I am re-reading my favourite old book and remembering how much I love the movie and I am trying to convince my husband that our baby I am growing should be named after The [name]Princess[/name] [name]Bride[/name]. If you haven’t read the book or watched this movie I am definitely about to start sounding mad.
So amongst jokingly suggesting Fezzick and [name]Buttercup[/name] I actually really, really like [name]Florin[/name]. It’s a place name in the book but I still really like it. I also love [name]Inigo[/name].
My husband however thinks pregnancy has stolen my wits. But really I think he should be thankful I am not trying to push for Humperdink (jks, that’s a horrible name).
So tell me: [name]Florin[/name]? Yes? No? I really love it. I like it’s meaning (flourishing/flower) and I like that it’s an established boys name and not too unheard of or hard to spell. My husband think it’s too girly. I don’t like macho boy names anyway but is it really ‘too girly?’.
[name]Inigo[/name]: my husband thinks this name is missing it’s ‘D’ and I tend to agree people will mishear and say “[name]Indigo[/name]” but I still really like this name. My only concern is we already have a son name ending in O ([name]Theo[/name]) and I feel to O ending names are too much. Are they too much?
[name]Florent[/name] is a very common French name for boys, so that might be more masculine than [name]Florin[/name], without being macho.
I went to school with a [name]Florine[/name], and she was a girl.
[name]Inigo[/name] is getting more popular and people will get used to it so I wouldn’t worry
I actually do like [name]Florin[/name] and [name]Inigo[/name]. What about [name]Westley[/name]? It’s a little more “normal,” so maybe you husband would go for it
I also love this book and my husband and I watched this movie on our second date! I also love [name]Inigo[/name] and have the same fears you do. We aren’t trying for children yet but I did try to convince him to engrave “As you wish” on the inside of this wedding band - he didn’t like that idea.
I think [name]Florin[/name] could work, I’m not a huge fan but it’s got potential.
I adore The [name]Princess[/name] [name]Bride[/name]! I agree that [name]Florin[/name] is a bit on the feminine side, though. Would you use a nickname? [name]Inigo[/name] is great. I think people are familiar enough with the character that they wouldn’t have too much trouble with it. And [name]Theo[/name] and [name]Inigo[/name] make an awesome sibset!
I like [name]Florin[/name] a lot, actually. And I think [name]Theo[/name] and [name]Florin[/name] are cute together. I think [name]Florian[/name] is lovely for a boy, too, and I find that more feminine than [name]Florin[/name]. I just saw the film recently (again), and am reminded of how much I love it. People get inspiration from anywhere–why not there? I definitely don’t think it’s crazy! But if your husband won’t go for it, I think something like [name]Max[/name] [name]Florin[/name] or [name]Max[/name] [name]Inigo[/name] would be safer on paper (and in real life), but still give you the fun association you love.
[name]Love[/name] this book! This post makes me want to read it again, if for no other reason than to find less commonly known names for you from it that might be acceptable to your husband. As for [name]Inigo[/name], I definitely think The [name]Princess[/name] [name]Bride[/name] (the movie) has made its way into the vernacular enough that people will know [name]Inigo[/name]. However, it may seem strange if you have no Spanish heritage.
[name]Florin[/name] definitely would be breaking new ground while sticking to sounds that are popular now, which is what most folks want to do and how new trends get started, so if you’re brave enough, I say go for it. However, you should know that the florin was a commonly known currency in [name]Italy[/name] and other European countries way back when (maybe around the 1200s or 1300s?). (Sidenote: Guilder, [name]Florin[/name]'s neighboring country in the book, was also a currency used way back when, but I think it was Dutch in origin.) If that currency connection doesn’t bother you, go for it!
I don’t think it’s crazy to name your child after a fictional character. Then again, I’m someone who has several names on my list that are inspired by or have connections to fictional characters.
I’m not a fan of [name]Florin[/name], but [name]Inigo[/name] is really cool.
[name]Florin[/name] is a very common boys name in Eastern Europe, so to me, it is all boy.
[name]Love[/name] [name]Inigo[/name]! Although I think it will likely be mispronounced to [name]Indigo[/name] oftern. That’s not a deal breaker for me though. DS is [name]Bram[/name] and he gets called [name]Graham[/name] all the time.
