I don't like any boy names

I struggle coming up with boy names because I really don’t like any. Some seem cute in the moment but then later I have no interest. I prefer traditional and vintage names for girls, but don’t really have the same interest when it comes to boy names. Actually I hate most vintage or traditional boy names, except for two. I consistently like [name_m]Alexander[/name_m] and sometimes like [name_m]Felix[/name_m]. At times I’ve liked names like [name_m]Alaric[/name_m], [name_m]Magnus[/name_m], or [name_m]Ronan[/name_m], but none of them stick with me for long. I just can’t seem to find a boy’s name that I would feel comfortable giving to my child.

Does anyone else feel this way? [name_m]How[/name_m] do you find something that you can live with calling your child for the rest of your days? And good go-to names for someone who just doesn’t like boy names?

I actually love boys names. There are so many handsome choices. It sounds like you lean toward names with international or unique flair. [name_m]How[/name_m] about:


Some of my favorites:

[name_m]Bennett[/name_m]-my son’s name

I feel your pain! There is literally one boys name that I can picture naming my son… [name_u]Jesse[/name_u]. DH has vetoed it for now so not sure what will happen if baby is a boy when he/she arrives next month.

Funny, I’m actually the opposite - I love way more boy names than girls’. I think the hard part for me is finding a girl’s name that isn’t too frilly, long, and/or popular, and is easy to write and pronounce. Also, I feel that almost every single girl name I like ends up becoming trendy. I also hate gender neutral names.

I struggle with boys names too. I just don’t love them as much, they’re just not as interesting to me as girls names and I rarely find new ones I really like. I tend to just go between the few i do like.

Of the ones you listed, [name_m]Felix[/name_m] is my favourite - it’s one of the boys names I really like. My other favourites are [name_u]Tristan[/name_u], [name_u]Arlo[/name_u] and [name_u]Beau[/name_u].

Some other suggestions based on the ones you listed:

Maybe you can go with something unisex or more feminine sounding? Like [name_u]Quinn[/name_u] or [name_m]Stellan[/name_m]?

Some lists you might like:

I think maybe it is the case that I might like a lot of unusual boy names even if I am firmly in the traditional/vintage realm for girls. It’s surprising, I suppose. I wonder if I would be a cool enough mom to pull off actually being able to give one of my boys (hope I have boys!) a cool unusual name. I wonder if he’d be strong enough to carry it with pride.

I struggle a lot with this too! I love tons of girl names & have many I would use in a second! While there are many boy names I like there are actually very few I would name my child (1-2). I think its because I love soft sounding names in general and am very feminine myself. I also find that I am attracted to names with certain sounds so if I love the girl version, I usually like the boy version too. I adore both [name_m]Gabriel[/name_m] & [name_f]Gabrielle[/name_f], for example.

In addition, I do also gravitate toward softer or romantic sounding boy names. There are a few harsher ones I like but that’s probably due to associations I have with them or their meanings. If you can find a name you like that honors someone special, has a great association, or has a lovely meaning maybe you can become more attached. Picturing a little boy with a certain name helps me too!

I go back and forth, sometimes I’m more into girl names, sometimes I’m more interested in boys names.

Look for boys names that may have a significant meaning for you instead of just the sound, or what kind of personality you’d imagine to be coupled with a name. Look at family names, a place name that has significance. Perhaps that could help you form more of a connection with a boy name.

My recommendation to you is [name_m]Ramsey[/name_m]. Try reading the responses to this post: each person gives their top 25 boy names :

I feel the same way with girl names. When it comes to boy names, they stem more from the music I like. It’s different with girl names as they seem to be more Welsh oriented. But for both genders, I like more uncommon names. I’m still not sure about girls names. I don’t know if any of the names I currently like would ever make it on a future daughter. I think it all depends on if I feel the way I do about this names when I actually have any daughters. I think a nice, uncommon name would be well enough for you to go for.


I feel the same the only name me and DH can agree on for a boy in [name_m]Elijah[/name_m], apart from that one of us always vitos and its normally me I almost think it will be easier if we only have girls as there are tons of names we love