I have a friend named [name]Kimberley[/name] (it looks wrong spelt [name]Kimberly[/name]). I don’t think it’s dated. I’d much prefer to hear of a new [name]Kim[/name] being born than another [name]Sophia[/name] or [name]Isabella[/name].
I think it’s very pretty. I haven’t heard it on a little girl for a long time.
Yes, very, and rather ‘chavy’ in [name]England[/name].
It seems dated to me. Probably because all of the Kimberlys I know are mid to late 20s. I feel like it is very 80s 90s and does not have the classic feel like [name]Jessica[/name] for example that was popular around the same time.
I think it’s a bit dated, but I really like this name.
It is a 70’s-80’s name to me. I am surprised that it is still in the top 100. It isn’t a bad name though.