], [name]Isabel[/name] for example). I would never consider one of those, so it may be that the popularity of girls’ names does bother me more than boys’ names – I’ll have to think harder about why that is.

[name]Hi[/name], SloppyArt! I can see where you may feel uncomfortable introducing your child to a roomful of other [name]Finn[/name]'s, but I sometimes have a hard time reconciling removing a name from my list because it is very popular. I have a very common name for my age group, [name]Lauren[/name], but it hasn’t ever bothered me that there are a bunch of [name]Lauren[/name]'s my age everywhere I go. My parents loved the name, and that is enough for me!

This is a bit of an aside, but it relates to the matter at hand, so I will indulge you. I actually have a [name]Findlay[/name] “[name]Fin[/name]” dog, and there was a [name]Finnigan[/name] “[name]Finn[/name]” in his puppy school - nobody seemed to realize that the two puppies had different names for the entire class, which is why I think it would be nice for you to call your son by his given full name instead of abbreviating to [name]Finn[/name]. Though I felt like I hadn’t been creative enough in naming my dog, I now realize that his name has special meaning to my family because he is actually named after a landmark. I don’t mean to compare pet naming to baby naming, but I’m just trying to give a point of reference.

Back to the actual subject, though, it depends on the name for me. If the name has some connotation that I particularly enjoy or if it is to honor family, I think popularity doesn’t matter. For instance, there are five [name]James[/name]’ in my family, and, even though the name is relatively common and plain, albeit popular, I wouldn’t hesitate to use it for that reason. Additionally, if there is something that connects me to a name, such as [name]Emma[/name] and [name]Charlotte[/name], both popular names for girls, being characters in [name]Jane[/name] [name]Austen[/name] novels or author names ([name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Bronte[/name]), or [name]Olivia[/name], being a character in [name]Shakespeare[/name]'s Twelfth [name]Night[/name], I wouldn’t hesitate to use them because 1) I love the classic elegance of the names and 2) they remind me of English literature, which I am quite fond of.

If the family connection (it is very sweet, really!) means something to you and your family, then I would go ahead and use the name despite the popularity of [name]Finlay[/name]. Your [name]Finn[/name] will have something the others don’t have - a secret connection to his grandmother’s maiden name that makes his name just that little bit more special and unique. Good luck!

Interesting discussion …

I am more particular about rarity in a girls’ name than in a boys’ name, but that’s probably because I grew up as a girl!

One of the things I always appreciated about my name was that it was uncommon. (BTW, my name’s not really [name]Deirdre[/name] …) I never had another girl in my class with the same name, as so many Jennifers, Jessicas, Heathers and Lisas did. I liked that, it was one of the ways I could feel distinct.

But that being said, there were a number of other reasons I liked my name. I liked its meaning. I liked the fact that it was also the name of an important and admirable figure in national and women’s history. I liked the fact that it had a bit of a royal connotation. So its relative rarity was just one of the things I liked about my name growing up (and still like). If I’d been named after a relative and had been shown how special that was by my parents, I’m sure I’d have liked that, too. ([name]Alas[/name], that was one distinction I did not have.)

So, my comment is that I see rarity as a virtue in a name mainly for the person who holds that name. But that being said, if a name is common but comes with other reasons for liking it, then that’s great, too.

We may care about the relative popularity of girls’ names versus boys’ names because this might just be the sort of thing that girls pay more attention to in this culture (I’m in the US). I’m not sure about that, so maybe ask some men who grew up with common names if it bothered them at all. However, my DH has a very rare name for a male, and he always hated it. He wants our kids to have names that are not so rare, though I don’t think he is urging us to choose the most popular names, either.

PS My sister has a pretty common name, but I never heard her complain about it for that reason. She complains that it’s difficult to pronounce, though.

Great topic! I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately. I work in early childhood education, so I see a lot of the “new” names come through. I’ve lost count of the number of [name]Aiden[/name]/Aidans, Sophias, Avas, Jacobs, etc that I’ve come across in the last 4 or 5 years. For this reason, I’ve always been sensitive to name popularity. I totally agree with the candy analogy, btw. I think the name [name]Aidan[/name] is really sweet, but I’ve got a toothache from having so many of them!

