Is Kimberly a dated name?

I know one adorable little 3-year-old [name]Kimberly[/name], but the name definitely feels dated to me. Usable, but kind of a “mom name.” ([name]Just[/name] like how I know several women my age named [name]Nancy[/name], but I would probably expect someone with that name to be a generation older.)

I definitely find it dated. I grew up in the 80’s and it was hugely popular. It sort of falls into the [name]Jennifer[/name], [name]Lauren[/name] sort of category for me. Fine names but I automatically think 80’s.

I like the name, even though I associate it with the 70’s and 80’s. I like the nickname [name]Kimber[/name] much better than [name]Kimmy[/name] or [name]Kim[/name].

[name]Kimberly[/name] is deffinetly dated, at least to me. I get a vibe of the seventies or eighties, and I strongly dislike the nickname [name]Kimi[/name]. [name]One[/name] of my old friends (who I no longer spend time with) was named [name]Kimberly[/name], and she insisted she go by [name]Kimi[/name]. I found her extremely spoiled and self-centered, so that also affects how I view the name. But overall: yes, it’s dated.

  • [name]Athena[/name]

[name]Kimberly[/name] still shows up on Top 100 lists, which boggles my mind because the first Kimberlys that were born in the '60s are starting to become grandmothers. I think it can still work as long as you call her [name]Kimberly[/name] and not [name]Kim[/name] (which is very much a middle-aged name).

I think it might also work well as middle name these days.

My daughter had a girl on her soccer team named [name]Kimberly[/name] (I never heard her referred to as [name]Kim[/name] or [name]Kimmy[/name]). She’s around 6years old.

It feels dated to me, but that’s never stopped me from considering a name. Plus the Kardassian connection might revive the name & give it a new image.

I’m in the UK and to me its a name that I would imagine someone in their 20s or 30s would have. However, I think its very pretty and I think it may come back into popularity in the next decade or so.
A friend of mine just used it as a middle name for their baby daughter. I would consider using it, I think its very sweet.


Maybe it’s because I have two aunts named [name]Kimberly[/name], but I find the name to be very 1970s. It really isn’t an attractive name at all in my opinion.

[name]How[/name] about Kimbra?

[name]Kimberly[/name] isn’t unusable to me, but I know a lot of 40 year old Kims…

[name]Kimberly[/name] peaked in the 60s and 70s, which does make it a dated name; however, the -ley/ly ending means that it sounds more modern than some of its contemporaries ([name]Dawn[/name], [name]Gina[/name], [name]Denise[/name], and [name]Lori[/name] all had similar peaks to [name]Kimberly[/name], [name]Amy[/name], and [name]Michelle[/name], but the latter three have a lot in common with today’s most popular names, so they sound a little less dated- initial letters K/M/A; ends in -ly or ‘ee’ or -elle/ella, to begin with). The full ‘[name]Kimberly[/name]’ sounds less dated than [name]Kim[/name] or [name]Kimmy[/name].

I like [name]Kimber[/name]. But I love the nn, [name]Kimi[/name]. Mostly because I love Rugrats!!! hehe

I consider it very dated, very '80s to me.

I think it’s very dated and I personally don’t find the sound pretty. Sorry! On top of it, it still ranks at #67(!) in the US, so it’s still very popular and not exactly rare.

Lots of 80’s and 90’s names are still popular because non-name lovers would still use them with no hesitation. But those names are not mentioned often here. I guess that is the difference between general public and the berries. lol

I would definitely say it is outdated. Reminiscent of the 80s.

Smush [name]Harper[/name], [name]Waverly[/name], [name]Belle[/name] and [name]Kiera[/name] and what do you have? [name]Kimberly[/name].

I had a cousin born in 1957 who was named [name]Kimberly[/name] [name]Bryce[/name], and back then this caused an uproar. If I remember the stories correctly, she couldn’t be baptized because of it…

dated! Very much so a 70’s name along with [name]Tracy[/name] and [name]Stephanie[/name]…makes me think of [name]Kimmy[/name] Gibbler.

I quite like [name]Kimberley[/name]. I like spelling it Kymberlie but that’s just me being “trehndeigh” lol!

I also like [name]Kimia[/name]! :slight_smile: