See the results of this poll: Which is your favourite?
Respondents: 91 (This poll is closed)
- Harlan : 20 (22%)
- Lennox : 23 (25%)
- Otto : 18 (20%)
- Rafferty: 30 (33%)
Respondents: 91 (This poll is closed)
I’m having a hard time choosing between [name]Otto[/name] and [name]Rafferty[/name]. I like them equally, but with brother [name]Emrys[/name] and surname [name]Morgan[/name], I think [name]Rafferty[/name] would be best. I just think it looks the best with [name]Emrys[/name] (sharing a couple of the same letters, but nowhere near matchy) and I syllable wise, I like the sound of [name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Morgan[/name] best.
I do really like [name]Otto[/name] and [name]Emrys[/name] together, but the match is a little off for me. [name]Otto[/name] seems so studily classic and old-man-ish, whilst [name]Rafferty[/name] seems old yet more renewed, like [name]Emrys[/name].
I don’t know why I don’t like [name]Lennox[/name]. I just can’t really imagine anyone with it as a first name, although I normally don’t mind surname names. [name]Emrys[/name] and [name]Lennox[/name] [name]Morgan[/name] sound good together, don’t get me wrong, but I just don’t like it. I’m not a huge fan of [name]Harlan[/name] either, which is probably why I ruled that out too.
If you’re going with such a Welsh historical name as [name]Emrys[/name], I’m not sure I like any of your four for a sibling. [name]Emrys[/name] is such a loaded name – [name]Otto[/name], [name]Rafferty[/name], [name]Harlan[/name], and [name]Lennox[/name] just don’t compete, although [name]Lenox[/name], as in the [name]Earl[/name] of, gets close, I guess. Honestly, I would go with [name]David[/name] – the patron saint of [name]Wales[/name] – or [name]Hugh[/name] – or [name]Gwilym[/name] – or Owein, as in Owein Glendower…
I like all of them, [name]Laura[/name]! And I like how they’re all different, especially with your girls’ name ideas! Hm. I’ll just order them, then. I love [name]Harlan[/name] with [name]Emrys[/name], but considering [name]Morgan[/name] as the surname, I’m listing it as (1) [name]Otto[/name], (2) [name]Rafferty[/name], (3) [name]Harlan[/name], and (4) [name]Lennox[/name] - because the “[name]Emrys[/name] and [name]Lennox[/name]” thing, sound wise, still bugs me…
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I voted for [name]Lennox[/name], just because I think it sounds so cool! I also like [name]Rafferty[/name], but I think [name]Lennox[/name] sounds great with [name]Emrys[/name].
I absolutely love [name]Lennox[/name]! Such a cool choice and I think [name]Emrys[/name] and [name]Lennox[/name] look really cute together. My problem is that when I say them together they sound quite similar structure-wise–both two syllables, both have the soft “E” sound at the beginning, and the “S” and “X” endings have a slithery sort of sound to them. If it doesn’t bother you, that would get my vote 100%, but as it is I voted for [name]Harlan[/name]. I love [name]Rafferty[/name] just as much, though!
I want to like [name]Otto[/name] but I can only think of this severe, horrid Nazi in this series of books I read once. It turned out that he had this harsh persona to hide the fact that he was helping Jews escape the Nazi regime, but he was just so awful in the first few books that I can’t seem to see the name in a positive light. I do think [name]Otto[/name] would make for a nice MN, though.
Of course I knew that [name]Dewi[/name] and [name]Huw[/name] were the correct Welsh forms, but didn’t realise you were in [name]Wales[/name]. Obviously, with the last name [name]Owen[/name], I am of Welsh descent as well…I do like [name]Lenox[/name] the best, but prefer the old Scottish spelling.
What about [name]Colm[/name]/[name]Malcolm[/name] to honour your Scots heritage? St [name]Columba[/name] being one of the most important saints of [name]Scotland[/name]. [name]Emrys[/name] and [name]Colm[/name] goes really well.
I really like [name]Geraint[/name] too, probably because I know two who are terrific guys. [name]Emrys[/name] and [name]Gawain[/name] would be cool, along with [name]Taliesin[/name], if you wanted to keep the Arthurian trend.
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I forgot about [name]Sullivan[/name] being on your and [name]Ryan[/name]'s list, [name]Laura[/name], and I love it with [name]Emrys[/name]. I know you guys slightly prefer [name]Rafferty[/name], or at least you do (I’d call him [name]Rafe[/name]!), but [name]Emrys[/name] and [name]Sullivan[/name] feel really natural as a set in my opinion. [name]Even[/name] though I still have a soft spot for [name]Rafferty[/name], and I love [name]Otto[/name] for you…
I’m no help at all.