When my son was born we decided on the name [name]Tobias[/name], nn [name]Toby[/name]. I loved that it was not common, yet not unheard of, and easy to spell…my three top requirements in a name. I’m having a really hard time finding names that fit them as well as [name]Toby[/name] does. However, if there was a family name that I really loved…especially when it would give your mother in law such joy…I wouldn’t let it stop me.

By the way, [name]Deidre[/name] I’m DYING to know what your name is!

There are a few popular names I really like: [name]Ethan[/name], [name]Daniel[/name], [name]Joseph[/name], james, and [name]John[/name]; [name]Olivia[/name], [name]Chloe[/name], and [name]Sarah[/name] (well, without the h), in the top 20 for last year.

My own name is popular but peaked at 3rd 5 years before I was born, and was at 12 the year I was born. It is still in the top 200! When I think about how people are looking for a name, “preferably not in the top 1000” just how many little baby Karens have you met lately? NONE. 1,805 were born last year with my name, 8 more than were named [name]Violet[/name]. And the year my name was 12th, [name]Karen[/name] was as popular as the name [name]Emma[/name] was at #1 last year. Of course me and [name]Violet[/name], we’re going in different directions, and I accept that.

I don’t know that I place a lot of stock in how popular a name is. Of course, I would like to seem “original.” I think “original” sounds better to me than worrying about how many classmates they will have with the same name, if that makes any sense. Ideally want a name that people would wish they’d thought of if they ever heard of it, rather than a name you hear every now and then, just not in the neighborhood.

If I really like the way a name sounds, it is good, and if I don’t, it shouldn’t matter. It kind of does. Once in a while, I dreamed of having a name that was really cool and made me sound “cool” like other girls with a cool name (that no one else had). You know, sometimes you could feel ordinary, with ordinary life, and project some exciting coolness on someone else, like it must be their name or something, when you’re young. [name]Even[/name] still, sometimes I wished I was a [name]Jennifer[/name]. They had a popular name and they were popular. I always liked my name more than [name]Jennifer[/name], but you were set if you were a [name]Jen[/name].

So yeah, sometimes those feeling stick with you a long time after you get over it and accept your regular boring name, that’s popular but doesn’t make you popular. In the end I think I lucked out. I still like the sound of my own name, and don’t feel like it has an “image” of my socio-economic status and probable upbringing, or what I am probably like, and that’s important to me (I could be deluded). The thing I worry most about popular names is image - where is this name going after it peaks?

The name [name]Linda[/name] peaked in, well it was last #1 in 1952 and 40 years later, it was still in the top 200. Now it is below 500. I don’t think anyone minds the name’s image; it just went out of fashion. Names that were popular 10 or 20 years ago already sound like a different era. If I chose [name]Chloe[/name] next year, will it drop like a rock in 5 years? 20 years ago [name]Chloe[/name] sounded really “cool” and original (whereas [name]Isabella[/name] sounded really pretty but not “cool”) but if it’s so popular, what do people think of it now, merely nice? Catchy? One of the reasons I liked it seems to have vanished over time.

I like the name [name]Amber[/name], and most people have terrible associations with that name. If fewer people use it today, it would reasonably set your child apart in the classroom, and the other children wouldn’t have associations with that name - or maybe that’s their mom’s name or their aunt’s name. Maybe the teacher will not treat [name]Amber[/name] fairly because she went to school with an [name]Amber[/name] or 20. I still think it’s pretty to look at, free of any associations, it sounds sunny and warm and carefree, but unlikely for me to choose it. So if I chose a popular name today, I would want to know in what way will people think of the person with this name 5 or 10 and especially 25 years from now.

I don’t think most of the boys names I like have this problem at all, but I don’t know how boys feel about their names. I prefer the names I like by sound mostly and image, and they are long-lasting names that are unlikely to be diminished in popularity or image for a while. I guess my “[name]Amber[/name]” analog for boys would be [name]Zachary[/name]. I still like [name]Zachary[/name], but it sort of came and went before I got around to it, now “sounds dated.” Whatever that means. [name]Young[/name] [name]Zachary[/name]'s mom had a cell phone the size of a brick. I get it. It’s still at #47, so still reasonably popular, but I get it. My [name]Chloe[/name] analog for boys would be [name]Ethan[/name]. I’m surprised it took so long to be as popular as it is now, and is still popular… so when is it going to be a [name]Zachary[/name]?

I think the popularity of a name that still sounds good to you shouldn’t matter, except it kind of does. There’s nothing wrong with a popular name until it stops being popular, which could happen within your child’s first 20 years of life, but at least they will have company on the way down. I did.

If I didn’t have to worry about popularity, I would love different names. Like [name]Sophia[/name], [name]Olivia[/name], [name]Chloe[/name], [name]Ava[/name], [name]Hannah[/name], [name]Emily[/name], [name]Emma[/name], etc. for girls, and [name]Daniel[/name], [name]Jacob[/name], [name]Noah[/name], [name]Isaac[/name], etc. for boys. But, and that’s a major but, I wouldn’t want my child to have a super popular name. So I don’t usually recommend the super popular names for others unless I sense that they are looking for a popular name. Then I usually recommend [name]Olivia[/name] or [name]Daniel[/name] or [name]Isaac[/name]. [name]Every[/name] once in a while I recommend [name]Sophia[/name], but it seems like [name]Sophia[/name] is getting so popular that I’m going to stop suggesting it.
[name]Even[/name] though [name]William[/name], [name]Elizabeth[/name], [name]Anna[/name], and [name]Henry[/name] are really popular, I still highly recommend them because they are so classic.

In general I would prefer the name that I picked for my child not to be super popular.
The idea that they may be one of many in their class with the same name is something that worries me to some extent. I don’t really like the thought of their name having to be followed by our surname or the first initial of our surname.
However it is difficult with so many beautiful names being very popular.
I love the name [name]Olivia[/name] and have for many years. [name]Even[/name] though it is right up there in popularity I feel when the time comes I would not necessarily let this stop me from using it.

Such thoughtful replies. [name]Karen[/name], I have a name similar to yours–in that it used to be (1970s) popular and now you meet NO baby girls named that. In this sense you have what you’d call a “dated” name–although [name]Carrie[/name] (there, I’ve said it) was more common many, many decades ago too, with perhaps more sturdy (less ditzy?) associations. Anyway, I suppose given the uncertain span of a name’s popularity, the best thing to do is sit alone in a room, field, etc. with the name (with many names) and pretend you are writing/speaking it for the first time. Is that possible? I suppose the name [name]Finlay[/name] is useable for us because when I think of/see/say it the clean energy of it pleases me (I smile), as does the slight hint of a fish hidden in it (I’ve been a long distance swimmer, happiest in water)–and I don’t think of /see any of the other local Finns’ faces.

Like [name]Jill[/name], I am also much more affected by the popularity of girls names rather than boys. Not sure why that is.

For example, I have always loved the name [name]Christian[/name] and I would never hesitate to name my son that despite the popularity. If you love [name]Finn[/name] I would go for it.

I agree!

Sorry if I’m a little repetitive here, but I love this topic!

I’m a [name]Brittany[/name] from the 90s, and believe me, there were a LOT of Brittanys. I was always [name]Brittany[/name] B, never just [name]Brittany[/name] – in the 5th grade I had to be [name]Brittany[/name] ____ because there was another [name]Brittany[/name] B in my class. I was always in a sea of [name]Brittany[/name]/[name]Brittney[/name]/Britneys, and really, it never bothered me THAT much in school. It wasn’t super distinctive, but that was okay. I was a kid, if anything having a popular name was comforting - I fit in. In high school it wasn’t as cool, but in high school nothing your parents do could possibly be cool – haha :smiley:

But I had a friend growing up called [name]Selene[/name] - and she absolutely hated it. No one could pronounce it, she was teased and everyone always thought she was a foreigner. So I guess choosing an obscure name doesn’t necessarily mean your kid will love feeling unique and cool. She’s grown to appreciate her name, but it’s still a drag to have to explain how to spell and say her name every time she meets someone new.

