I second @Demoiselle!!
Thank you for all you do - it’s massively appreciated!
@Demoiselle @regionlatbest much love
I want to preface this by reiterating the above posts: I so appreciate all of the work you do to keep Nameberry going!
Unfortunately I’ve been having an issue with invisible ads the past few days – I click on a normal part of the site (a thread, like button, reply button, etc) and a pop-up window with an ad site opens like I’ve clicked on an ad. It’s an ad site for the same ads I do see on Nameberry, but I’m not clicking on those ads or anywhere near them when it opens. Thankfully it’s so far been mostly to a government site (advertising state health insurance), but I’m worried that I’ll unknowingly click on an invisible ad linked to a less safe site. It’s also making the website quite hard to use. I know there’s a lot going on with updates/tech/etc at the moment, but I just wanted to make sure this is on your radar.
I remember when names in a post used to get linked after five minutes, not seconds after it being posted. I am asking because today, I edited a post, and the names were not[name_f][/name_f] linked.
It’s been pretty usual for me for a while now that if I edit a post at all it undoes the hyperlinks. I have wondered if it was a fixable issue or not
I’ve been getting hundreds of notifications for Nice Reply badges without anybody liking my posts!
Here it shows 268 nice reply badges but no likes
ETA: Good Reply badges too, no other kinds of badges though
Has this happened to anybody else?
Yes I’ve been having it too! I think it’s old threads that have just been un-hidden or un-unlisted and so all of the badges from posts on those threads are coming up now that they “exist” again?
Ooh makes sense
I have no clue why this happened, but it happened to me as well! I just inquired and will let you know what I found out. Your theory sounds plausible! @EagleEyes
I’ve got a few badge notifications as well!
Me [name_f][/name_f]- I got three good reply badges and nine nice reply, making it a total of twelve!
Our suspicions were correct- old badges are being reissued as topics are being un-hidden. You may continue to get these notifications in the next few days- just ignore!
When I get more word of the status of hidden topics I’ll update you all as well. Thanks for hanging in there during all of this
i’m not sure if anyone else has this problem, but i seem unable to change the name of my lists
@raccoonbite[name_f][/name_f] I have that problem as well
Not sure if this has been happening to anyone else, but ever since this morning I’ve been getting giant ads covering a bunch of the forums
[name_f][/name_f]Like so:
They also cover the topics list at the bottom of the screen occasionally!!
The option to copy an above post in replies doesn’t show up anymore and no longer has an icon.