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I say [name]Lennox[/name] like you do. I didn’t even realize that you could say it otherwise. Guess my brain works best in British English, lol I think [name]Emrys[/name], [name]Lennox[/name], [name]Sullivan[/name] and [name]Rafferty[/name] are great together, they are my favourites from your boy names’ list. [name]Otto[/name] is sweet too but feels a bit different from the rest:)
Well, based on that post, [name]Laura[/name], [name]Harlan[/name] seems like the most natural option. I love [name]Harlan[/name], really, and I think he has a cool old world classic feel, a la [name]Harley[/name]. He’s a bit Southern, but don’t tell [name]Ryan[/name] that! [name]Harlan[/name] [name]Morgan[/name] doesn’t bother me that much, not as much as something like [name]Rowan[/name] [name]Morgan[/name] or, God forbid, [name]Lauren[/name] [name]Morgan[/name]! I also really like [name]Harlan[/name] with your girls’ names. [name]Claudie[/name] and [name]Harlan[/name] is great, but [name]Penelope[/name] and [name]Harlan[/name] is just fabulous! In fact, if you could find a combination with the same melody as [name]Harlan[/name] [name]Rafferty[/name] Braith [name]Morgan[/name], I think you would have a total winner!
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Okay, here goes!
[name]Harlan[/name] [name]Samuel[/name] Braith
[name]Harlan[/name] [name]Samuel[/name] [name]Tudor[/name]
[name]Harlan[/name] [name]Samuel[/name] [name]Cai[/name]
[name]Harlan[/name] [name]Gregory[/name] [name]Lloyd[/name]
[name]Harlan[/name] [name]Gregory[/name] [name]Tudor[/name]
[name]Harlan[/name] [name]Gregor[/name] [name]Taliesin[/name]
[name]Harlan[/name] [name]Gregor[/name] [name]Lloyd[/name]
[name]Harlan[/name] [name]Julius[/name] Braith
[name]Harlan[/name] [name]Julius[/name] [name]Arthur[/name]
[name]Harlan[/name] [name]Robert[/name] [name]Lloyd[/name]
[name]Harlan[/name] [name]Robert[/name] [name]Llewelyn[/name]
[name]Harlan[/name] [name]Robert[/name] Hywel
[name]Harlan[/name] [name]August[/name] Osian
My pick would be [name]Harlan[/name] [name]Samuel[/name] Braith, [name]Harlan[/name] [name]Samuel[/name] [name]Tudor[/name], [name]Harlan[/name] [name]Julius[/name] Braith, or [name]Harlan[/name] [name]Robert[/name] [name]Llewelyn[/name]. With [name]Emrys[/name] [name]William[/name] [name]North[/name], I’m rather attracted to [name]Harlan[/name] [name]Samuel[/name] [name]Tudor[/name] or [name]Harlan[/name] [name]Robert[/name] [name]Llewelyn[/name], to be honest.
Huh! Well, I think I say [name]Lennox[/name] more like you–LEH-nux. Possibly due to the (probably bad) English accent I talk in at work all day? (When you work in fast food, you definitely need something to keep things interesting! haha) My problem wasn’t so much with the consonant sounds, but also the similar-ish vowel sounds–the soft "E"s in the first syllable of both, and the softer “ih/uh” sound in the second syllable. I mean, [name]Emrys[/name] and [name]Lennox[/name] are definitely better than [name]Emrys[/name] and [name]Prentiss[/name] or something, lol, but I still noticed it right away. They have a similar cadence to me. But if it doesn’t bother you, then by all means, use it! I absolutely love [name]Lennox[/name] and would love to see it used.
And yeah, haha, that [name]Otto[/name] wasn’t the best. I am not sure the books are even in print anymore, though, so if you haven’t read them I doubt it would be of major concern!
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When I first saw you’d chosen [name]Emrys[/name], all I could think of was… [name]Merlin[/name]! But I see you’re not planning on going down the Arthurian route, so let’s move on.
As I was in Arthurian-mode for a little while I found it hard to pick a favourite from your list. They are all so different from each other and from [name]Emrys[/name]. I think my list would be:
I think that’s because [name]Lennox[/name] and [name]Otto[/name] are not my style, whereas the other two I’d use. I guess that’s just personal preference though.