In the end, my parents chose my name because they loved it, so who cares, really? I know this is dangerous to say on a name-lovers site (and I love names just as much as everyone else here – I’ve already got my kids’ names picked out lol), but in the end it’s just a name. If [name]Finn[/name] is what you love, go with it. He’ll be YOUR [name]Finn[/name], and that’s what matters :slight_smile:

Normally, I would say that I do not want to name my child a name in the top 100. However, this is because we chose the #1 name for our child - [name]Jacob[/name]. We did not know this when we chose the name though. That was in 2003. So now, every where we go, there is a [name]Jacob[/name]! We decided that our daughters would not have popular names.

Now, your situation is different. You are honoring your family’s name, and you are using [name]Finlay[/name], instead of [name]Finn[/name]. Yes, you may use [name]Finn[/name] as a nn, or you may not use a nn at all, or you may use something else. But I think you should go with what you feel is right, and not base it on what other moms are naming their boys in your area.
Good luck!

Sloppyart - I neglected to address the concern you have about this name, [name]Finlay[/name] ([name]Finn[/name]) in particular. I think what it has going for it is:

  • it is on the way up, not over-saturated yet by any means (by the looks of things, it may be by the end of the next decade - I speculate). Being on the trend up looks better than the way down.

  • it is a family name, so significant to you.

  • people like to hear it and they don’t think it’s weird, whereas if you try for a “unique” name, they might think you’re trying too hard – you know (I’ve heard) there are people outside this group who think the whole baby-naming thing is a world gone mad “lately.” There are people out there who don’t worry themselves over it, aren’t all-consumed with (gasp!) this faux tragedy of having to be called by your first name, last initial - at all.

Maybe we pour a lot more consideration into our choices, it’s not that we’re necessarily better than that. They love a name, they use it. Bam. Done. No worries.

  • it may not be as common as you fear

  • if it is as common as you fear in your locale, it’s still an attractive name. I also like [name]Aidan[/name] (without all the fussy alt-spellings), just for example, or [name]Matthew[/name] used to be one of my most favorite adorable handsome name ever. There’s no such thing as too many [name]Matthews[/name] or Matts as far as I’m concerned. It’s no longer in my top 10, give or take, but it has a lot of appeal or had a lot of appeal in recent decades, and that didn’t stop anyone.

  • I truly think in the scheme of things, this name is important to you via family meaning - that no matter what the rest of the world does, you have a reason that’s significant to you and your DH. Nobody else’s reasons for choosing the name that’s right for their children means less to them, even if it’s the same or similar name, but you are making a choice using reasons that are right for you.

To put it another way, I can’t think that something as trivial as popularity can deter you from using a name that has come to you with special circumstances and importance. Call me sentimental, but I think the family connection should take priority, and that you actually like the name itself should not be diminished, and how many other people name their children the same or similar for various reasons you find relatively trivial to your reasons shouldn’t matter in the least.

To put it yet another way, if you were personally concerned that the name was too far out there, but you still liked it a lot, and nobody else had the name, would you still want to use it? Would you care what people think?

Popularity is number one on our list of things to consider.

But the point raised by others is how valid- [name]How[/name] popular a name really is?
In NZ 50,000+ babies are born 356 [name]Sophie[/name]'s out of the whole of NZ the big thing for me is how many years it has been popular since 1999-2008 there has been 2998 [name]Sophie[/name]'s born so nearly 3 thousand which doesn’t seem many but when you work in early childhood or are just at the park/shop etc they crop up everywhere. In saying that years ago the most popular name was way more popular.

Sometimes its just luck of the draw that if you choose a popular name it will/won’t turn up in the child’s kindy, school and they will be one of 3.

My name is [name]Anna[/name], I had never meet very many of them, 2 my friends had younger sisters [name]Anna[/name] & [name]Annah[/name] until I got to my early childhood degree course and there was 3 of us.

At the end of the day [name]Finlay[/name] is so special to you I think you should go for it. Theres also Finlan & [name]Phineas[/name] if you choose to go with something different,