Is Kimberly a dated name?

Is the name [name]Kimberly[/name] considered outdated?

hmmm… I know a lot of [name]Kimberly[/name]'s who are in their 20’s, but it seems like a name that would still be considered usable!

I think its pretty for a little girl and ages well, I wouldn’t be surprised if it came back into popularity in a few years!

I have a friend named [name]Kimberly[/name], she is in her late 20’s. It does seem a bit dated to me, but not in a bad way at all. I was actually thinking I like it a lot but probably can’t use it. She isn’t a best friend, so I wouldn’t name my kid after her, so if I used it, might just be weird. But I agree with the previous poster, it is pretty and ages well in my opinion.

I feel that it’s a little dated - however, it’s still in the Top 100 here in [name]California[/name], so apparently a lot of people here don’t agree!

[name]Kimberly[/name] is very dated. It screams 1970s to me. I have two aunts with this name.

I have an elementary-school-aged cousin with this name. It works fine for her.

Yep, totally screams 70’s-80’s to me, too. Plus it just seems like a [name]Rod[/name]-Stewarts-ex-wife kind of name - you know, layered blond hair and a pout. Sorry. :frowning:

It tends to sound a bit outdated, but I still like it. It had a very long period of popularity from the 60s-80s. It’s still in the top 100 in some states.

I do not think so. It is my moms name and I personally love it. I hate when people call a name dated anyway. I rather meet a little [name]Kimberly[/name] than another [name]Kaylee[/name], [name]Maddie[/name] or [name]Isabelle[/name]/a.

It’s pretty dated to my ears. I don’t personally know of a [name]Kimberly[/name] under my own age (19), and I’d be surprised to meet a little girl named that today.

Yeah, it is a bit “[name]Lauren[/name]” era. BUT it is a great name that would blend in with the [name]Avery[/name], [name]Ellery[/name], Amberley and [name]Everly[/name] girls of this era.

Ryiane; totally agree, I’m sick of Maddies and Addies!

Can we bring back [name]Laurens[/name] and Kimberlys?

I think it’s very dated. Most of the Kims I know are in their 30s.

It’s funny you mention that because I was looking the other day at how California still has so many 90s name in their top 100 - Amanda, Jessica, Stephanie, Kimberly, Valerie, Nicole, Michelle, Jennifer (!)… wonder why that is.

Yes, it’s dated. It’s a nice name though. I know someone named just [name]Kimber[/name] which seems more modern to me.

Oh yeah! Very dated.

Well, I have an Aunt [name]Kim/name and a childhood friend was named [name]Kimberly[/name] (goes by [name]Kim[/name] now). So, one was born in the 50s, the other in the 70s. It is a refreshing name. All the other names that end in “lee” are so overused!
[name]Kim[/name] Kardashian pulls it off, and her family are quite popular (for some reason)

I have no idea! I know a baby [name]Jennifer[/name] (named for her grandmother [!!] as a matter of fact), but I’ve never heard any of the others on anyone under 15 here. It’s strange to me since I live in what would be considered a “hip” neighborhood in one of the larger cities, and it seems like every little girl I meet is a [name]Stella[/name], [name]Charlotte[/name], [name]Violet[/name] or [name]Zoe[/name]. Gotta say though, I’d rather see [name]Jennifer[/name], [name]Jessica[/name] or [name]Valerie[/name] than yet another [name]Maddie[/name] or [name]Ellie[/name] (which seems to be the name of [name]EVERY[/name] suburban kid, haha).

I personally do not care for [name]Kimberly[/name] but [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Kimber[/name]. Ok Ok now that it is spelled out I like [name]Kimberly[/name] it’s [name]Kim[/name] and [name]Kimmy[/name] I think is an outdated 90’s name. Not for a littel girl

Many may consider it dated, yes. But as others have pointed out, this means it’s underused on today’s children, which can be a good thing. In my opinion, [name]Kimberly[/name] could mesh well with the newer pack of k-names but stand out more than something like [name]Kaylee[/name] or [name]Kaiden[/name].

I think it is a very pretty name, but it does sound dated (circa 1970s). However, bring it back if you love it! I know a woman named [name]Kimberlin[/name]. That sounds fresher to me.