How to resolve name disagreement?

The hubs and I are having trouble finding agreement for baby #2. He was supposed to be in charge as I was in charge of baby #1, but I wasn’t excited about any of his top 10, so it seems like it is now ultimately my decision (“You’re the mother”).
*Has anyone ever been in a situation like this, and how did it resolve? Did one person just have to take the reins? Did you compromise and pick a name you both liked - but maybe no-one loved? Did you flip a coin?! (I have another post where I list our Top 7 for others to weigh in on: Top 7 - help us decide)


Hmmm…. since you originally agreed to let him pick number 2, and he did come up with ten names, maybe it’s worth another look at his list? maybe pick one and really think on it for a while. Or at least use his list as a starting point to suggest something else you both might like.

We kept going back and forth on what our picks were. Ultimately I would describe our compromise as him picking the full name and I picked the nickname. but, I also considered conceding to his other top choice and then claiming rights over the middle. the reason is because even though I am a lifelong name nerd, choosing something that my OH was excited about was very important to me (as long as I liked it too).

I forgot to add, if you’re really torn, have each of you make a “march madness” style name bracket and go through each name, advancing or eliminating your choices. This really helped us narrow down our choices in the beginning! but first you need a name list haha

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Thank you!

Here’s my other post with our Top 7 list: Top 7 - help us decide

I’d maybe ask him to make a longer list so you have more to work with, or suggest you make a list and have him pick his faves from that? So he’s still choosing, in a way, but you are too?