In the USA, [name]Florin[/name] would seem really girly I think. [name]Inigo[/name] would be cool, but he better love the [name]Princess[/name] [name]Bride[/name] as much as you do. I hear people quoting that movie all the time anyway and THAT line. I think if his name is [name]Inigo[/name] get ready for people to hear it and immediately blurt out or quote ALL the time “My name is [name]Inigo[/name] Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.” Seriously I knew people who used to say that line at least once a day.
[name]Wesley[/name]/[name]Westley[/name] is more usuable I think.
[name]Love[/name] that movie! [name]Florin[/name] seems more usable to me, since it’s a real name but isn’t automatically associated with the movie. When I hear [name]Inigo[/name], I automatically think of [name]Inigo[/name] Montoya’s famous line, but with [name]Florin[/name], that’s not the case. It doesn’t seem feminine to me, probably because of [name]Florian[/name].
Thank you all for the feedback and thoughts. I am so thankful so many of you know the film/book!
[name]September[/name] - I don’t think I like [name]Westley[/name], I’ve tried to but I really just feel like it a) doesn’t go with our other kids names and b) will always be misheard and mis-splet as [name]Wesley[/name]. I also find the [name]West[/name] at the front too … Western? haha [name]Even[/name] though I love his character and would love a son who followed me around saying ‘As you wish’.
geeknamezyo - I cannot think of a nm name for [name]Florin[/name] but since it’s only two syllables I am not too worried.
asthedreamer - my husband also likes [name]Florian[/name]. Which confuses me because he adamantly does not like [name]Florin[/name] and they are so similar. I also think that [name]Florian[/name] is the more feminine of the two with an extra sort of flourish at the end.
emilyva - we live in Australia and I am not really sure how [name]Florin[/name] would be taken since I’ve never met one. I did post on facebook asking about naming our baby after the princess bride and everyone was positive about [name]Florin[/name] and I didn’t have to explain I meant it for a boy.
amers911 - teasing is not high on the list of my worries (we homeschool) but it’s a good point to bring up because I bet he’d get that quoted back to him all the time and that might get annoying. I did consider [name]Max[/name] but it really isn’t for us. [name]Even[/name] though I love [name]Miracle[/name] [name]Man[/name] (and his witch, haha).
maggiefromcanada - I think you’re so right about it not being SO associated with the movie rather than [name]Inigo[/name] which has The [name]Princess[/name] [name]Bride[/name] come to mind as soon as you hear it (if you’ve read/seen it). I don’t see [name]Florin[/name] as feminine either but husbands are strange!
LOL, as soon as I read the title of this thread I thought it would be you G!
I actually quite like [name]Florin[/name], and its goes well with [name]Priya[/name] & [name]Theo[/name]. [name]Inigo[/name] I also like, but agree that two “O” endings might be a little much; some of my favourite boys names end in “O”, but we’ve already used [name]Leo[/name].
[name]Inigo[/name] has long been one of my favorite boys’ names. However, I do think people will always mishear it, not being familiar with the name, and say, [name]Indigo[/name]? Or they might pronounce it in-EE-go or something, rather than IN-ih-go. The name might be getting a bit more common, but I really don’t think it will become familiar anytime soon.
Not big on [name]Florin[/name], though I [name]ADORE[/name] [name]Florian[/name]. I know it’s more common in Germany, but at least here in the US, I think people generally have never heard the name and will assume it’s a girl. Likewise, I fear people will assume [name]Florin[/name] is a girl, if only because it’s floral-sounding.
catheyc - thanks for your insight to the currency association with the name [name]Florin[/name]. I didn’t know that! So I googled and I found that the [name]Florin[/name] was actually an Australian coin until 1966. Since we’re Australian this will probably be the association people have. In fact, it made me even fonder of the name because it had all the Australian mint details on the wiki page with the coins and my dads apprenticeship was with the Australian mint.
rin - haha, yes, this post has me written all over it! better watch what I say elsewhere on the internet because someone is always watching thanks for your thoughts. I too think it goes well with [name]Priya[/name], [name]Theo[/name] & [name]Florin[/name]. And I love [name]Leo[/name] too… but [name]Leo[/name] and [name]Theo[/name] really ARE too much
palejewel - see, my problem with [name]Florian[/name] (which I think is a lovely name) is that it loses it’s princess bride reference and to me, seems more feminine. I think the added little ‘a’ makes it seem more fancy and less boyish but it must just be me since my husband agrees with you!