Start off by naming yourself and your spouse. Decide on your ages at the start of the game and what jobs you have, along with any other information you wish to fill out.
If you try to conceive, then roll the dice once. For life events, roll twice. Here is your dice:
1 You have G/G twins!
2 You don’t conceive this year. [name_m]Feel[/name_m] free to roll for a life event.
3 You have a boy!
4 You have B/G twins!
5 You have G/G/G triplets!
6 You have a girl!
7 You don’t conceive this year. [name_m]Feel[/name_m] free to roll for a life event.
8 You have B/B twins!
9 You don’t conceive this year, but get the chance to adopt a newborn. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] to determine the gender ([name_m]Even[/name_m]=Girl;Odd=Boy). You choose the name.
10 You have B/B/B triplets!
1-1 Someone in your family goes on a trip. Who is it and where do they go? [name_m]How[/name_m] long are they gone?
1-2 Your family throws a retirement party. Who is it for and how does it go?
1-3 You’re invited to go on a month long trip to three different countries for charity work. Where do you go?
1-4 You or someone in your family receives an award! Who is it and what is it for?
1-5 Someone in your family is having problems with school. What’s the problem and how do you solve it?
1-6 You or someone in your family decide to get a tattoo! What does the tattoo look like?
1-7 Someone you know is having a wedding and wants you to be a part of it! Who is it and what is the wedding like? What job do you end up taking on in the wedding?
1-8 Your work is downsizing and cuts your job. [name_m]How[/name_m] does that affect your family? [name_m]Roll[/name_m] the dice to see how many months it takes to find another job in your field.
1-9 You move to a different house in another city. What does it look like?
1-10 You decide to quit your current job and open up your own business. What business do you start? Is it successful?
2-1 Someone in your family is diagnosed with an illness. Who is it and what do they have? [name_f]Do[/name_f] they get better?
2-2 Your family plans a baby shower. Who is it for and how does it go?
2-3 Your or your spouse’s job asks for your family to uproot and move to a new city. [name_f]Do[/name_f] you accept the offer and leave everything behind? Or do you/your spouse choose to travel, spending long amounts of time away from family? [name_m]How[/name_m] does this change affect your family?
2-4 You or someone in your family takes up a new hobby. What is it?
2-5 Your family gets a dog! What type is it and what is its name?
2-6 You decide to write a short story. What type of story is it? Does it get published?
2-7 Someone in your family reveals a passion for music. Who is it and what are they doing to express this passion?
2-8 You or your spouse decides to go back to school for another degree. What degree and what changes does your family have to make to accommodate the new school schedule?
2-9 A flood causes you and your family to evacuate from your house. Where do you stay until you can return home?
2-10 You adopt an aquatic creature for a pet! What type is it and what do you get?
3-1 You decide to dye your hair! What colour do you choose and how does everyone react?
3-2 You or someone in your family takes a trip! Who is it and where do they go?
3-3 You or your spouse has to change jobs. What is the new job?
3-4 Your family needs a new car. What type do you get?
3-5 You find yourself unexpectedly pregnant with a baby girl! What is her name?
3-6 You and your family decide to take a vacation. Where do you go?
3-7 You or someone in your family is on the news. Who is it and what for?
3-8 You and your spouse decide to foster a child. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] the dice to determine gender ([name_m]Even[/name_m]=girl; Odd=boy), and add three to your youngest child’s age to determine the foster child’s age (if you have no kids yet, the child is 3). You choose the name.
3-9 Someone close to you has a baby! Who is it and what do they name the child?
3-10 Someone in your family competes in a competition and wins! Who is it and what was the competition?
4-1 You adopt a bunny! What type is it and what is its name?
4-2 You or someone in your family gets a small acting part in a show or a commercial. What is the show about/commercial for and how does it go?
4-3 Your spouse admits they’re under a lot of stress at work and they aren’t happy with your relationship either. They think you need a break. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] the dice to determine how things work out ([name_m]Even[/name_m]=they stay and work things out; Odd=they leave you). [name_m]How[/name_m] does this affect the family? If your spouse leaves you, you can roll to determine how many years it takes for you to find a new partner and marry. The event that year is your wedding. If the date extends beyond the 20 year time frame, the wedding falls on the very last year.
4-4 Someone in your family is recruited on the street by a modeling agency. Who is it and do they decide to pursue the career?
4-5 Someone you know passes away suddenly and leaves their 2 kids to you. You decide on genders and names. [name_m]How[/name_m] does this affect the family?
4-6 Someone close to you is getting married! Who is it and what is the wedding like?
4-7 Your spouse wants to take you for a vacation, just the two of you, without children if you have them. Where do they take you? If you happen to be single, you take yourself on a vacation with a friend.
4-8 Someone in your family is exceptionally intelligent and is placed in advanced classes at school. Who is it?
4-9 You adopt a reptile for a pet! What type is it and what is its name?
4-10 Someone you know pays you back a large sum of money that you loaned them a long time ago. It’s right around 5,000 units in your native currency. What do you do with the money?
5-1 Someone in your family shows a passion for cooking. [name_m]How[/name_m] do they express this passion?
5-2 You and your spouse decide to adopt a child. You decide the gender and the name, and how old the child is when it comes to live with you.
5-3 You find yourself unexpectedly pregnant with B/B twins! What do you name them?
5-4 You or someone in your family is in a serious car accident and has to stay in the hospital for a month to recover. [name_m]How[/name_m] does this affect the family?
5-5 You or your spouse gets promoted at work!
5-6 Someone you know just had a baby boy, and asks you to be their godparent! Who is it and what do they name him?
5-7 You decide to redo the interior design of your home. What changes do you make?
5-8 Someone you know is opening a clothing boutique and asks if you want to be a co-owner to help cover the costs. You get to help make important decisions for the boutique as a co-owner, so it sounds like a good deal. [name_f]Do[/name_f] you accept?
5-9 Your spouse passes away in an accident. [name_m]How[/name_m] does this affect the family? You can roll to determine how many years it takes for you to find a new partner and marry. The event that year is your wedding. If the date extends beyond the 20 year time frame, the wedding falls on the very last year.
5-10 One of your children has been having problems with a sibling at home or a classmate at school. [name_m]How[/name_m] do you solve this problem?
The rest of the events are on the second post!