Is the name John not masculine for a little girl. My brother and his girlfriend are having a baby and the girlfriend really loves the name, John. Plus it’s a family name on both sides. I and my sister think it’s masculine for a girl. They haven’t found out the gender yet. But girlfriend wants John to be the name regardless of gender. So is it to masculine?
(Edited for grammatical error)
[name_u]John[/name_u] is singlehandedly the most masculine name out there. I knew a girl called [name_u]Johnnie[/name_u] and she absolutely hates her name and goes by her middle name.
It’s so commonly used on boys and has been for a long time, but then again, so has [name_u]James[/name_u] and that’s been used on a girl. It’s not my favourite but whatever floats their boat I guess. [name_u]Jonni[/name_u] is kind of cute on a girl
I personally don’t like the name regardless of gender, but I don’t think it would be wrong to give it to a little girl if they want to. In my opinion, no name is inherently masculine or feminine, they’re all just made up words basically. The only thing that dictates which gender you “can” or “can’t” use a name on is tradition, but just because something has always been a certain way doesn’t mean it should or has to be that way. As someone else pointed out [name_u]James[/name_u] has always been one of the most common boy names and now it is very popular on girls. Same goes for [name_u]Billie[/name_u], [name_u]Bobby[/name_u], [name_u]Freddie[/name_u], Frankie…
I actually sometimes really like unisex names for girls, but it depends. Personally, I think [name_u]John[/name_u] is very boyish sounding, sorry. I always thought [name_m]Jonny[/name_m] (John-ee) would be cute for a girl though. There’s also [name_f]Jonquil[/name_f] which is pretty.
A few of the unisex names I like on girls include [name_u]Arden[/name_u], [name_f]Arwen[/name_f] and [name_u]Campbell[/name_u]. They sound nice on a girl to me.
I’d avoid using [name_u]John[/name_u] on a girl. She’d have to face lots of uncomfortable situations easily avoidable. If the name is so important for the mother, I guess using [name_u]John[/name_u] as a first or second middle is ok but [name_u]John[/name_u] has so many different and beautiful variations for girls that I think there’s no need of using this form for a baby girl.
[name_f]Jane[/name_f] itself is lovely and shares the feeling of [name_u]John[/name_u].
Thank ya’ll for all the fabulous name suggestions. We have tired to bring all these point up but they don’t want to listen. Which we can’t make them obviously. And of course it’s not our child we can’t make these decisions for them. The two are on the younger side (both 20) so I feel they may regret this later. We tired to tell the girlfriend if you use the name now you might not be able to use it later (like on a future son). But alas I think the shock and excitement of being pregnant will wear off soon and they will come to some form of reality.
I myself would not use it but it’s up to the parents! Also, I have known two women (both from the boomer generation) named Johnny—one with that spelling and the other [name_u]Jonni[/name_u]. The former was named for her father, the latter, I don’t know.
Honestly I feel like this post is kind of rude. Asking for opinions is one thing, but just because someone is younger than you are, or are excited about being pregnant (shouldn’t everyone be?) doesn’t mean they will regret the name they like. And anyone of any age can have name regret later, I mean we see it on here all the time, but most people don’t. And just because you don’t agree with a name doesn’t mean it’s a bad name that you have to warn them about and tell them that they’ll regret it. If I found out my sister or brother went online behind my back to complain about the name I chose for my baby I would feel very hurt and betrayed. As you said, it’s not your baby and not your choice, so unless they specifically ask, you should probably stop giving them your opinion about the name. I think most people agree that negative opinions on the names we love are usually unwanted and a main reason why many people don’t even share their baby’s name until after birth.